Match Stats
5 6
Match Date Sun, Dec 17 2023 at 7:08 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, Capture The Tree 3.3, Snowy scoreboard, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib, TheDanes Xmas v2 Map Name duku ! (nw)
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats and forum now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Seasonal maps are shown in green font.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: The_Shadow, Fart, Richie$Rich, Vic, Player17, One

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
bg d (312th ) 696 7 1 8 7 3 33 13
no joustmas (1266th ) 485 2 3 4 8 1 12 5
it arLes (855th ) 325 16 2 16 1 2 4 9
cl Piter (6144th ) 320 1 2 12 5
pt Guron (4302nd ) 291 6 1 7 17 12
Zla026 (2906th ) 206 5 1 5 1 5 3 1 4
de Snatchha (4740th ) 205 6 1 7 2 1 3 7
de Siurek (9145th ) 96 5 1
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 60 4 1 5 1 1 1
ae mad_max (4793rd ) 54 3 2 4 1 1 2 1
us X-Cellerator (4802nd ) 46 2 2
za Oscar (3189th ) 42 3 1
us mythx (2233rd ) 35 1 2
be /// (1633rd ) 24
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 4
de PIayer13 (4581st )
br ShakeYourAssSucker (11527th )
Totals 5 2889 49 14 58 1 27 9 5 94 59
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl have_a_cigar (108th ) 468 6 4 10 5 1 21 15
es iMzZ (687th ) 421 3 3 1 2 19 9
se BRUNO (3683rd ) 306 35 11 41 4 5 2
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 227 2 8 4
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 214 8 2 10 3 6 3
us Vermin (4738th ) 176 13 6 18 3 1 1 2 2
si [AcAi].Fuer$^ (1251st ) 131 3 3 6 5 1 1 2
se effibrie (217th ) 111 5 2 7 4
ru VICTUS (8438th ) 92 1 1 2 3 8
us Blasus (17053rd ) 24
Totals 6 2170 71 32 97 1 26 5 6 60 45

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
bg d (312th )32:1869628928911871.0113.3000:18
no joustmas (1266th )24:0548526626614964.1014.1500:10
it arLes (855th )22:15325221222118165.1039.1800:12
cl Piter (6144th )24:4832066666633.302.2000:19
pt Guron (4302nd )23:4629110510511447.9510.2500:13
Zla026 (2906th )20:56206110111109150.2312.5400:12
de Snatchha (4740th )31:3620510410418436.6214.8700:11
de Siurek (9145th )14:029648485347.5210.1500:17
cl Asd^ (4041st )10:076035355041.186.5000:13
ae mad_max (4793rd )04:5954882822.221.9800:11
us X-Cellerator (4802nd )16:52464445100130.829.7600:11
za Oscar (3189th )04:124215152438.4610.7500:11
us mythx (2233rd )03:383513131940.635.1100:12
be /// (1633rd )02:542420202050.0012.2400:09
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )10:10444257.156.6701:28
de PIayer13 (4581st )00:460100:48
br ShakeYourAssSucker (11527th )00:530100:58
Totals5 (2889)1348135111793038.029.9800:22
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl have_a_cigar (108th )32:4546822222213362.5417.3400:16
es iMzZ (687th )27:3942122422415259.5732.0000:11
se BRUNO (3683rd )32:4530613713720240.4116.2600:10
be SonOfSam (1991st )22:4422713113112551.1713.1300:11
nl Tosquiojo (4390th )32:45214122123185139.8110.9200:11
us Vermin (4738th )32:451769597193233.229.5700:11
si [AcAi].Fuer$^ (1251st )14:0713189897255.2821.0700:12
se effibrie (217th )08:59111888964157.7918.1600:09
ru VICTUS (8438th )32:4592515115424.883.6000:14
us Blasus (17053rd )13:382424247911.772.8000:13
Totals6 (2170)1183118713594043.6414.4900:12

Kills Match Up
bg d (312th )      3  11 5      243251262142299306
no joustmas (1266th )      5    17      223635312132993613
it arLes (855th )   1  1    8      273234311123992314
cl Piter (6144th )         3 2      311825182453
pt Guron (4302nd )      1  7 5      11718881810 93
Zla026 (2906th )  24 217  28 3    12147699 31211
de Snatchha (4740th )   1  1  3 2      710168111358163
de Siurek (9145th )           4      157376 528
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 2  610 3    1  11 1 2 311 3 
ae mad_max (4793rd )                  1 11 12 2 
us X-Cellerator (4802nd )  2122 7   1   3  322434 613
za Oscar (3189th )                  241  41 3 
us mythx (2233rd )      1           1122 31 2 
be /// (1633rd )                  233 11 226
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )           1               3
de PIayer13 (4581st )                            
br ShakeYourAssSucker (11527th )                            
pl have_a_cigar (108th ) 242128823144425845335      221 2  
es iMzZ (687th ) 1837303202122664157234      21  5  
se BRUNO (3683rd ) 14169161562992131232      8  1  
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 919225719126 26 543      11  1  
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 512844121094 6  11  135511133 7 
us Vermin (4738th ) 1812610114167  421 1     142    
si [AcAi].Fuer$^ (1251st ) 1110251519 510 81        12     
se effibrie (217th ) 16845 101110  5  4  13  1 4 116
ru VICTUS (8438th ) 18215510341  211      7     
us Blasus (17053rd )  211 541  5  14            

Weapons Summary
be /// (1633rd ) 2 18 98 12 12.24 16345
si [AcAi].Fuer$^ (1251st ) 89 375 79 21.07 120000
it arLes (855th ) 222 559 219 39.18 327632
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 1 34 354 23 6.50 31543
us Blasus (17053rd ) 24 268 15 5.60 22108
se BRUNO (3683rd ) 7 130 572 93 16.26 118309
bg d (312th ) 5 284 1188 158 13.30 225510
se effibrie (217th ) 2 87 413 75 18.16 108001
pt Guron (4302nd ) 4 101 634 65 10.25 89247
pl have_a_cigar (108th ) 1 221 1090 189 17.34 282334
es iMzZ (687th ) 224 650 208 32.00 317333
no joustmas (1266th ) 4 262 1131 160 14.15 220943
ae mad_max (4793rd ) 1 7 252 5 1.98 5869
us mythx (2233rd ) 2 11 137 7 5.11 6715
za Oscar (3189th ) 15 93 10 10.75 13043
cl Piter (6144th ) 1 16 628 21 3.34 23458
de Siurek (9145th ) 2 46 266 27 10.15 37437
de Snatchha (4740th ) 2 56 399 55 13.78 83295
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 3 128 815 107 13.13 144343
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 4 119 806 88 10.92 124189
us Vermin (4738th ) 2 95 752 72 9.57 88952
ru VICTUS (8438th ) 3 48 833 30 3.60 38530
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 4 30 4 13.33 6000
us X-Cellerator (4802nd ) 45 379 37 9.76 54668
Zla026 (2906th ) 1 110 574 72 12.54 101554

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
be /// (1633rd ) 4
it arLes (855th ) 30 6 5 7 14 1
cl Asd^ (4041st ) Yes 2 1
us Blasus (17053rd ) 2
se BRUNO (3683rd ) 13 2 1
bg d (312th ) 34 10 4 5 16 3 1
se effibrie (217th ) 11 8 3 3
pt Guron (4302nd ) 10 3 3
pl have_a_cigar (108th ) 32 8 1 1 11
es iMzZ (687th ) 32 16 1 1 13 1
no joustmas (1266th ) 29 21 8 4 16 1
ae mad_max (4793rd ) 1
us mythx (2233rd ) 1
za Oscar (3189th ) 2 1
de PIayer13 (4581st )
cl Piter (6144th ) 10 1
br ShakeYourAssSucker (11527th )
de Siurek (9145th ) 5 1 1
de Snatchha (4740th ) 9 2
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 15 2 1 4
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 13 1 3 1 4
us Vermin (4738th ) 10
ru VICTUS (8438th ) 6
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )
us X-Cellerator (4802nd ) 3 1 1
Zla026 (2906th ) 17 3 2 1 3
si [AcAi].Fuer$^ (1251st ) 13 3 1 4

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
be /// (1633rd ) 8 4
it arLes (855th ) 3 1
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 13 4
us Blasus (17053rd ) 10 0
se BRUNO (3683rd ) 46 14
bg d (312th ) 130 24
se effibrie (217th ) 14 5
pt Guron (4302nd ) 44 7
pl have_a_cigar (108th ) 29 11
es iMzZ (687th ) 10 0
no joustmas (1266th ) 106 38
ae mad_max (4793rd ) 3 1
us mythx (2233rd ) 6 2
za Oscar (3189th ) 5 0
de PIayer13 (4581st ) 0 0
cl Piter (6144th ) 33 2
br ShakeYourAssSucker (11527th ) 0 0
de Siurek (9145th ) 23 3
de Snatchha (4740th ) 2 0
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 27 5
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 33 5
us Vermin (4738th ) 28 7
ru VICTUS (8438th ) 22 4
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 0 0
us X-Cellerator (4802nd ) 8 1
Zla026 (2906th ) 41 14
si [AcAi].Fuer$^ (1251st ) 9 6

Match Report
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