Match Stats
2 1
Match Date Sun, Dec 17 2023 at 3:43 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, Capture The Tree 3.3, Snowy scoreboard, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib, TheDanes Xmas v2 Map Name Das BollWerK 2.1
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats and forum now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Seasonal maps are shown in green font.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
no joustmas (1265th ) 139 5 2 5 2 6 1
hu =oZ`Mac= (901st ) 129 3 1 4 1 1 2
de chriZ (2532nd ) 125 2 2 1 1 1
de PIayer13 (4581st ) 83 1 2
cl Piter (6144th ) 62 1 4 5
ca h (1968th ) 57 1 1 1 2 4
lt mamulia (7022nd ) 51 1 1 1 2
gb Luna (9670th ) 42 2 2 1
nl Pacman (8778th )
Totals 2 688 14 3 15 1 4 1 2 17 15
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Peter (1283rd ) 135 10 9 1 2
it .:::. (2871st ) 87
cl Anubis (5184th ) 77 6 4
hu BUMBL3B33R (7286th ) 75 3 1
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 73 3 3 2 1
bg d (312th ) 68 2 2 1
us CoD|KushFace (2175th ) 55 2 1
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 36 1 1 2 2 2
be /// (1635th ) 32 1 1
de wpxc (11745th ) 26 2 2 1
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 6
us Boom[Cow] (14179th ) 3
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )
Totals 1 673 18 1 18 0 4 0 1 15 11

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
no joustmas (1265th )20:00139293068130.3015.5400:19
hu =oZ`Mac= (901st )19:25129979854164.0524.3300:23
de chriZ (2532nd )20:001251081086163.9113.6500:21
de PIayer13 (4581st )20:0083686955155.205.8800:23
cl Piter (6144th )11:126218181358.061.8500:56
ca h (1968th )20:005735354842.173.6000:27
lt mamulia (7022nd )20:005140408731.509.0500:15
gb Luna (9670th )20:0042343565134.655.7400:20
nl Pacman (8778th )02:020400:33
Totals2 (688)4294334554042.208.8500:26
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Peter (1283rd )20:00135949569157.5821.5800:19
it .:::. (2871st )20:008786864366.6713.5400:30
cl Anubis (5184th )11:037721212446.6712.2600:29
hu BUMBL3B33R (7286th )20:007548487140.3414.3900:18
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th )20:007351516942.509.3100:19
bg d (312th )08:176854542568.3523.8600:21
us CoD|KushFace (2175th )11:135541413355.4123.0300:22
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )13:523615152141.676.2100:43
be /// (1635th )04:1432171810162.0717.0200:27
de wpxc (11745th )20:002624246726.373.4000:19
ch sui.eraz (1462nd )01:27666554.5520.6900:16
us Boom[Cow] (14179th )02:283343150.0020.0000:54
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )02:000102:12
Totals1 (673)4604634413047.0914.2500:35

Kills Match Up
no joustmas (1265th ) 1        81344215 2   
hu =oZ`Mac= (901st )  1       12752012876 16131
de chriZ (2532nd )          16137151541451171  
de PIayer13 (4581st )    1     13931116232181  
cl Piter (6144th )          511 141221   
ca h (1968th )          6314633 171  
lt mamulia (7022nd )          36277131 10   
gb Luna (9670th )        1 621981  251  
nl Pacman (8778th )                       
gb Peter (1283rd ) 10518961522811       1    
it .:::. (2871st ) 1491416 517101             
cl Anubis (5184th ) 8121 333              
hu BUMBL3B33R (7286th ) 11953 658         1    
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 7864167102             
bg d (312th ) 5745551211              
us CoD|KushFace (2175th ) 14511 3116              
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 253    4         1    
be /// (1635th ) 5112 121  111  1 11   
de wpxc (11745th ) 4512 354              
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 1 12 11               
us Boom[Cow] (14179th )   1 1 2             1 
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )                       

Weapons Summary
it .:::. (2871st ) 86
be /// (1635th ) 18
hu =oZ`Mac= (901st ) 98
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 15
cl Anubis (5184th ) 21
us Boom[Cow] (14179th ) 4
hu BUMBL3B33R (7286th ) 48
de chriZ (2532nd ) 108
us CoD|KushFace (2175th ) 41
bg d (312th ) 1 53
ca h (1968th ) 1 33 1
no joustmas (1265th ) 1 29
gb Luna (9670th ) 4 31
lt mamulia (7022nd ) 5 35
nl Pacman (8778th )
gb Peter (1283rd ) 95
de PIayer13 (4581st ) 2 67
cl Piter (6144th ) 18
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 1 50
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 6
de wpxc (11745th ) 4 20
it .:::. (2871st ) 480
be /// (1635th ) 94
hu =oZ`Mac= (901st ) 374
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 161
cl Anubis (5184th ) 106
us Boom[Cow] (14179th ) 20
hu BUMBL3B33R (7286th ) 278
de chriZ (2532nd ) 652
us CoD|KushFace (2175th ) 165
bg d (312th ) 176
ca h (1968th ) 556
no joustmas (1265th ) 148
gb Luna (9670th ) 575
lt mamulia (7022nd ) 442
nl Pacman (8778th ) 24
gb Peter (1283rd ) 431
de PIayer13 (4581st ) 680
cl Piter (6144th ) 162
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 505
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 29
de wpxc (11745th ) 706
it .:::. (2871st ) 65
be /// (1635th ) 16
hu =oZ`Mac= (901st ) 91
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 10
cl Anubis (5184th ) 13
us Boom[Cow] (14179th ) 4
hu BUMBL3B33R (7286th ) 40
de chriZ (2532nd ) 89
us CoD|KushFace (2175th ) 38
bg d (312th ) 42
ca h (1968th ) 20
no joustmas (1265th ) 23
gb Luna (9670th ) 33
lt mamulia (7022nd ) 40
nl Pacman (8778th )
gb Peter (1283rd ) 93
de PIayer13 (4581st ) 40
cl Piter (6144th ) 3
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 47
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 6
de wpxc (11745th ) 24
it .:::. (2871st ) 95980
be /// (1635th ) 22129
hu =oZ`Mac= (901st ) 137593
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 13183
cl Anubis (5184th ) 21000
us Boom[Cow] (14179th ) 6000
hu BUMBL3B33R (7286th ) 59313
de chriZ (2532nd ) 129504
us CoD|KushFace (2175th ) 53978
bg d (312th ) 58842
ca h (1968th ) 25446
no joustmas (1265th ) 32981
gb Luna (9670th ) 39516
lt mamulia (7022nd ) 51733
nl Pacman (8778th )
gb Peter (1283rd ) 134151
de PIayer13 (4581st ) 50877
cl Piter (6144th ) 3790
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 65915
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 9000
de wpxc (11745th ) 26649
it .:::. (2871st ) 13.54
be /// (1635th ) 17.02
hu =oZ`Mac= (901st ) 24.33
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 6.21
cl Anubis (5184th ) 12.26
us Boom[Cow] (14179th ) 20.00
hu BUMBL3B33R (7286th ) 14.39
de chriZ (2532nd ) 13.65
us CoD|KushFace (2175th ) 23.03
bg d (312th ) 23.86
ca h (1968th ) 3.60
no joustmas (1265th ) 15.54
gb Luna (9670th ) 5.74
lt mamulia (7022nd ) 9.05
nl Pacman (8778th )
gb Peter (1283rd ) 21.58
de PIayer13 (4581st ) 5.88
cl Piter (6144th ) 1.85
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 9.31
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 20.69
de wpxc (11745th ) 3.40

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
it .:::. (2871st ) 10 8
be /// (1635th ) 3 1
hu =oZ`Mac= (901st ) 10 3 2 1 5 1
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 1
cl Anubis (5184th ) 3
us Boom[Cow] (14179th )
hu BUMBL3B33R (7286th ) 6 1
de chriZ (2532nd ) Yes 14 2 1 7
us CoD|KushFace (2175th ) 4 2
bg d (312th ) 7 2 1 1 4
ca h (1968th ) 2
no joustmas (1265th ) 2 1 2
gb Luna (9670th ) 1
lt mamulia (7022nd ) 2
nl Pacman (8778th )
gb Peter (1283rd ) 14 2 2 1
de PIayer13 (4581st ) 7 1
cl Piter (6144th ) 1 1
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 5
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 1
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )
de wpxc (11745th ) 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
it .:::. (2871st ) 20 1
be /// (1635th ) 2 1
hu =oZ`Mac= (901st ) 6 2
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 4 1
cl Anubis (5184th ) 7 0
us Boom[Cow] (14179th ) 0 0
hu BUMBL3B33R (7286th ) 9 0
de chriZ (2532nd ) 20 2
us CoD|KushFace (2175th ) 3 1
bg d (312th ) 12 6
ca h (1968th ) 17 0
no joustmas (1265th ) 7 4
gb Luna (9670th ) 2 2
lt mamulia (7022nd ) 0 0
nl Pacman (8778th ) 0 0
gb Peter (1283rd ) 2 2
de PIayer13 (4581st ) 30 2
cl Piter (6144th ) 14 0
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 3 1
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 0 0
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 0 0
de wpxc (11745th ) 0 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format