Match Stats
7 1
Match Date Mon, Jun 6 2022 at 2:20 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name Scandinavium
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Bubuleja, Morrison.g]R[e, vltava_supermassiu, -=SatanicT=-Sobek***, Ulquiorra, wpxc, DieBitch

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 200 9 4 12 1 2 1 5 3
nl eX`iMpure (275th ) 182 4 1 5 2 1 5 6
nl period (762nd ) 181 8 3 9 1 2 2 2 2 1
nl Whatever (1974th ) 132 1 3 4 6 5 2 2
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 105 1 1 1 5 4
us hahaGuy (3581st ) 99 1 1 2 2 2 1
th [Lou]Sasolle (6041st ) 97 2 7
fr CPU_2ES (4265th ) 59 1 1 2 5
de ZOMBIE (8624th ) 26 2 2 1 3
Totals 7 1081 26 13 35 4 14 11 4 30 24
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb [Lou]Damage (1189th ) 246 4 2 6 3 12 8
si nortz (198th ) 229 12 4 12 6 4 3 1
de ~T!T/\N~ (2467th ) 152 3 1 4 2 8 5
bg dasein (699th ) 92 2 6 4
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 80 7 1 8 2 2
am Makaka (2683rd ) 71 5 5 1 1
gb . (2877th ) 58 3 1
nl |Wacko| (6743rd ) 49 2
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 38 1 1 2 2
ee Joke-Moddy (8715th ) 36 1 1 1
gb Mag (8876th ) 21 1 2
ee Juss (3325th ) 8
Totals 1 1080 32 8 36 0 13 3 4 40 26

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th )17:21200707176147.9710.7100:15
nl eX`iMpure (275th )17:2118212012165164.7128.6100:17
nl period (762nd )17:00181868754161.2725.4000:20
nl Whatever (1974th )13:5513261616349.1913.4200:14
be SonOfSam (1990th )12:4710553534056.9911.1700:21
us hahaGuy (3581st )17:2199676956254.3311.4100:20
th [Lou]Sasolle (6041st )17:219722222151.166.2500:54
fr CPU_2ES (4265th )17:215937376934.916.3600:16
de ZOMBIE (8624th )11:5026101246220.002.8700:16
Totals7 (1081)5265334907048.9512.9100:21
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb [Lou]Damage (1189th )17:2124611011271260.5418.2700:16
si nortz (198th )17:04229878848164.2322.0000:23
de ~T!T/\N~ (2467th )17:2115270707149.6514.4900:16
bg dasein (699th )07:4992232415160.006.8100:33
fr The_Shadow (4522nd )17:2180444568139.474.6700:16
am Makaka (2683rd )14:577161616847.298.7700:14
gb . (2877th )09:515831311863.2715.9300:36
nl |Wacko| (6743rd )17:2149303159134.073.7900:19
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th )06:2638151715250.0013.9200:27
ee Joke-Moddy (8715th )12:143617176321.257.8500:12
gb Mag (8876th )09:3521101153116.925.7900:11
ee Juss (3325th )02:45877846.6719.0500:20
Totals1 (1080)5055145579046.1111.7800:20

Kills Match Up
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 1      4 7352118374107 
nl eX`iMpure (275th )  1     8 17815 171031431592
nl period (762nd )   1    4 8 12 51131431215 
nl Whatever (1974th )        2 1118357 5 910 
be SonOfSam (1990th )        1 696 9745 24 
us hahaGuy (3581st ) 1    2 6 939189362651
th [Lou]Sasolle (6041st )          414143 31 1 
fr CPU_2ES (4265th ) 3154 1  1281 24 2 21 
de ZOMBIE (8624th )         2113 13   3  
gb [Lou]Damage (1189th ) 201415101010471024 1 112 21 
si nortz (198th ) 44 58462193153431122 3
de ~T!T/\N~ (2467th ) 89610101224411 3        
bg dasein (699th ) 31222  11 33122     2
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 847816623    1       
am Makaka (2683rd ) 6135101824822          
gb . (2877th ) 851427 13            
nl |Wacko| (6743rd ) 634355131       1    
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 5322 1  1 2 1    2   
ee Joke-Moddy (8715th ) 332311 13            
gb Mag (8876th ) 1242    2          1 
ee Juss (3325th )  31  1    2          

Weapons Summary
gb . (2877th ) 1 30 182 29 15.93 39505
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 1 16 79 11 13.92 15303
gb [Lou]Damage (1189th ) 1 111 509 93 18.27 131116
th [Lou]Sasolle (6041st ) 22 144 9 6.25 10005
fr CPU_2ES (4265th ) 37 472 30 6.36 41480
bg dasein (699th ) 24 235 16 6.81 24000
nl eX`iMpure (275th ) 121 416 119 28.61 181500
us hahaGuy (3581st ) 2 67 403 46 11.41 63760
ee Joke-Moddy (8715th ) 17 191 15 7.85 21864
ee Juss (3325th ) 7 21 4 19.05 4695
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 4 67 364 39 10.71 53153
gb Mag (8876th ) 1 10 190 11 5.79 15127
am Makaka (2683rd ) 61 559 49 8.77 67684
si nortz (198th ) 2 86 300 66 22.00 95430
nl period (762nd ) 1 86 315 80 25.40 117999
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 53 385 43 11.17 58854
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 2 43 599 28 4.67 31393
nl Whatever (1974th ) 4 57 380 51 13.42 70371
de ZOMBIE (8624th ) 12 244 7 2.87 9497
nl |Wacko| (6743rd ) 3 28 475 18 3.79 23179
de ~T!T/\N~ (2467th ) 1 69 421 61 14.49 86053

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
gb . (2877th ) 1 1 1
fr CPU_2ES (4265th ) 3 1
bg dasein (699th ) 1 1 1
nl eX`iMpure (275th ) 22 4 2 1 7
us hahaGuy (3581st ) Yes 8 2 1 4
ee Joke-Moddy (8715th ) 1
ee Juss (3325th )
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 8 3 1 2
gb Mag (8876th ) 1
am Makaka (2683rd ) 6 2 1
si nortz (198th ) 13 4 1 4
nl period (762nd ) 12 1 3 5 1
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 4 1 1 5
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 5 1
nl Whatever (1974th ) 9 4 3
de ZOMBIE (8624th )
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 2 1
gb [Lou]Damage (1189th ) 20 3 1 4
th [Lou]Sasolle (6041st ) 2 1
nl |Wacko| (6743rd ) 6
de ~T!T/\N~ (2467th ) 10 1

Match Report
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