Match Stats
4 5
Match Date Fri, Dec 29 2023 at 2:19 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, Capture The Tree 3.3, Snowy scoreboard, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib, TheDanes Xmas v2 Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats and forum now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Seasonal maps are shown in green font.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Vic, wish_me_luck

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
it SiMo (1391st ) 306 2 2 12 1 12 8
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 287 15 2 16 6 1 12 7
bg SB (3904th ) 281 6 4 10 10 3 10 6
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5925th ) 235 6 5 10 2 1 15 16
be WuzzUp (4170th ) 229 8 2 10 7 9 5
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 201 15 7 21 10 1 7 4
nl Ooper_Effibrie (3815th ) 54 4 2
md Jedem-das-Seine (651st ) 48 3 3 2 2 1
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 45 5 1 5 1 1 2
cl kAoS (7600th ) 6
gb Luna (9670th )
Totals 4 1692 60 21 77 0 54 4 4 69 49
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
at MicropenisConspiracy (106th ) 684 8 7 1 22 1 28 8
ru Stromatotahmar (5563rd ) 255 5 3 8 1 5 8 5
ca UTNL (3396th ) 248 21 4 23 1 5 2 8 4
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 209 7 1 7 1 1 2 1 12 16
nl -gravedicker- (1522nd ) 195 6 9 13 11 2 2 1
us KILLERHERTZ (8477th ) 58 4 1
nl B888M (4357th ) 39 5 1 6 1 1 3
it fake_n1 (389th ) 15
nl Player11 (3245th ) 13 3 3 1 1
it wash (1030th ) -1
Totals 5 1715 55 18 67 4 50 6 5 56 39

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
it SiMo (1391st )20:00306150151168147.1912.0000:07
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )20:0028711311311350.0015.9000:11
bg SB (3904th )18:32281127128151145.7110.8500:08
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5925th )20:002356668109237.998.3900:12
be WuzzUp (4170th )19:15229100101143141.225.4900:08
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th )12:07201848578151.8321.3700:10
nl Ooper_Effibrie (3815th )07:165427273729.0815.0300:12
md Jedem-das-Seine (651st )03:3348222332141.079.3600:07
ae Wildc@t (4403rd )04:554514143131.115.1600:09
cl kAoS (7600th )02:056661135.2913.0400:12
gb Luna (9670th )00:200100:06
Totals4 (1692)7097168747037.3210.6000:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
at MicropenisConspiracy (106th )20:00684344347130372.2935.1200:10
ru Stromatotahmar (5563rd )20:00255132133123151.7510.0500:10
ca UTNL (3396th )19:032487677109141.186.4200:11
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th )15:53209636311934.627.3500:08
nl -gravedicker- (1522nd )14:1719511211350168.9022.1800:18
us KILLERHERTZ (8477th )10:3058445057644.259.6700:12
nl B888M (4357th )14:2339151936433.054.1900:24
it fake_n1 (389th )00:43151414670.0052.0000:07
nl Player11 (3245th )05:47137924225.714.1400:15
it wash (1030th )02:41-1-1013100:15
Totals5 (1715)80682566719044.1715.1100:13

Kills Match Up
it SiMo (1391st ) 1   6  3   442121201179153
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )    18  2   22192114559241
bg SB (3904th )   1 3  4   2229212389315 
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5925th )  2 23  2   10111211713 33
be WuzzUp (4170th ) 62211  34  12149221072133
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th )      1 8   12131517755 21
nl Ooper_Effibrie (3815th )        2   3526233  1
md Jedem-das-Seine (651st ) 312 34 1 3  112 11  1
ae Wildc@t (4403rd )    22      251     2 
cl kAoS (7600th )             12  111  
gb Luna (9670th )                      
at MicropenisConspiracy (106th ) 84546425463612112413    8    
ru Stromatotahmar (5563rd ) 2421241820113 11   1   1    
ca UTNL (3396th ) 1091513108512    1  4    
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 71181017441        1    
nl -gravedicker- (1522nd ) 26618289128  2     14    
us KILLERHERTZ (8477th ) 2311583 3   3444 6    
nl B888M (4357th ) 43122 5 2        4   
it fake_n1 (389th ) 11413  2 2           
nl Player11 (3245th ) 1 233              2 
it wash (1030th )                     1

Weapons Summary
nl -gravedicker- (1522nd ) 113 496 110 22.18 162862
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 3 110 610 97 15.90 141082
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5925th ) 4 64 620 52 8.39 70448
nl B888M (4357th ) 11 189 10 5.29 13353
it fake_n1 (389th ) 14 25 13 52.00 19500
md Jedem-das-Seine (651st ) 23 171 16 9.36 23508
cl kAoS (7600th ) 6 46 6 13.04 9000
us KILLERHERTZ (8477th ) 50 517 50 9.67 74900
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 3 82 262 56 21.37 80016
at MicropenisConspiracy (106th ) 347 988 347 35.12 519882
nl Ooper_Effibrie (3815th ) 26 165 26 15.76 38900
nl Player11 (3245th ) 9 145 6 4.14 7160
bg SB (3904th ) 4 124 507 55 10.85 73873
it SiMo (1391st ) 4 147 967 116 12.00 166904
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 3 60 830 61 7.35 79516
ru Stromatotahmar (5563rd ) 2 131 955 96 10.05 127556
ca UTNL (3396th ) 5 72 732 47 6.42 64465
it wash (1030th ) 1
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 2 12 252 13 5.16 15933
be WuzzUp (4170th ) 4 97 783 43 5.49 52283

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
nl -gravedicker- (1522nd ) 20 4 2 5 1 1
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 12 4 1 2 6 1
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5925th ) 5 1
nl B888M (4357th ) 3
it fake_n1 (389th ) 2 1 1 1
md Jedem-das-Seine (651st ) 4 1 1
cl kAoS (7600th ) 2
us KILLERHERTZ (8477th ) 6 1 1
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 7 3 2 3 4
gb Luna (9670th )
at MicropenisConspiracy (106th ) Yes 46 16 8 17 12 4 4 1
nl Ooper_Effibrie (3815th ) 1 1
nl Player11 (3245th )
bg SB (3904th ) 10 4 3 2 6
it SiMo (1391st ) 16 6 2 1 5
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 8 1
ru Stromatotahmar (5563rd ) 10 6 1 1 3 1
ca UTNL (3396th ) 10 3 1 1 2
it wash (1030th )
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 2
be WuzzUp (4170th ) 13 2 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
nl -gravedicker- (1522nd ) 3 0
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 14 1
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5925th ) 16 1
nl B888M (4357th ) 6 0
it fake_n1 (389th ) 1 1
md Jedem-das-Seine (651st ) 9 0
cl kAoS (7600th ) 0 0
us KILLERHERTZ (8477th ) 0 0
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 28 8
gb Luna (9670th ) 0 0
at MicropenisConspiracy (106th ) 0 0
nl Ooper_Effibrie (3815th ) 0 0
nl Player11 (3245th ) 3 1
bg SB (3904th ) 75 7
it SiMo (1391st ) 38 0
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 3 0
ru Stromatotahmar (5563rd ) 37 3
ca UTNL (3396th ) 30 1
it wash (1030th ) 0 0
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 0 0
be WuzzUp (4170th ) 62 6

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format