Match Stats
4 7
Match Date Wed, May 25 2022 at 8:11 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name Jump that crates
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Welcome to the ComboGib CTF server hosted in London.
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: sus, haxxy

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gt gT.Santana (6198th ) 238 5 1 4 9 2 9 4
de Talwin (5990th ) 159 10 1 11 6 6 5
de $!CKCLO\\'N (5574th ) 141 2 1 8 1 4
pl -273.15 (167th ) 130 3 4 5 4 2 3 1
cz ezero (4003rd ) 127 3 3 3 5 4
us LoSahn (7278th ) 105 3 2 5 4 6
gb caspa (1077th ) 81 1 2 3 4 4 3
de ZOMBIE (8630th ) 18 1
pl Thie.r (1151st )
Totals 4 999 27 10 32 0 35 0 5 35 23
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb DeBryne (1107th ) 298 9 4 11 2 6 2 14 9
be retroesh (2508th ) 233 3 3 4 11 2 10 9
de Neustart** (13166th ) 110 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 2
sk LilyRader (7326th ) 87 1 5 1 1 2
cz people_are_hell (12960th ) 82 10 1 11 4 1 1
it §P/\d|x\ (9214th ) 68 5 5 1 3 1 2
il cartman (604th ) 52 4 1 5 2 2
Totals 7 930 32 11 37 8 29 0 6 34 25

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gt gT.Santana (6198th )06:292385859361161.2211.4000:11
de Talwin (5990th )06:2915949494452.697.7900:09
de $!CKCLO\\'N (5574th )06:1714159593364.1313.3100:12
pl -273.15 (167th )03:5813048481836.9319.5700:11
cz ezero (4003rd )06:2912740405442.555.3000:07
us LoSahn (7278th )05:5410536363252.946.1600:12
gb caspa (1077th )03:108130301961.2227.7800:10
de ZOMBIE (8630th )02:081816161650.005.6800:08
pl Thie.r (1151st )02:25-1-11102:27
Totals4 (999)3353362531246.8510.7800:25
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb DeBryne (1107th )06:2929868685754.4019.7100:07
be retroesh (2508th )06:2923366666650.0022.7100:06
de Neustart** (13166th )06:2911023235429.8711.7200:07
sk LilyRader (7326th )06:2987505039156.047.7200:10
cz people_are_hell (12960th )06:2982553113.8910.0000:13
it §P/\d|x\ (9214th )06:2968222375123.235.3500:05
il cartman (604th )02:575224242648.0014.2900:07
Totals7 (930)2582593481139.3513.0700:08

Kills Match Up
gt gT.Santana (6198th ) 152 23  110657398
de Talwin (5990th ) 1        81495462
de $!CKCLO\\'N (5574th ) 3  1     861381073
pl -273.15 (167th )  1  3    131351372
cz ezero (4003rd ) 3        4588444
us LoSahn (7278th ) 4        5892251
gb caspa (1077th )          8524245
de ZOMBIE (8630th )           224251
pl Thie.r (1151st )    1            
gb DeBryne (1107th ) 516859741      13 
be retroesh (2508th ) 9105715833      6 
de Neustart** (13166th )  34 4631      2 
sk LilyRader (7326th ) 147 13686  1   6 
cz people_are_hell (12960th )   1 2  1      1 
it §P/\d|x\ (9214th ) 323 41 1 161 11 
il cartman (604th ) 73342113        

Weapons Summary
de $!CKCLO\\'N (5574th ) 1 58 248 33 13.31 45517
pl -273.15 (167th ) 1 47 115 45 39.13 67754
il cartman (604th ) 2 22 105 15 14.29 18717
gb caspa (1077th ) 30 108 30 27.78 45000
gb DeBryne (1107th ) 68 340 67 19.71 99252
cz ezero (4003rd ) 1 39 283 15 5.30 14410
gt gT.Santana (6198th ) 1 60 193 22 11.40 31059
sk LilyRader (7326th ) 3 49 311 24 7.72 28839
us LoSahn (7278th ) 2 34 292 18 6.16 26486
de Neustart** (13166th ) 1 22 128 15 11.72 19427
cz people_are_hell (12960th ) 5 50 5 10.00 7500
be retroesh (2508th ) 4 62 273 62 22.71 86505
de Talwin (5990th ) 1 48 308 24 7.79 27106
pl Thie.r (1151st ) 1
de ZOMBIE (8630th ) 3 13 88 5 5.68 6048
it §P/\d|x\ (9214th ) 1 22 187 10 5.35 11885

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
de $!CKCLO\\'N (5574th ) 6 2 1 2 1 2
pl -273.15 (167th ) 5 2 3 2 6
il cartman (604th ) 1 3 1
gb caspa (1077th ) 2 1 1 2
gb DeBryne (1107th ) 8 4 1 1 4
cz ezero (4003rd ) 2 1 1 1
gt gT.Santana (6198th ) Yes 4 3 2 2 3 2
sk LilyRader (7326th ) 4 2 1 2 4
us LoSahn (7278th ) 6 2 1
de Neustart** (13166th ) 3
cz people_are_hell (12960th )
be retroesh (2508th ) 13 1 2 1 3
de Talwin (5990th ) 5 5 3
pl Thie.r (1151st )
de ZOMBIE (8630th ) 1 1 1
it §P/\d|x\ (9214th ) 1

Match Report
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