Match Stats
2 7
Match Date Thu, Jan 18 2024 at 4:53 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL spfix
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: The_Shadow, |Wacko|, fatandugly, TeX

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Ooper (142nd ) 342 18 2 20 1 11 6 1
at AbnormallySmallPenis (93rd ) 302 3 2 3 7 1 2 3 1
us uranus (3625th ) 227 7 7 14 1 3 7 1
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 205 7 5 12 3 1 8 7
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 187 7 2 9 2 7 5
be -mpk- (4056th ) 124 1 1 3 1 2
it DAM (8970th ) 119 1 2 3 1 6 2
pl kargul (7413th ) 107 2 1 3 1 3 5
be fcus- (720th ) 61 1 1
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 10 1 1 2
Totals 2 1684 45 23 66 3 33 2 2 42 24
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
Jamally (433rd ) 478 2 6 5 2 6 3 12 7
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 282 6 3 7 7 2 7 3
de mаCornFl/\ke (5712th ) 275 3 1 3 1 4 1 16 10
ca UTNL (3396th ) 212 7 1 8 3 2 5 6
us Snakefinger (4149th ) 198 3 1 4 1 7 5 3
it Gaucho (3159th ) 180 1 1 1 5 1
nl Pacman (8775th ) 127 4 2 5 1 3 1 4 4
il fors (9477th ) 126 5 2 7 3 5 1
de Octoman (9378th ) 117 1 1 1 2 3 1
nl B888M (4357th ) 113 1 1 3 6 8
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 5
Totals 7 2113 31 18 42 10 40 3 7 63 43

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Ooper (142nd )19:0334222022011266.2730.1700:11
at AbnormallySmallPenis (93rd )17:253022292298772.4731.7200:13
us uranus (3625th )19:0322711711712747.958.8400:09
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )19:03205858510345.218.4100:12
ae Wildc@t (4403rd )19:03187999914041.426.7600:08
be -mpk- (4056th )19:03124757512337.885.7100:10
it DAM (8970th )19:03119595914029.657.5600:08
pl kargul (7413th )19:03107616114030.356.5200:08
be fcus- (720th )05:276149493856.3219.9100:09
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )13:001066555.363.9000:30
Totals2 (1684)1000100010650043.2912.9500:12
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
Jamally (433rd )19:0347825325311868.1928.1000:10
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th )19:0328213713714548.5811.4400:08
de mаCornFl/\ke (5712th )19:03275939311444.938.9600:11
ca UTNL (3396th )19:0321211611611749.797.5600:10
us Snakefinger (4149th )19:0319811611611650.0015.9300:10
it Gaucho (3159th )16:2918096966764.586.1600:19
nl Pacman (8775th )19:03127494910931.014.2400:11
il fors (9477th )10:0812684846556.3824.1900:10
de Octoman (9378th )19:0311777777351.335.9000:17
nl B888M (4357th )09:0711339397035.787.3000:08
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th )02:01555645.4520.0000:19
Totals7 (2113)1065106510000049.6412.7100:12

Kills Match Up
gb Ooper (142nd )           302631242916201518101
at AbnormallySmallPenis (93rd )           27382923191824141720 
us uranus (3625th )           17201312147129283
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )           101271113510377 
ae Wildc@t (4403rd )           111761284181076 
be -mpk- (4056th )           71010695124471
it DAM (8970th )           610777215851
pl kargul (7413th )           67891154362 
be fcus- (720th )           45213637 45 
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )             1  212   
Jamally (433rd ) 3230372227282929127           
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 141311191515211973           
de mаCornFl/\ke (5712th ) 87131217149922           
ca UTNL (3396th ) 1391251491619712           
us Snakefinger (4149th ) 8813101814132426           
it Gaucho (3159th ) 10610151015121134           
nl Pacman (8775th ) 55647112531           
il fors (9477th ) 86711149137 9           
de Octoman (9378th ) 73122111299210           
nl B888M (4357th ) 6 527657 1           
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 1 11  11             

Weapons Summary
be -mpk- (4056th ) 9 66 648 37 5.71 45015
at AbnormallySmallPenis (93rd ) 229 722 229 31.72 343500
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 1 84 737 62 8.41 91121
nl B888M (4357th ) 2 37 370 27 7.30 37436
it DAM (8970th ) 2 57 714 54 7.56 76774
be fcus- (720th ) 49 216 43 19.91 64357
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 4 133 822 94 11.44 133773
il fors (9477th ) 1 83 310 75 24.19 110582
it Gaucho (3159th ) 3 83 480 30 6.25 38144
Jamally (433rd ) 2 251 847 238 28.10 356083
pl kargul (7413th ) 3 58 537 35 6.52 37817
de mаCornFl/\ke (5712th ) 1 92 804 72 8.96 99761
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 5 20 4 20.00 7500
de Octoman (9378th ) 5 72 1203 71 5.90 97215
gb Ooper (142nd ) 1 219 663 200 30.17 297044
nl Pacman (8775th ) 2 47 779 33 4.24 37276
us Snakefinger (4149th ) 2 114 659 105 15.93 155101
us uranus (3625th ) 4 113 803 71 8.84 96768
ca UTNL (3396th ) 8 108 1018 77 7.56 103035
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 7 92 1199 81 6.76 104569
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 6 77 6 7.79 9000

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
be -mpk- (4056th ) 7 3 1 2
at AbnormallySmallPenis (93rd ) 33 14 4 6 12 4 1
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 13 2 1 3 1
nl B888M (4357th ) 3 3 1
it DAM (8970th ) 7
be fcus- (720th ) 8 3 1 3
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) Yes 21 3 2 1 4 1
il fors (9477th ) 17 2 2 3
it Gaucho (3159th ) 15 4 2 3
Jamally (433rd ) 29 11 11 6 12 2 1
pl kargul (7413th ) 7 1 1
de mаCornFl/\ke (5712th ) 10 2 1
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 1
de Octoman (9378th ) 7 3 3 3 1
gb Ooper (142nd ) 29 9 8 7 14 1 1
nl Pacman (8775th ) 4 1 1
us Snakefinger (4149th ) 13 7 1 1 1
us uranus (3625th ) 22 3 3 1 5 1
ca UTNL (3396th ) 17 4 2 5
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 11 7
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
be -mpk- (4056th ) 38 18
at AbnormallySmallPenis (93rd ) 0 0
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 21 9
nl B888M (4357th ) 12 3
it DAM (8970th ) 5 0
be fcus- (720th ) 6 1
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 46 14
il fors (9477th ) 8 4
it Gaucho (3159th ) 66 21
Jamally (433rd ) 13 5
pl kargul (7413th ) 26 9
de mаCornFl/\ke (5712th ) 20 3
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 0 0
de Octoman (9378th ) 5 2
gb Ooper (142nd ) 18 11
nl Pacman (8775th ) 15 4
us Snakefinger (4149th ) 11 3
us uranus (3625th ) 45 13
ca UTNL (3396th ) 39 10
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 17 8
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 0 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format