Match Stats
4 6
Match Date Mon, Jan 29 2024 at 11:38 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name RURU))clay3
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: |Wacko|, Berserker^

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
se (171st ) 413 12 1 10 3 8 2
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 325 16 3 17 12 2 4 5
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 295 2 1 3 1 11 14
cl LFK (4904th ) 293 1 1 3 15 3
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 154 1 1 5 3 3
mx s_u_s (2815th ) 150 6 3 8
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 113 4 4
gb (3598th ) 86 7 7 1 1 3
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 28 7 1 8 2 2
Dan (4720th ) 27
za Oscar (3192nd ) 23 3 3 1 1
Totals 4 1907 49 6 50 0 31 0 5 49 45
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 397 23 2 25 3 14 6 6
no wigglewiggle (57th ) 358 2 1 9 1 5 1
cl Anubis (5184th ) 311 5 2 6 14 1 6 9
pt SphinX (4375th ) 309 3 1 10 2 10 1
us Banned4lyfe (2327th ) 245 7 1 7 1 3 1 8 7
ca h (1967th ) 142 4 5 4
us CoD|KF*** (1893rd ) 47 1 1
de way21337 3
Totals 6 1812 37 8 40 4 54 0 5 41 29

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
se (171st )13:0741318318314955.1221.0100:05
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th )19:27325165166179147.987.9400:07
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th )19:51295454520318.437.4100:06
cl LFK (4904th )19:2329314114111727.432.6100:13
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )10:20154888810046.8112.3900:06
mx s_u_s (2815th )07:04150878846165.197.8500:10
ca .Player. (2292nd )08:30113686941162.163.2000:13
gb (3598th )07:058639398531.458.0600:05
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th )15:082811111516.798.5900:06
Dan (4720th )05:212726264138.815.4500:08
za Oscar (3192nd )03:382316164128.0712.3800:05
Totals4 (1907)86987211533038.938.8100:08
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th )20:0039721921914660.0012.3800:09
no wigglewiggle (57th )08:403581931936076.2819.2400:09
cl Anubis (5184th )20:00311165166169149.4012.8500:07
pt SphinX (4375th )20:0030917917911560.8825.6100:11
us Banned4lyfe (2327th )15:20245105106125145.6927.8100:08
ca h (1967th )08:3914275754562.503.2900:12
us CoD|KF*** (1893rd )02:484726262254.1715.2200:08
de way2133700:54333442.8612.5000:15
Totals6 (1812)9659676862056.4716.1100:10

Kills Match Up
se (171st )  20   713    3217222825982
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 12122133105 26  8930820   
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th )  7   4     20343 3 1
cl LFK (4904th )  26   11     368131713125 
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )  1   86    1391121181  
mx s_u_s (2815th ) 151021691 18252        
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 1815119 17734 1 12   
gb (3598th )      28    561025  1
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th )  3    1    4  3    
Dan (4720th )      31    55237   
za Oscar (3192nd )      14     2243   
gb Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 259572916  93356  24 6   
no wigglewiggle (57th ) 2533191525 230101519        
cl Anubis (5184th ) 153415917  634217 1202175 
pt SphinX (4375th ) 228302311  73734  25 9   
us Banned4lyfe (2327th ) 10131889 1610646 35134 
ca h (1967th ) 3 139    19    18 13   
us CoD|KF*** (1893rd ) 4 74    4    5 2   
de way21337     1  2           

Weapons Summary
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 69 375 12 3.20 14826
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 88 355 44 12.39 63563
cl Anubis (5184th ) 5 161 615 79 12.85 107956
us Banned4lyfe (2327th ) 106 356 99 27.81 149991
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 11 128 11 8.59 16500
us CoD|KF*** (1893rd ) 26 92 14 15.22 20068
Dan (4720th ) 1 25 202 11 5.45 14517
gb Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 8 211 961 119 12.38 148663
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 5 161 856 68 7.94 87359
ca h (1967th ) 2 73 365 12 3.29 14853
se (171st ) 5 178 557 117 21.01 165227
cl LFK (4904th ) 7 134 785 41 5.22 49901
gb (3598th ) 4 35 186 15 8.06 18392
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 2 19 246 21 8.54 26419
za Oscar (3192nd ) 16 105 13 12.38 16949
mx s_u_s (2815th ) 88 395 31 7.85 38568
pt SphinX (4375th ) 3 176 613 157 25.61 232025
de way21337 3 24 3 12.50 4500
no wigglewiggle (57th ) 2 191 447 86 19.24 123110

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 7 6 1 4 1
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 11 6 1 1 3 1
cl Anubis (5184th ) Yes 18 10 1 5 7 3
us Banned4lyfe (2327th ) 11 6 2 2 2
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 1
us CoD|KF*** (1893rd ) 4 2 3
Dan (4720th ) 4 2
gb Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 19 13 6 7 10 1
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 21 6 5 3 6 1
ca h (1967th ) 8 2 1 3 2 1
se (171st ) 17 13 4 7 11 1
cl LFK (4904th ) 25 5 1 9
gb (3598th ) 3 3
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 3
za Oscar (3192nd ) 4
pt SphinX (4375th ) 24 6 5 3 12 1
mx s_u_s (2815th ) 4 7 2 4 4 1
de way21337
no wigglewiggle (57th ) 15 7 8 11 12 2 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 61 0
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 45 8
cl Anubis (5184th ) 88 2
us Banned4lyfe (2327th ) 7 5
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 0 0
us CoD|KF*** (1893rd ) 12 2
Dan (4720th ) 17 1
gb Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 102 5
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 99 17
ca h (1967th ) 68 2
se (171st ) 69 44
cl LFK (4904th ) 101 2
gb (3598th ) 24 13
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 1 0
za Oscar (3192nd ) 3 0
pt SphinX (4375th ) 19 0
mx s_u_s (2815th ) 60 3
de way21337 0 0
no wigglewiggle (57th ) 109 38

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format