Match Stats
4 7
Match Date Mon, Feb 5 2024 at 10:23 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name CTF-Combo_King
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: -fe.dickfish-, have_a_die_bitch, MistralGagnant, cum

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us effibrie (217th ) 579 11 3 13 1 31 1 14 8
br hyy-rageloga (4715th ) 448 7 3 9 8 1 23 13
us AmericanNinJa (3537th ) 257 9 8 15 2 2 12 7
cl Anubis (5183rd ) 194 10 5 12 6 3 5 3
fr zOil (4659th ) 188 3 2 5 6 9 10
fi ville672 (9852nd ) 163 2 4 6 9 7 6
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 34 13 2 15 1
mx teaaa (546th ) 14 1 1
us (((staTic))) (11418th )
Totals 4 1877 56 27 76 1 62 0 7 70 48
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pt Sph!nX (3444th ) 309 1 1 19 15 2
es lion (3950th ) 287 13 4 15 11 2 4 3
am im (5812th ) 261 7 7 10 9 10
pt *PPD*ApOkaL1pS (5477th ) 252 2 1 3 7 10 4
cl KFV (5741st ) 217 5 1 6 3 12 10
us hooligan (5049th ) 176 16 5 20 4 1 6 7
hu =oZ`froZelek*= (2891st ) 152 4 5 9 5 6 6
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 126 3 2 2 1 5 5
Totals 7 1780 50 17 63 0 61 0 4 67 47

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us effibrie (217th )16:48579274275106171.9922.1400:10
br hyy-rageloga (4715th )16:244481301307364.0416.5000:14
us AmericanNinJa (3537th )16:482578182125139.428.3200:08
cl Anubis (5183rd )13:20194454671138.9811.0200:12
fr zOil (4659th )16:48188686813833.0113.7300:08
fi ville672 (9852nd )16:48163646415629.0912.3900:07
cz women_are_trash (14525th )10:413411117512.797.5300:09
mx teaaa (546th )06:371466627.2813.0501:41
us (((staTic))) (11418th )02:230102:31
Totals4 (1877)6796827513035.1811.6300:35
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pt Sph!nX (3444th )16:2730911911912149.5818.8400:08
es lion (3950th )16:482871281288360.668.9300:13
am im (5812th )16:48261110111141143.8710.5700:07
pt *PPD*ApOkaL1pS (5477th )05:492521231233975.9340.5800:09
cl KFV (5741st )16:4821772728845.005.8900:12
us hooligan (5049th )16:4817649497938.289.4000:14
hu =oZ`froZelek*= (2891st )05:4715250504154.9526.1100:09
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )03:5212621211263.6413.5900:21
Totals7 (1780)6726736041053.9916.7400:12

Kills Match Up
us effibrie (217th ) 1181611293952126185414201543
br hyy-rageloga (4715th ) 15 2      2817126151997
us AmericanNinJa (3537th ) 6 1155   11713412162 
cl Anubis (5183rd ) 1121     10753863 
fr zOil (4659th ) 6 3    1 14844101161
fi ville672 (9852nd ) 4 21     14123476101
cz women_are_trash (14525th )          3 142 1 
mx teaaa (546th ) 1         3  2   
us (((staTic))) (11418th )                  
pt Sph!nX (3444th ) 11619112023161   12     
es lion (3950th ) 792662326111   19     
am im (5812th ) 1551041386  15111 1266 
pt *PPD*ApOkaL1pS (5477th ) 2461615173015          
cl KFV (5741st ) 51594131181   6     
us hooligan (5049th ) 8258875    6     
hu =oZ`froZelek*= (2891st )  5126768    6     
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 3634311          

Weapons Summary
pt *PPD*ApOkaL1pS (5477th ) 1 122 276 112 40.58 164765
hu =oZ`froZelek*= (2891st ) 50 180 47 26.11 70077
us AmericanNinJa (3537th ) 2 80 577 48 8.32 62909
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 21 103 14 13.59 18927
cl Anubis (5183rd ) 2 44 254 28 11.02 39166
us effibrie (217th ) 5 270 953 211 22.14 309548
us hooligan (5049th ) 1 48 447 42 9.40 59205
br hyy-rageloga (4715th ) 1 129 515 85 16.50 122589
am im (5812th ) 4 107 672 71 10.57 98560
cl KFV (5741st ) 1 71 577 34 5.89 42923
es lion (3950th ) 1 127 672 60 8.93 82903
pt Sph!nX (3444th ) 1 118 552 104 18.84 148442
mx teaaa (546th ) 6 1
fi ville672 (9852nd ) 1 63 476 59 12.39 80483
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 11 146 11 7.53 16500
fr zOil (4659th ) 2 66 466 64 13.73 92783

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
us (((staTic))) (11418th )
pt *PPD*ApOkaL1pS (5477th ) 15 2 3 7 9 2
hu =oZ`froZelek*= (2891st ) 5 5 1 1
us AmericanNinJa (3537th ) 9 2 2 3
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 4 1
cl Anubis (5183rd ) 7 1
us effibrie (217th ) 28 15 13 9 19 3 1
us hooligan (5049th ) 5
br hyy-rageloga (4715th ) 12 7 3 2 9 1
am im (5812th ) Yes 14 5 1 2
cl KFV (5741st ) 6 3 1 2 3
es lion (3950th ) 15 5 1 4 8 2
pt Sph!nX (3444th ) 17 4 1 3
mx teaaa (546th ) 1 1
fi ville672 (9852nd ) 4 1 1
cz women_are_trash (14525th )
fr zOil (4659th ) 5 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
us (((staTic))) (11418th ) 0 0
pt *PPD*ApOkaL1pS (5477th ) 11 3
hu =oZ`froZelek*= (2891st ) 3 0
us AmericanNinJa (3537th ) 34 1
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 7 1
cl Anubis (5183rd ) 18 1
us effibrie (217th ) 60 11
us hooligan (5049th ) 7 3
br hyy-rageloga (4715th ) 47 8
am im (5812th ) 41 12
cl KFV (5741st ) 40 4
es lion (3950th ) 67 16
pt Sph!nX (3444th ) 15 3
mx teaaa (546th ) 0 0
fi ville672 (9852nd ) 4 2
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 0 0
fr zOil (4659th ) 4 0

Match Report
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