Match Stats
4 7
Match Date Fri, Jun 10 2022 at 5:44 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: |Wacko|, Farnsworth, DEEPCOUNTRY_i-TALIAN

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4973rd ) 446 1 1 2 3 37 16
nl [Lou]. (947th ) 389 4 2 5 9 1 13 9
Bubuleja (995th ) 353 9 1 10 13 9 9
be esh (1531st ) 350 11 3 13 1 12 1 1 10 8
it Morrison.g]R[e (4163rd ) 227 5 5 2 10 10
mx sus (3794th ) 159 4 3 1 7 5
nl Whatever (2003rd ) 152 3 3 6 5 1 7 8
pt Kurogane (829th ) 127 2 1 3 12 1 1
gb Sw!ss(heese (5274th ) 104 7 1 8 1 3 3 6
de boo (6844th ) 83 2 1 1 2 2
us half (7041st ) 56 1 1 2 3 1
pl GANTU (15394th ) 1
us Suicidal_Killer
Totals 4 2447 49 12 57 2 61 2 4 102 75
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us unrealfox (764th ) 646 6 8 14 1 25 6 5
nl eX`iMpure (298th ) 591 4 5 7 23 1 2 20 6
pt bife (589th ) 313 4 4 23 3 4
ca UTNL (3444th ) 279 25 5 26 7 4 7 9
ae mad_max (4845th ) 229 24 1 24 2 5 1 7 5
nl [eC]>>\Rednas/<< (1884th ) 168 11 1 12 7 2 3 4
fr The_Shadow (4577th ) 52 4 4 3 1 1
pl ZZzz (1666th ) 23 2 1
br Dark (5531st ) 18 1 1
cz vltava_supermassiu (15160th ) 17 3 2 5 1
Totals 7 2336 82 22 97 3 94 3 7 49 35

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4973rd )17:564468288128639.646.1800:09
nl [Lou]. (947th )17:56389242245149361.7124.6300:07
Bubuleja (995th )17:5635322522517256.6830.9200:06
be esh (1531st )17:56350159160171148.1919.0200:06
it Morrison.g]R[e (4163rd )17:56227103106167338.419.1700:07
mx sus (3794th )03:28159101120132.156.9200:10
nl Whatever (2003rd )10:371526263109136.4212.7900:06
pt Kurogane (829th )08:42127818260157.3413.4200:09
gb Sw!ss(heese (5274th )12:0110440409529.637.4300:08
de boo (6844th )05:578340404745.9817.2600:08
us half (7041st )03:095624242945.2825.5600:07
pl GANTU (15394th )01:27111420.009.0900:24
us Suicidal_Killer01:300700:11
Totals4 (2447)10691085115816039.3414.0300:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us unrealfox (764th )18:1164621221599367.0427.9200:11
nl eX`iMpure (298th )17:56591309310164165.2636.4300:07
pt bife (589th )14:30313232233154130.1116.6900:07
ca UTNL (3444th )17:562797677120138.897.3300:09
ae mad_max (4845th )17:562296364157128.835.2400:07
nl [eC]>>\Rednas/<< (1884th )11:331689293105146.7315.8700:07
fr The_Shadow (4577th )07:025231316432.633.1200:07
pl ZZzz (1666th )00:5723551033.3314.2900:06
br Dark (5531st )05:061817171848.573.2100:18
cz vltava_supermassiu (15160th )09:46171212935.773.4900:07
Totals7 (2336)104910579848039.7213.3600:09

Kills Match Up
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4973rd ) 6  1  3      101491118114 16
nl [Lou]. (947th )  3 12  8      31423522292694423
Bubuleja (995th )    11         132741254420192518
be esh (1531st ) 77616327     9231720181061315
it Morrison.g]R[e (4163rd )    13 1      1718161313148 14
mx sus (3794th )    2 1       11 1411   
nl Whatever (2003rd ) 1311411 1    41110747 134
pt Kurogane (829th )    7  41     4771213410  14
gb Sw!ss(heese (5274th )       1      3129463   2
de boo (6844th )              375368 215
us half (7041st )              4252216  2
pl GANTU (15394th )                    1   
us Suicidal_Killer                        
us unrealfox (764th ) 27283224374111218126223         
nl eX`iMpure (298th ) 33555632334272420178 1 1        
pt bife (589th ) 3527353141226517113    1       
ca UTNL (3444th ) 10711131513382112   1      
ae mad_max (4845th ) 5411116 6561612    1     
nl [eC]>>\Rednas/<< (1884th ) 5121315163111134        1    
fr The_Shadow (4577th ) 233662 23 4            
pl ZZzz (1666th )  11   2 1              
br Dark (5531st ) 11231 3 6              
cz vltava_supermassiu (15160th ) 21112 112 1            

Weapons Summary
nl [eC]>>\Rednas/<< (1884th ) 3 90
nl [Lou]. (947th ) 2 243
pt bife (589th ) 233
de boo (6844th ) 40
Bubuleja (995th ) 225
br Dark (5531st ) 1 16
be esh (1531st ) 2 158
nl eX`iMpure (298th ) 310
pl GANTU (15394th ) 1
us half (7041st ) 24
pt Kurogane (829th ) 82
ae mad_max (4845th ) 1 63
it Morrison.g]R[e (4163rd ) 6 99 1
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4973rd ) 3 85
us Suicidal_Killer
mx sus (3794th ) 1 9
gb Sw!ss(heese (5274th ) 40
fr The_Shadow (4577th ) 31
us unrealfox (764th ) 171
ca UTNL (3444th ) 4 73
cz vltava_supermassiu (15160th ) 12
nl Whatever (2003rd ) 3 60
pl ZZzz (1666th ) 5
nl [eC]>>\Rednas/<< (1884th ) 479
nl [Lou]. (947th ) 942
pt bife (589th ) 698
de boo (6844th ) 226
Bubuleja (995th ) 705
br Dark (5531st ) 187
be esh (1531st ) 799
nl eX`iMpure (298th ) 840
pl GANTU (15394th ) 11
us half (7041st ) 90
pt Kurogane (829th ) 395
ae mad_max (4845th ) 1069
it Morrison.g]R[e (4163rd ) 992
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4973rd ) 777
us Suicidal_Killer 33
mx sus (3794th ) 96
gb Sw!ss(heese (5274th ) 296
fr The_Shadow (4577th ) 353
us unrealfox (764th ) 160
ca UTNL (3444th ) 682
cz vltava_supermassiu (15160th )
nl Whatever (2003rd ) 477
pl ZZzz (1666th ) 35
nl [eC]>>\Rednas/<< (1884th ) 76
nl [Lou]. (947th ) 232
pt bife (589th ) 233
de boo (6844th ) 39
Bubuleja (995th ) 218
br Dark (5531st ) 6
be esh (1531st ) 152
nl eX`iMpure (298th ) 306
pl GANTU (15394th ) 1
us half (7041st ) 23
pt Kurogane (829th ) 53
ae mad_max (4845th ) 56
it Morrison.g]R[e (4163rd ) 91
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4973rd ) 48
us Suicidal_Killer
mx sus (3794th ) 3
gb Sw!ss(heese (5274th ) 22
fr The_Shadow (4577th ) 11
us unrealfox (764th ) 44
ca UTNL (3444th ) 50
cz vltava_supermassiu (15160th )
nl Whatever (2003rd ) 61
pl ZZzz (1666th ) 5
nl [eC]>>\Rednas/<< (1884th ) 109765
nl [Lou]. (947th ) 342268
pt bife (589th ) 349500
de boo (6844th ) 58218
Bubuleja (995th ) 325062
br Dark (5531st ) 8356
be esh (1531st ) 226647
nl eX`iMpure (298th ) 465000
pl GANTU (15394th ) 1030
us half (7041st ) 36000
pt Kurogane (829th ) 77905
ae mad_max (4845th ) 75427
it Morrison.g]R[e (4163rd ) 124696
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4973rd ) 61037
us Suicidal_Killer
mx sus (3794th ) 2980
gb Sw!ss(heese (5274th ) 26323
fr The_Shadow (4577th ) 12583
us unrealfox (764th ) 66000
ca UTNL (3444th ) 59104
cz vltava_supermassiu (15160th )
nl Whatever (2003rd ) 79152
pl ZZzz (1666th ) 6651
nl [eC]>>\Rednas/<< (1884th ) 15.87
nl [Lou]. (947th ) 24.63
pt bife (589th ) 33.38
de boo (6844th ) 17.26
Bubuleja (995th ) 30.92
br Dark (5531st ) 3.21
be esh (1531st ) 19.02
nl eX`iMpure (298th ) 36.43
pl GANTU (15394th ) 9.09
us half (7041st ) 25.56
pt Kurogane (829th ) 13.42
ae mad_max (4845th ) 5.24
it Morrison.g]R[e (4163rd ) 9.17
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4973rd ) 6.18
us Suicidal_Killer
mx sus (3794th ) 3.13
gb Sw!ss(heese (5274th ) 7.43
fr The_Shadow (4577th ) 3.12
us unrealfox (764th ) 27.50
ca UTNL (3444th ) 7.33
cz vltava_supermassiu (15160th )
nl Whatever (2003rd ) 12.79
pl ZZzz (1666th ) 14.29

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
pt bife (589th ) 31 15 6 9 10
de boo (6844th ) 5 1 1 1
Bubuleja (995th ) 26 15 8 6 8
br Dark (5531st ) 1 1 1 2
be esh (1531st ) 18 5 8 1 5
nl eX`iMpure (298th ) 37 21 9 11 18 2 1
pl GANTU (15394th )
us half (7041st ) 2 3 1
pt Kurogane (829th ) 9 6 1 2 4 1
ae mad_max (4845th ) 9 3 1
it Morrison.g]R[e (4163rd ) 11 5 3
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4973rd ) 10 1 1 1 3
us Suicidal_Killer
mx sus (3794th ) 1
gb Sw!ss(heese (5274th ) 2 3 1
fr The_Shadow (4577th ) 4 2 2
us unrealfox (764th ) 28 9 8 7 16 1
ca UTNL (3444th ) 7 3 1 1 2
cz vltava_supermassiu (15160th ) 1
nl Whatever (2003rd ) 10
pl ZZzz (1666th )
nl [eC]>>\Rednas/<< (1884th ) 11 2 4 3
nl [Lou]. (947th ) Yes 26 18 5 6 11

Match Report
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