Match Stats
7 5
Match Date Thu, Feb 29 2024 at 8:40 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: x, Vic, Player9, bragas_espanolas

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
se effibrie (217th ) 496 12 2 14 3 29 3 9 3
mx hiii!RAGE_QUIT! (8914th ) 416 15 3 15 1 3 5 3
pt bife (593rd ) 356 5 5 40 2 2
us haha_guy (3084th ) 259 5 5 10 1 7 12 10
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 221 7 3 8 9 2 3 3
nl Helgar (7642nd ) 173 14 9 23 1 2 1 11 9
hu ender (6800th ) 171 1 1 2 2 5 1 7 6
ru x4.`unreal (45th ) 123 1 1 8 4 2
de Horst (1649th ) 106 1 1 8 2 3
it Gaucho (3159th ) 79 9 2 1
Totals 7 2400 61 23 79 7 118 11 5 56 37
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
bg d (311th ) 560 17 2 19 1 11 21 3
cl NoFuN! (114th ) 416 5 1 5 13 1 1 21 4
gr O.O (1313th ) 356 4 5 6 12 2 3 12 12
am Nice^|fu (1407th ) 272 2 7 7 11 2 11 15
it funkysl4p (4682nd ) 257 3 3 13 5 5 4
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 217 5 4 8 1 9 5
de Talwin (5986th ) 119 10 2 12 1 6 1 1 2
de wpxc (11751st ) 71 1 1 3 8
gb mi (5771st ) 65 1 3 2
us (((staTic))) (11418th ) 62 5 1 1
se BRUNO (3691st ) 43 8 1 9 1
Totals 5 2438 54 19 66 2 80 9 7 87 57

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
se effibrie (217th )16:3249625725716161.4821.0000:06
mx hiii!RAGE_QUIT! (8914th )13:3541643438833.133.5500:10
pt bife (593rd )16:323562242271213164.5925.0600:09
us haha_guy (3084th )16:3225911811811750.2114.2100:09
cl CALIGULA (4825th )16:2322111011190154.958.5700:12
nl Helgar (7642nd )16:321733839136122.168.7500:08
hu ender (6800th )16:321716870173228.5711.9500:06
ru x4.`unreal (45th )02:4812356562271.7940.1500:08
de Horst (1649th )04:0710648483160.7624.1000:08
it Gaucho (3159th )12:32793848451046.605.3900:18
Totals7 (2400)1000101798417149.4216.2700:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
bg d (311th )16:3256027527788275.4817.3400:12
cl NoFuN! (114th )13:52416172173111160.7028.6700:08
gr O.O (1313th )16:3235614814815249.3314.6400:07
am Nice^|fu (1407th )13:55272108109145142.7510.5300:06
it funkysl4p (4682nd )16:322571461481352151.9221.7300:08
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th )07:0621771713865.1412.8300:12
de Talwin (5986th )14:071195860128231.584.5800:07
de wpxc (11751st )16:32714043173319.634.4500:06
gb mi (5771st )04:286526264536.6214.9100:06
us (((staTic))) (11418th )12:06623940106127.211.9300:07
se BRUNO (3691st )05:1843303043141.3314.2000:07
Totals5 (2438)11131125116412245.6113.2600:08

Kills Match Up
se effibrie (217th )  5  5    51626464257294713227
mx hiii!RAGE_QUIT! (8914th )   23415 2111432137111
pt bife (593rd )  23 7    9142631 255175112237
us haha_guy (3084th )  3  1    9101413 771616598
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 28 1114  39614 8115183135
nl Helgar (7642nd )  1   1    456 2144165
hu ender (6800th )  2  1 2  595738186474
ru x4.`unreal (45th )  4        251065775 5 
de Horst (1649th )  5        37734466 3 
it Gaucho (3159th ) 8461 57  101  67 12   
bg d (311th ) 441718351933468522  428      
cl NoFuN! (114th ) 2310202292730422 1 222      
gr O.O (1313th ) 1562113132523342   167      
am Nice^|fu (1407th ) 243 3 2 22131381134167 17 
it funkysl4p (4682nd ) 35713157131113163682 636 6
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 84109996292   3       
de Talwin (5986th ) 721054710 1    122 2    
de wpxc (11751st ) 6264676 2    31  3   
gb mi (5771st ) 5163 42      14      
us (((staTic))) (11418th ) 31222310412   10     1 
se BRUNO (3691st ) 3 44 111      35  1   

Weapons Summary
us (((staTic))) (11418th ) 2 38
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 71
pt bife (593rd ) 1 228
se BRUNO (3691st ) 3 29
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 5 106
bg d (311th ) 277
se effibrie (217th ) 2 255
hu ender (6800th ) 1 69
it funkysl4p (4682nd ) 1 149
it Gaucho (3159th ) 2 45 1
us haha_guy (3084th ) 1 117
nl Helgar (7642nd ) 1 38
mx hiii!RAGE_QUIT! (8914th ) 6
de Horst (1649th ) 2 46
gb mi (5771st ) 26
am Nice^|fu (1407th ) 7 102
cl NoFuN! (114th ) 173
gr O.O (1313th ) 3 145
de Talwin (5986th ) 2 58
de wpxc (11751st ) 2 41
ru x4.`unreal (45th ) 56
us (((staTic))) (11418th ) 466
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 343
pt bife (593rd ) 906
se BRUNO (3691st ) 162
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 467
bg d (311th ) 865
se effibrie (217th ) 1038
hu ender (6800th ) 477
it funkysl4p (4682nd ) 635
it Gaucho (3159th ) 334
us haha_guy (3084th ) 570
nl Helgar (7642nd ) 400
mx hiii!RAGE_QUIT! (8914th ) 77
de Horst (1649th ) 166
gb mi (5771st ) 161
am Nice^|fu (1407th ) 655
cl NoFuN! (114th ) 558
gr O.O (1313th ) 813
de Talwin (5986th ) 546
de wpxc (11751st ) 921
ru x4.`unreal (45th ) 137
us (((staTic))) (11418th ) 9
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 44
pt bife (593rd ) 227
se BRUNO (3691st ) 23
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 40
bg d (311th ) 150
se effibrie (217th ) 218
hu ender (6800th ) 57
it funkysl4p (4682nd ) 138
it Gaucho (3159th ) 18
us haha_guy (3084th ) 81
nl Helgar (7642nd ) 35
mx hiii!RAGE_QUIT! (8914th ) 2
de Horst (1649th ) 40
gb mi (5771st ) 24
am Nice^|fu (1407th ) 69
cl NoFuN! (114th ) 160
gr O.O (1313th ) 119
de Talwin (5986th ) 25
de wpxc (11751st ) 41
ru x4.`unreal (45th ) 55
us (((staTic))) (11418th ) 9797
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 60783
pt bife (593rd ) 342000
se BRUNO (3691st ) 28764
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 42907
bg d (311th ) 212635
se effibrie (217th ) 319729
hu ender (6800th ) 82514
it funkysl4p (4682nd ) 205483
it Gaucho (3159th ) 18730
us haha_guy (3084th ) 113337
nl Helgar (7642nd ) 49158
mx hiii!RAGE_QUIT! (8914th ) 1998
de Horst (1649th ) 58326
gb mi (5771st ) 34570
am Nice^|fu (1407th ) 90068
cl NoFuN! (114th ) 240823
gr O.O (1313th ) 171245
de Talwin (5986th ) 26512
de wpxc (11751st ) 55785
ru x4.`unreal (45th ) 82500
us (((staTic))) (11418th ) 1.93
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 12.83
pt bife (593rd ) 25.06
se BRUNO (3691st ) 14.20
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 8.57
bg d (311th ) 17.34
se effibrie (217th ) 21.00
hu ender (6800th ) 11.95
it funkysl4p (4682nd ) 21.73
it Gaucho (3159th ) 5.39
us haha_guy (3084th ) 14.21
nl Helgar (7642nd ) 8.75
mx hiii!RAGE_QUIT! (8914th ) 2.60
de Horst (1649th ) 24.10
gb mi (5771st ) 14.91
am Nice^|fu (1407th ) 10.53
cl NoFuN! (114th ) 28.67
gr O.O (1313th ) 14.64
de Talwin (5986th ) 4.58
de wpxc (11751st ) 4.45
ru x4.`unreal (45th ) 40.15

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
us (((staTic))) (11418th ) 4 3 1
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 8 1 3 1 3 2
pt bife (593rd ) 31 14 6 8 15 3
se BRUNO (3691st ) 1 3
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 16 4 4 4 8 1
bg d (311th ) 19 12 10 12 22 3 2
se effibrie (217th ) 27 14 11 9 14 2
hu ender (6800th ) 5 2 1 1
it funkysl4p (4682nd ) 23 7 3 1 3 3
it Gaucho (3159th ) 3 1 2 2 3
us haha_guy (3084th ) 11 5 2 4 4 1
nl Helgar (7642nd ) 1
mx hiii!RAGE_QUIT! (8914th ) 5 1
de Horst (1649th ) 6 4 1 3
gb mi (5771st ) 5
am Nice^|fu (1407th ) 15 3 2 4
cl NoFuN! (114th ) 23 11 7 2 11 1
gr O.O (1313th ) Yes 23 2 1 3 7
de Talwin (5986th ) 3 1 1 2 3
de wpxc (11751st ) 7
ru x4.`unreal (45th ) 7 2 4 3

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
us (((staTic))) (11418th ) 31 0
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 28 6
pt bife (593rd ) 0 0
se BRUNO (3691st ) 9 4
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 70 3
bg d (311th ) 126 12
se effibrie (217th ) 38 9
hu ender (6800th ) 13 1
it funkysl4p (4682nd ) 11 1
it Gaucho (3159th ) 32 2
us haha_guy (3084th ) 35 3
nl Helgar (7642nd ) 5 0
mx hiii!RAGE_QUIT! (8914th ) 17 0
de Horst (1649th ) 8 1
gb mi (5771st ) 3 0
am Nice^|fu (1407th ) 41 7
cl NoFuN! (114th ) 13 0
gr O.O (1313th ) 31 2
de Talwin (5986th ) 39 0
de wpxc (11751st ) 0 0
ru x4.`unreal (45th ) 1 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format