Match Stats
3 4
Match Date Sun, Mar 3 2024 at 11:51 am Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL spfix
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Player12

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
de $!MUL4NT (4933rd ) 247 2 2 2 8 3
us ParaMaw (3844th ) 209 6 4 8 1 1 2 7 3
de soundless (5853rd ) 170 1 1 1 7 4 3
nl Druss (3305th ) 164 4 1 5 2 2 2 3
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 126 1 1 2 2 1
fr uwu (1387th ) 57 2
pl LeBomB (5983rd ) 20 1 1 1
Totals 3 993 13 7 17 4 16 0 3 23 14
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
bg d (311th ) 442 10 2 10 1 5 2 6 1
us VPNr (2965th ) 201 13 12 1 1
cl KFX (5120th ) 167 1 1 2 5 3
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th ) 128 2 1 1 1 4 3
fr kirua (8041st ) 125 1 1 4 4
fi random_guy (10226th ) 107 1 1 2 1 2 3
pl Nitro^ (367th ) 10
Totals 4 1180 24 7 27 1 9 0 4 21 15

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
de $!MUL4NT (4933rd )20:0024712712710255.468.2600:12
us ParaMaw (3844th )20:00209898912940.8311.2400:10
de soundless (5853rd )20:001708485101145.457.6800:13
nl Druss (3305th )20:00164979712543.698.6800:10
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th )08:3712688883571.5414.9900:16
fr uwu (1387th )04:2157525310182.8134.1900:28
pl LeBomB (5983rd )04:042013132435.1410.4300:11
Totals3 (993)5505525262053.5613.6400:14
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
bg d (311th )20:004422702708276.7022.6100:16
us VPNr (2965th )20:0020111811815842.7512.6700:08
cl KFX (5120th )18:2916785857353.804.8500:16
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th )20:00128818110443.789.7500:12
fr kirua (8041st )20:001256465160128.764.6000:08
fi random_guy (10226th )20:001077677148134.078.5100:08
pl Nitro^ (367th )01:03101010758.8222.8600:09
Totals4 (1180)7047067322048.3812.2600:11

Kills Match Up
de $!MUL4NT (4933rd )   7  4 204812221112
us ParaMaw (3844th )   4  1 1931131038 
de soundless (5853rd ) 5818   7125713182
nl Druss (3305th )   4    10311028113 
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th )      1 1492112328 
fr uwu (1387th ) 487103131312812
pl LeBomB (5983rd )         422 41
bg d (311th ) 345935331717    5331 
us VPNr (2965th ) 221910274 4    248 
cl KFX (5120th ) 16154151 2    2111 
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th ) 7143234 4    197 
fr kirua (8041st ) 1 7212 91951118 
fi random_guy (10226th ) 10520551 21410141 
pl Nitro^ (367th ) 31 2  4       

Weapons Summary
de $!MUL4NT (4933rd ) 5 122 993 82 8.26 116715
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 1 87 447 67 14.99 99594
bg d (311th ) 4 266 973 220 22.61 320901
nl Druss (3305th ) 1 96 737 64 8.68 94438
cl KFX (5120th ) 3 82 887 43 4.85 57842
fr kirua (8041st ) 6 59 522 24 4.60 28654
pl LeBomB (5983rd ) 13 115 12 10.43 17730
pl Nitro^ (367th ) 10 35 8 22.86 11736
us ParaMaw (3844th ) 2 87 685 77 11.24 113633
fi random_guy (10226th ) 3 74 658 56 8.51 76101
de soundless (5853rd ) 3 82 781 60 7.68 84162
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th ) 81 810 79 9.75 113422
fr uwu (1387th ) 53 155 53 34.19 79500
us VPNr (2965th ) 5 113 529 67 12.67 93669

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
de $!MUL4NT (4933rd ) 16 8 2
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 14 2 1 1 7 2
bg d (311th ) Yes 38 11 10 7 16 3
nl Druss (3305th ) 13 1 1 3
cl KFX (5120th ) 10 2 1 3
fr kirua (8041st ) 2 1 1 1
pl LeBomB (5983rd ) 2
pl Nitro^ (367th ) 3
us ParaMaw (3844th ) 9 1 1
fi random_guy (10226th ) 6 1 2
de soundless (5853rd ) 8 2 3
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th ) 6 1
fr uwu (1387th ) 11 2 2 2 1
us VPNr (2965th ) 20 1 3 1 4

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
de $!MUL4NT (4933rd ) 46 19
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 20 7
bg d (311th ) 49 21
nl Druss (3305th ) 34 3
cl KFX (5120th ) 43 18
fr kirua (8041st ) 42 13
pl LeBomB (5983rd ) 1 0
pl Nitro^ (367th ) 2 0
us ParaMaw (3844th ) 12 4
fi random_guy (10226th ) 22 4
de soundless (5853rd ) 28 13
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th ) 2 1
fr uwu (1387th ) 0 0
us VPNr (2965th ) 54 28

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format