Match Stats
3 7
Match Date Thu, Mar 7 2024 at 9:13 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name duku ! (nw)
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Vic, NIVEN_MAP, empire

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
it arLes (855th ) 179 3 1 4 5 1 3 2
us haha_guy (3084th ) 153 2 2 1 7 8
us Hooch (6704th ) 143 2 1 3 3 10 4
nl B888M (4357th ) 135 1 1 4 6 3
ru yourself (2562nd ) 126 2 1 3 1 3 2
pl Luca^Brasi (1281st ) 87 2 1 1 2 2
it .:::. (2870th ) 59 4 1
us Oldman (3088th ) 58 3 1 4 3 1
de uq*Cypher (1657th ) 56 3 3 3 2
il hiii (2307th ) 32 2 2 1
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 32 5 4 1 1
ca Keebler_Elf_{HoF} (4735th ) 2
Totals 3 1062 25 5 27 1 17 1 3 39 23
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 157 3 2 1 3 1 3 1
us OS (2271st ) 141 5 4 7 3 2 2 4
it funkysl4p (4683rd ) 124 3 3 5 3 1 3 2
us LoSahn (7276th ) 119 1 1 2 4 3 5 9
mx sus (3738th ) 108 5 1 3 3 2 1
ar DAz (5764th ) 98 4 2 6 1 4 2 2
si (1645th ) 14 2 2
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 4 2 2
Totals 7 765 25 11 29 2 17 5 7 17 17

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
it arLes (855th )12:2817981815360.1124.8200:15
us haha_guy (3084th )12:5215356565052.839.5400:16
us Hooch (6704th )07:5014331314043.6611.4700:12
nl B888M (4357th )12:5513546462663.8910.2400:32
ru yourself (2562nd )06:2512621212937.944.6300:15
pl Luca^Brasi (1281st )05:318729292454.7217.1400:15
it .:::. (2870th )06:295940403851.2816.1100:11
us Oldman (3088th )07:3458232421152.175.7800:23
de uq*Cypher (1657th )03:435623231856.1013.4300:13
il hiii (2307th )05:283221212150.009.1800:16
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th )12:5532134326.255.5600:19
ca Keebler_Elf_{HoF} (4735th )02:13222820.002.9400:18
Totals3 (1062)3743773713045.7510.9000:17
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ru Schizazoid (3549th )12:51157626345157.808.7000:18
us OS (2271st )12:5514162624557.949.1400:18
it funkysl4p (4683rd )12:5512464644459.2624.6100:19
us LoSahn (7276th )12:5511926266428.894.2000:13
mx sus (3738th )10:03108151722241.462.8800:30
ar DAz (5764th )11:5898454764241.598.1600:12
si (1645th )02:26141111955.0016.2800:17
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th )02:52422528.578.7000:36
Totals7 (765)2872922985046.3110.3300:20

Kills Match Up
it arLes (855th )  710 141344 1445591711
us haha_guy (3084th ) 5      2    87611872 
us Hooch (6704th ) 4           258615  
nl B888M (4357th ) 1      1    3821421122
ru yourself (2562nd )        3    2416 23 
pl Luca^Brasi (1281st ) 7         2 314336  
it .:::. (2870th ) 7    1    3 447437  
us Oldman (3088th ) 21 16  1 103    1    
de uq*Cypher (1657th ) 3           363413  
il hiii (2307th )        4    13221512
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th )   1       2 11      
ca Keebler_Elf_{HoF} (4735th ) 1           1       
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 110736110261411 24 5  
us OS (2271st ) 311610541 24524   14  
it funkysl4p (4683rd ) 410116456211914       
us LoSahn (7276th ) 12  2242236 1    1  
mx sus (3738th ) 111 3311111  11 21  
ar DAz (5764th ) 9744143 217 1 3 12  
si (1645th ) 41 11     2 2       
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th )    1        1       

Weapons Summary
it .:::. (2870th ) 1 39 180 29 16.11 42466
it arLes (855th ) 32 141 45 31.91 67042
nl B888M (4357th ) 1 45 166 17 10.24 19361
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 3 54 3 5.56 4500
ar DAz (5764th ) 5 42 515 42 8.16 54098
it funkysl4p (4683rd ) 64 256 63 24.61 91887
us haha_guy (3084th ) 56 325 31 9.54 43607
il hiii (2307th ) 21 207 19 9.18 23082
us Hooch (6704th ) 1 30 218 25 11.47 32070
ca Keebler_Elf_{HoF} (4735th ) 2 34 1 2.94 1081
us LoSahn (7276th ) 2 24 405 17 4.20 18917
pl Luca^Brasi (1281st ) 29 105 18 17.14 26874
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 2 23 2 8.70 3000
us Oldman (3088th ) 24 225 13 5.78 19272
us OS (2271st ) 62 525 48 9.14 65607
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 63 414 36 8.70 47486
si (1645th ) 1 10 43 7 16.28 8114
mx sus (3738th ) 1 16 417 12 2.88 16760
de uq*Cypher (1657th ) 23 134 18 13.43 24761
ru yourself (2562nd ) 20 16

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
it .:::. (2870th ) 5 1 1 1
it arLes (855th ) 7 8 2 8
nl B888M (4357th ) 4 1 4
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th )
ar DAz (5764th ) 3
it funkysl4p (4683rd ) 5 1 3
us haha_guy (3084th ) Yes 6 2 3
il hiii (2307th ) 4 1
us Hooch (6704th ) 2
ca Keebler_Elf_{HoF} (4735th )
us LoSahn (7276th )
pl Luca^Brasi (1281st ) 1 2 1
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th )
us Oldman (3088th ) 3 2
us OS (2271st ) 6 1 1 3
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 5 3 1 3
si (1645th ) 1
mx sus (3738th ) 2
de uq*Cypher (1657th ) 3 1 2
ru yourself (2562nd ) 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
it .:::. (2870th ) 12 0
it arLes (855th ) 11 4
nl B888M (4357th ) 29 13
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 0 0
ar DAz (5764th ) 8 2
it funkysl4p (4683rd ) 1 0
us haha_guy (3084th ) 25 3
il hiii (2307th ) 3 0
us Hooch (6704th ) 6 0
ca Keebler_Elf_{HoF} (4735th ) 2 0
us LoSahn (7276th ) 10 1
pl Luca^Brasi (1281st ) 11 4
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 0 0
us Oldman (3088th ) 11 4
us OS (2271st ) 15 4
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 26 6
si (1645th ) 4 1
mx sus (3738th ) 6 2
de uq*Cypher (1657th ) 5 1
ru yourself (2562nd ) 5 3

Match Report
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