Match Stats
4 6
Match Date Sat, Mar 9 2024 at 1:10 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name BlockiestMapEver_40
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Player3, pussyhunter, The_Shadow, John_Cutter, goku

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl KillerKees (634th ) 307 3 1 3 8 11 1 1
gb HB (1371st ) 256 1 1 8 9 2 1
nl Druss (3305th ) 176 1 1 4 3 3 4
pl x (1494th ) 121 8 1 8 2 4 1
us §øul~Cøllectør (3656th ) 79 3 1 4 2 3
nl radicaaltje (1947th ) 79 1 1 2 4 1 1
hu froZelek* (1581st ) 77 3 2 1 1 1
no hOre (301st ) 62 2 2 1
pl Jasiu (4111th ) 53 2 2 1 2
pl Mateusz (3252nd ) 46 2 2 1
nl warcow (12450th ) 32 1 3
il hiii (2308th ) 19
ee Juss (3325th ) 14 4 4 1
pl CrazyEyes (6998th ) 7 1
ru POCTOB.. (4118th ) 2
cz rasta/pplarehell (17047th )
Totals 4 1330 29 4 30 0 24 32 3 15 15
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
at vdr (117th ) 436 10 9 1 5 5 1 9 3
de chefe (2687th ) 347 6 3 5 1 2 2 4 10 7
pl ccc (1209th ) 269 8 7 6 2
gb shmoo (3413th ) 258 11 2 12 3 1 2 1 7 9
cl KFG (5127th ) 245 1 1 5 7
fr Panzerjager (12144th ) 181 3 1 3 1
us effibrie (217th ) 6
id vino (13364th ) 5 1
Totals 6 1747 27 6 26 5 19 18 7 40 29

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl KillerKees (634th )20:143072052058969.7324.4500:14
gb HB (1371st )18:3525616516511459.1418.8100:10
nl Druss (3305th )12:1617640409627.855.3100:08
pl x (1494th )08:4812149495248.5118.9200:11
us §øul~Cøllectør (3656th )11:047943439315.934.1300:18
nl radicaaltje (1947th )06:017948482664.8616.6100:15
hu froZelek* (1581st )05:267738383949.3523.4900:09
no hOre (301st )04:426234341766.5428.7700:18
pl Jasiu (4111th )06:355329294544.4520.7000:16
pl Mateusz (3252nd )05:074632324442.1117.8100:07
nl warcow (12450th )04:57327822125.819.4100:14
il hiii (2308th )03:511919191457.587.4100:18
ee Juss (3325th )01:5314551033.3310.5300:12
pl CrazyEyes (6998th )01:167221115.385.4100:07
ru POCTOB.. (4118th )01:412221115.383.8500:10
cz rasta/pplarehell (17047th )00:590101:05
Totals4 (1330)7187196841039.7513.4700:16
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
at vdr (117th )20:1443624924916260.5832.0000:08
de chefe (2687th )20:1434712012014245.8020.5900:09
pl ccc (1209th )20:1426914814815948.2113.5800:08
gb shmoo (3413th )19:532587071116137.778.2300:11
cl KFG (5127th )19:32245707010242.444.5600:12
fr Panzerjager (12144th )09:29181434442148.7817.1200:16
us effibrie (217th )00:36666650.0021.4300:06
id vino (13364th )02:295221611.114.8800:10
Totals6 (1747)7087107452043.0915.3000:10

Kills Match Up
nl KillerKees (634th )   9       7     43384814394 3
gb HB (1371st )   5       4     493545411723
nl Druss (3305th ) 2    12 2 42 1  58544   
pl x (1494th )   3             118105102  
us §øul~Cøllectør (3656th )           3     91112152  
nl radicaaltje (1947th )   11             57874213
hu froZelek* (1581st )   6             818563 1
no hOre (301st )   3             66442414
pl Jasiu (4111th )   6             63442211
pl Mateusz (3252nd )           1     68467   
nl warcow (12450th ) 11  5     1        1    
il hiii (2308th )   4             31 524  
ee Juss (3325th )   1              1 1  11
pl CrazyEyes (6998th )                  1  1   
ru POCTOB.. (4118th )                 11      
cz rasta/pplarehell (17047th )                         
at vdr (117th ) 3836171841101581410 51591   16 5  
de chefe (2687th ) 91910141934 315 322     16 1  
pl ccc (1209th ) 253291318274811 12 2    9 5  
gb shmoo (3413th ) 6564143 24312   6105181  
cl KFG (5127th ) 31963816344  12     10    
fr Panzerjager (12144th ) 5   151111  11   436411  
us effibrie (217th )  1    11   111          
id vino (13364th )  1      1               

Weapons Summary
pl ccc (1209th ) 2 146 744 101 13.58 145961
de chefe (2687th ) 120 505 104 20.59 153145
pl CrazyEyes (6998th ) 2 37 2 5.41 2637
nl Druss (3305th ) 1 9 215 9 4.19 12408
us effibrie (217th ) 6 28 6 21.43 9000
hu froZelek* (1581st ) 38 149 35 23.49 52500
gb HB (1371st ) 1 164 691 130 18.81 191615
il hiii (2308th ) 19 243 18 7.41 25899
no hOre (301st ) 19 65 19 29.23 28500
pl Jasiu (4111th ) 28 211 17 8.06 24341
ee Juss (3325th ) 5 38 4 10.53 5496
cl KFG (5127th ) 26 338 17 5.03 20944
nl KillerKees (634th ) 1 204 732 179 24.45 265746
pl Mateusz (3252nd ) 32 146 26 17.81 38137
fr Panzerjager (12144th ) 20 99 20 20.20 30000
ru POCTOB.. (4118th ) 2 52 2 3.85 3000
nl radicaaltje (1947th ) 1 47 277 46 16.61 64811
gb shmoo (3413th ) 1 70 571 47 8.23 64177
at vdr (117th ) 249 775 248 32.00 373500
id vino (13364th ) 2 41 2 4.88 3000
nl warcow (12450th ) 8 85 8 9.41 12000
pl x (1494th ) 49 185 35 18.92 51684
us §øul~Cøllectør (3656th ) 1 42 472 39 8.26 56912

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
pl ccc (1209th ) 22 5 4 1 6
de chefe (2687th ) Yes 15 2 1 3 1
pl CrazyEyes (6998th )
nl Druss (3305th ) 4 2 1 1
us effibrie (217th ) 2
hu froZelek* (1581st ) 5 1 1 1
gb HB (1371st ) 18 7 1 5 10
il hiii (2308th ) 2 1
no hOre (301st ) 1 1 1 2 1 1
pl Jasiu (4111th ) 2 1 1
ee Juss (3325th ) 1
cl KFG (5127th ) 10 5
nl KillerKees (634th ) 29 14 2 2 14 1 1
pl Mateusz (3252nd ) 3 3
fr Panzerjager (12144th ) 4 2
ru POCTOB.. (4118th )
nl radicaaltje (1947th ) 6 2 3
cz rasta/pplarehell (17047th )
gb shmoo (3413th ) 3 3
at vdr (117th ) 32 12 7 5 11 3
id vino (13364th )
nl warcow (12450th ) 1
pl x (1494th ) 9 1 3
us §øul~Cøllectør (3656th ) 3 1 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
pl ccc (1209th ) 50 7
de chefe (2687th ) 18 2
pl CrazyEyes (6998th ) 0 0
nl Druss (3305th ) 18 1
us effibrie (217th ) 0 0
hu froZelek* (1581st ) 3 0
gb HB (1371st ) 35 5
il hiii (2308th ) 1 0
no hOre (301st ) 0 0
pl Jasiu (4111th ) 11 0
ee Juss (3325th ) 1 0
cl KFG (5127th ) 30 4
nl KillerKees (634th ) 27 13
pl Mateusz (3252nd ) 5 3
fr Panzerjager (12144th ) 0 0
ru POCTOB.. (4118th ) 0 0
nl radicaaltje (1947th ) 2 0
cz rasta/pplarehell (17047th ) 0 0
gb shmoo (3413th ) 24 1
at vdr (117th ) 0 0
id vino (13364th ) 0 0
nl warcow (12450th ) 0 0
pl x (1494th ) 14 7
us §øul~Cøllectør (3656th ) 3 0

Match Report
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