Match Stats
2 1
Match Date Mon, Mar 11 2024 at 4:12 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (Vp) Picture Perfect
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: m., gzm, Octoman, Ulquiorra

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
dk -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 423 2 2 9 12 3
pt dead (4839th ) 361 5 2 6 2 1 13 6
cl Noctubro (5882nd ) 191 7 6
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 168 10 4 14 1 6 3
in Hipishizik_Metafizik (6496th ) 126 8 8 1 4 2
pt Leya (4094th ) 67 1 1 2 1
us §øul~Cøllectør (3657th ) 46 3 3
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 38 1 2 3 1 1
Totals 2 1420 30 8 37 1 15 0 1 44 20
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
no hOre (300th ) 492 6 5 11 11 11 2
dawg (2630th ) 319 1 7 8 1 6 9 7
nl hetzalwel (4101st ) 306 5 4 9 2 4 10 8
gb BOBBY_SOX (1475th ) 203 1 2 2 1 7 2
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 115 3 4 7 1 5 11
us LoSahn (7276th ) 98 7 4 10 1 1 2 6
in Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 64 5 2
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 11 2 2
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 11 5 5
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 4 2 2
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 4
fr The_Shadow (4522nd )
us Ann0ying-CheatS (15050th )
Totals 1 1627 32 26 56 5 21 0 2 49 38

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
dk -fe.dickfish- (462nd )20:1142328928915764.8030.5200:08
pt dead (4839th )20:1136118918916852.9418.2900:07
cl Noctubro (5882nd )20:1119110410411447.717.3600:11
nl Tosquiojo (4390th )20:111689394163136.4315.4200:08
in Hipishizik_Metafizik (6496th )12:3512667679641.109.1200:08
pt Leya (4094th )06:146753534355.2117.4900:09
us §øul~Cøllectør (3657th )03:424625253541.677.4100:06
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd )07:083826265631.716.7900:08
Totals2 (1420)8468478321046.4514.0500:08
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
no hOre (300th )20:1149235535519664.4330.6700:06
dawg (2630th )20:1131918518517551.3914.7200:07
nl hetzalwel (4101st )20:11306176177165151.6019.2800:08
gb BOBBY_SOX (1475th )10:2220397978453.1013.6800:08
nl |Wacko| (6745th )20:11115434313024.864.3900:10
us LoSahn (7276th )13:2898252899321.545.1300:08
in Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th )05:406415152240.548.4700:16
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th )05:5611553711.906.3300:10
pl Baby_Doll (946th )01:281199660.0010.8400:16
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )01:224221313.3318.1800:06
cl CALIGULA (4824th )02:10444640.003.5100:23
fr The_Shadow (4522nd )00:270100:29
us Ann0ying-CheatS (15050th )02:390102:50
Totals1 (1627)9169209354033.2810.4000:24

Kills Match Up
dk -fe.dickfish- (462nd )    6    65515035342610332211
pt dead (4839th )    8    4243241429184214   
cl Noctubro (5882nd )    2    282016614142 11   
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 2611   1101724317722 2   
in Hipishizik_Metafizik (6496th )         13101310118  1 1  
pt Leya (4094th )         101161175    3  
us §øul~Cøllectør (3657th )         672442       
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd )    2    87113 11 2   
no hOre (300th ) 806353452810833  13  9 13     
dawg (2630th ) 22391821239915  11  5 13     
nl hetzalwel (4101st ) 26261440207441461 8231 2   
gb BOBBY_SOX (1475th ) 2017915148121     1       
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 21081352 1     2       
us LoSahn (7276th ) 2473341  1  33       
in Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 31 3   1  5    2     
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th )   12     2           
pl Baby_Doll (946th )  1233                
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )  11                  
cl CALIGULA (4824th )      31              
fr The_Shadow (4522nd )                      
us Ann0ying-CheatS (15050th )                      

Weapons Summary
dk -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 289
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 2
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 9
gb BOBBY_SOX (1475th ) 1 70
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 5
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 4
dawg (2630th ) 5 180
pt dead (4839th ) 1 188
in Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 15
nl hetzalwel (4101st ) 177
in Hipishizik_Metafizik (6496th ) 67
no hOre (300th ) 355
pt Leya (4094th ) 53
us LoSahn (7276th ) 5 23
cl Noctubro (5882nd ) 5 99
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 26
fr The_Shadow (4522nd )
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 4 90
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 43
us §øul~Cøllectør (3657th ) 24 1
dk -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 947
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 11
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 83
gb BOBBY_SOX (1475th ) 452
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 79
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 57
dawg (2630th ) 1107
pt dead (4839th ) 913
in Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 118
nl hetzalwel (4101st ) 913
in Hipishizik_Metafizik (6496th ) 669
no hOre (300th ) 1151
pt Leya (4094th ) 303
us LoSahn (7276th ) 468
cl Noctubro (5882nd ) 1304
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 324
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 2
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 577
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 661
us §øul~Cøllectør (3657th ) 189
dk -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 289
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 2
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 9
gb BOBBY_SOX (1475th ) 63
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 5
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 2
dawg (2630th ) 163
pt dead (4839th ) 167
in Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 10
nl hetzalwel (4101st ) 176
in Hipishizik_Metafizik (6496th ) 61
no hOre (300th ) 353
pt Leya (4094th ) 53
us LoSahn (7276th ) 24
cl Noctubro (5882nd ) 96
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 22
fr The_Shadow (4522nd )
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 89
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 29
us §øul~Cøllectør (3657th ) 14
dk -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 433500
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 3000
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 13113
gb BOBBY_SOX (1475th ) 93902
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 7500
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 3000
dawg (2630th ) 241478
pt dead (4839th ) 248280
in Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 15000
nl hetzalwel (4101st ) 265500
in Hipishizik_Metafizik (6496th ) 87667
no hOre (300th ) 529016
pt Leya (4094th ) 79500
us LoSahn (7276th ) 31127
cl Noctubro (5882nd ) 131309
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 31073
fr The_Shadow (4522nd )
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 130820
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 41944
us §øul~Cøllectør (3657th ) 20390
dk -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 30.52
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 18.18
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 10.84
gb BOBBY_SOX (1475th ) 13.94
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 6.33
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 3.51
dawg (2630th ) 14.72
pt dead (4839th ) 18.29
in Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 8.47
nl hetzalwel (4101st ) 19.28
in Hipishizik_Metafizik (6496th ) 9.12
no hOre (300th ) 30.67
pt Leya (4094th ) 17.49
us LoSahn (7276th ) 5.13
cl Noctubro (5882nd ) 7.36
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 6.79
fr The_Shadow (4522nd )
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 15.42
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 4.39
us §øul~Cøllectør (3657th ) 7.41

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
dk -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 24 24 8 7 12 1
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 1
us Ann0ying-CheatS (15050th )
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 1 1 1
gb BOBBY_SOX (1475th ) 19 4 1 1
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th )
cl CALIGULA (4824th )
dawg (2630th ) 26 5 5 4 7
pt dead (4839th ) 26 9 3 1 7
in Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 1
nl hetzalwel (4101st ) 31 6 3 1 4 1
in Hipishizik_Metafizik (6496th ) 11 1
no hOre (300th ) 40 19 11 16 16 1 1
pt Leya (4094th ) 4 5 2 1
us LoSahn (7276th ) 1
cl Noctubro (5882nd ) Yes 8 6 1 6
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 5
fr The_Shadow (4522nd )
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 7 2 1 2
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 2 1
us §øul~Cøllectør (3657th ) 4 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
dk -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 0 0
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 0 0
us Ann0ying-CheatS (15050th ) 0 0
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 0 0
gb BOBBY_SOX (1475th ) 10 4
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 0 0
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 2 0
dawg (2630th ) 22 12
pt dead (4839th ) 22 12
in Doc_Gonzoctogulaylor (3144th ) 5 0
nl hetzalwel (4101st ) 0 1
in Hipishizik_Metafizik (6496th ) 6 1
no hOre (300th ) 2 0
pt Leya (4094th ) 0 0
us LoSahn (7276th ) 4 0
cl Noctubro (5882nd ) 9 8
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 5 1
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 0 0
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 5 2
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 14 1
us §øul~Cøllectør (3657th ) 10 10

Match Report
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