Match Stats
5 2
Match Date Wed, Mar 20 2024 at 11:31 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Control The Docks (mini-map)
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: dickfish, ~Mago\'Ed!*, Player8, ArÃna±Grande

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pt |BLS|Coldandhot (1535th ) 447 46 10 54 4 12 3 2 9 8
de bustacell (1861st ) 399 15 5 17 6 3 17 17
cl W_BOSS (6521st ) 252 3 2 3 1 14 4
us The_Big_Night (1023rd ) 247 2 2 8 12 11
au Noob (1079th ) 196 1 1 2 9 1
hu jerkky (5140th ) 115 1 1 3 2
ru VICTUS (8430th ) 71 9 4 13 1 1 4 5
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6940th ) 42 3 2 7 1 1
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 1 2 1 3
Totals 5 1770 73 30 96 5 37 4 7 68 48
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us [KaR]Tenchu[1-HiT] (148th ) 703 3 5 8 1 11 5 35 11
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 278 11 8 19 1 16 3 5
cl Noctubro (5878th ) 215 3 15 8
us h3Lc@t (9796th ) 197 3 3 2 14 10
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 185 9 1 10 10 10
pl LeBomB (5983rd ) 95 11 1 12 1 5 1 4
ro BabyFace (9737th ) 42 3 3 2 2 5
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 37 1 1 1
us RedHulk 1
it krillin (563rd )
us JugsJudy
Totals 2 1753 41 15 56 3 39 5 0 81 53

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pt |BLS|Coldandhot (1535th )20:14447166173129755.9913.0800:10
de bustacell (1861st )20:09399106114145842.7017.0400:09
cl W_BOSS (6521st )18:35252879096347.625.4100:12
us The_Big_Night (1023rd )16:4824710310873558.069.4900:15
au Noob (1079th )11:06196212744638.589.7701:26
hu jerkky (5140th )14:00115535484137.746.8000:09
ru VICTUS (8430th )20:147120331501316.844.4600:08
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6940th )04:3242202129141.187.7900:10
cz women_are_trash (14525th )04:571-1214310.5318.1800:23
Totals5 (1770)57562276447038.8010.2200:20
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us [KaR]Tenchu[1-HiT] (148th )20:1470327428181776.1534.0500:16
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th )20:092781581791092157.939.3400:12
cl Noctubro (5878th )20:142156674121836.455.9800:11
us h3Lc@t (9796th )18:49197596588640.889.9400:14
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th )11:45185636688342.0411.3200:08
pl LeBomB (5983rd )10:0095565843256.3116.0300:15
ro BabyFace (9737th )13:19421527741223.894.7300:11
ca .Player. (2292nd )03:5837232418155.814.6900:14
us RedHulk02:24111712.501.7200:22
it krillin (563rd )00:170100:19
us JugsJudy01:450300:33
Totals2 (1753)71577563360036.548.8900:16

Kills Match Up
pt |BLS|Coldandhot (1535th ) 7116291815  22982424614221 
de bustacell (1861st ) 98   9   18166191561141  
cl W_BOSS (6521st ) 4 3 23   923 51861532  
us The_Big_Night (1023rd ) 3  5 7   1628112148145   
au Noob (1079th ) 4   6 2  5713 5     
hu jerkky (5140th ) 7633 192 36152322   
ru VICTUS (8430th ) 2    313  25 554311 2
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6940th )      4 1  3 37 4    
cz women_are_trash (14525th )         3   11      
us [KaR]Tenchu[1-HiT] (148th ) 52673319171639637 29        
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 92222257741101 2135        
cl Noctubro (5878th ) 841  15 5612811251111 1
us h3Lc@t (9796th ) 1210115 11243  76       
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 151085 41161  6 3      
pl LeBomB (5983rd ) 2848929    16  2     
ro BabyFace (9737th )  554  411  7   12    
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 2222 93    4    1   
us RedHulk   1                 
it krillin (563rd )                     
us JugsJudy                     

Weapons Summary
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 24 128 6 4.69 7830
us [KaR]Tenchu[1-HiT] (148th ) 281 740 252 34.05 378755
ro BabyFace (9737th ) 2 25 507 24 4.73 27710
de bustacell (1861st ) 2 112 446 76 17.04 112292
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 3 176 696 65 9.34 86200
us h3Lc@t (9796th ) 1 64 644 64 9.94 93476
hu jerkky (5140th ) 1 8 299 20 6.69 26479
us JugsJudy 4
pl LeBomB (5983rd ) 58 312 50 16.03 72014
cl Noctubro (5878th ) 2 72 1171 70 5.98 98442
au Noob (1079th ) 1 3 39 3 7.69 4254
us RedHulk 1 58 1 1.72 1500
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6940th ) 21 231 18 7.79 24580
us The_Big_Night (1023rd ) 1 107 811 77 9.49 111930
ru VICTUS (8430th ) 2 31 538 24 4.46 29287
cl W_BOSS (6521st ) 5 85 832 45 5.41 53368
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 2 11 2 18.18 3000
pt |BLS|Coldandhot (1535th ) 5 168 772 101 13.08 142181
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 2 64 468 53 11.32 70594

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 3 2 1 2
ro BabyFace (9737th ) 1 2
de bustacell (1861st ) 19 2 1 3
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 19 11 1 6 8 1
us h3Lc@t (9796th ) 6 1 1
hu jerkky (5140th ) 8 1 3
us JugsJudy
it krillin (563rd )
pl LeBomB (5983rd ) 9 2 1 2 1
cl Noctubro (5878th ) 7 4
au Noob (1079th ) 2 1 1
us RedHulk
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6940th ) 1 1 1
us The_Big_Night (1023rd ) 17 1 1 7 1
ru VICTUS (8430th ) 2
cz women_are_trash (14525th )
cl W_BOSS (6521st ) 6 1 1 1 1
us [KaR]Tenchu[1-HiT] (148th ) 32 16 5 14 13 7 1
pt |BLS|Coldandhot (1535th ) Yes 23 8 5 2 7 1
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 12 2 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 19 4
ro BabyFace (9737th ) 3 0
de bustacell (1861st ) 39 31
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 118 27
us h3Lc@t (9796th ) 0 0
hu jerkky (5140th ) 33 13
us JugsJudy 0 0
it krillin (563rd ) 0 0
pl LeBomB (5983rd ) 8 4
cl Noctubro (5878th ) 3 2
au Noob (1079th ) 7 0
us RedHulk 0 0
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6940th ) 2 0
us The_Big_Night (1023rd ) 33 7
ru VICTUS (8430th ) 12 0
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 0 0
cl W_BOSS (6521st ) 48 14
us [KaR]Tenchu[1-HiT] (148th ) 27 11
pt |BLS|Coldandhot (1535th ) 72 8
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 14 10

Match Report
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