Match Stats
3 5
Match Date Sat, Mar 30 2024 at 5:19 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name CTF-433-UGL-Edition 1.02
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Lilia, louielouie, d, Player13

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
se effibrie (217th ) 300 15 3 18 1 7 1 9 8
pl Jasiu (4111th ) 261 6 3 9 2 1 17 11
at [WfH]danny (102nd ) 207 6 6 2 6 4
co |[-K4zum4-]| (3724th ) 183 5 4 8 1 3 1 5 6
us Singsing (13435th ) 164 6 1 6 2 1 7 4
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 132 3 3 3 6 4
ru yourself (2562nd ) 100 5 4 9 3 1 5 2
de hNz.dll (2170th ) 57 2 2 2 1 1 3
nl Where_is_Bustacell (11041st ) 25 1 1 2
doomer_3000 (17974th ) 8 1 1
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 2 1 1
Totals 3 1439 51 18 65 2 22 3 3 56 42
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
no light (129th ) 587 6 4 7 2 4 3 31 14
de soundless (5857th ) 170 8 3 11 1 1 2 9 5
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 94 2 1 3 1 1 5 4
cr Antonio_ (5496th ) 56 2 3 4 1 1 5
us EagleFang (5982nd ) 43 6 5 1 1 1
by -VARIA- (15752nd ) 26 1 1 2 1 3
fr MANZOTIN (9841st ) 16 2 1 3 1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 15 4 3
nl Pacman (8778th ) 14 1 1 1
it z-twig (376th ) 2 1 1
bg SB (3904th )
Totals 5 1023 33 13 40 3 3 7 5 49 32

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
se effibrie (217th )20:0630013813975164.6516.4900:17
pl Jasiu (4111th )20:0626170708644.8712.2600:15
at [WfH]danny (102nd )12:462071141145259.6930.0800:19
co |[-K4zum4-]| (3724th )15:4318369694730.0011.4800:19
us Singsing (13435th )20:06164697053156.459.1700:25
nl Tosquiojo (4390th )13:03132464728161.8416.2400:30
ru yourself (2562nd )10:0710034342854.8414.3600:23
de hNz.dll (2170th )07:2157303125154.3915.9100:19
nl Where_is_Bustacell (11041st )06:022524241955.8119.6400:20
doomer_3000 (17974th )20:0686868210.261.2600:19
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th )02:04211712.5016.6700:19
Totals3 (1439)6016074886045.9414.8700:20
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
no light (129th )20:0658714214368167.4519.9200:19
de soundless (5857th )20:06170464792133.579.9500:14
ca Richie$Rich (5291st )14:589435354245.459.3400:23
cr Antonio_ (5496th )20:035622227422.923.7900:17
us EagleFang (5982nd )06:57435611133.338.3300:41
by -VARIA- (15752nd )20:0626141542125.8612.4000:31
fr MANZOTIN (9841st )11:5016663016.672.6500:25
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )06:301511112035.4812.2200:21
nl Pacman (8778th )07:2614442712.904.2100:18
it z-twig (376th )00:37211233.3350.0000:15
bg SB (3904th )00:500100:54
Totals5 (1023)2862904094029.7212.0700:25

Kills Match Up
se effibrie (217th ) 11014 3541 22173041349849  
pl Jasiu (4111th ) 4 9  1     138612 1376  
at [WfH]danny (102nd ) 1522 720529822 1  1 11    
co |[-K4zum4-]| (3724th )   4  2     1316914213 5  
us Singsing (13435th ) 1 7 11 2   101012926532  
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 5552616  21 3 1 71 3  
ru yourself (2562nd ) 2 1  4   1 45510  1  1 
de hNz.dll (2170th )  36    1 2 24 514 3  1
nl Where_is_Bustacell (11041st )   4        83 5 1 3   
doomer_3000 (17974th )  11      2  1 1 13    
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th )               1       
no light (129th ) 2125 1797896183191 28     
de soundless (5857th ) 146 43 4126  141  1  1 
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 37 6614  5  2   1     
cr Antonio_ (5496th ) 32 711 1141     1     
us EagleFang (5982nd ) 2  1        1  11  1  
by -VARIA- (15752nd ) 121 11 1 1   11 14 1  
fr MANZOTIN (9841st ) 31       2            
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 1  22  123            
nl Pacman (8778th )  1 12                 
it z-twig (376th )  1                    
bg SB (3904th )                       

Weapons Summary
by -VARIA- (15752nd ) 15
at [WfH]danny (102nd ) 111
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 11
cr Antonio_ (5496th ) 22
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 1
doomer_3000 (17974th ) 1 7
us EagleFang (5982nd ) 6
se effibrie (217th ) 138 1
de hNz.dll (2170th ) 31
pl Jasiu (4111th ) 1 69
no light (129th ) 143
fr MANZOTIN (9841st ) 6
nl Pacman (8778th ) 4
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 35
bg SB (3904th )
us Singsing (13435th ) 1 69
de soundless (5857th ) 3 44
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 47
nl Where_is_Bustacell (11041st ) 24
ru yourself (2562nd ) 34
it z-twig (376th ) 1
co |[-K4zum4-]| (3724th ) 69
by -VARIA- (15752nd ) 121
at [WfH]danny (102nd ) 310
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 90
cr Antonio_ (5496th ) 422
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 6
doomer_3000 (17974th ) 713
us EagleFang (5982nd ) 60
se effibrie (217th ) 734
de hNz.dll (2170th ) 176
pl Jasiu (4111th ) 359
no light (129th ) 492
fr MANZOTIN (9841st ) 189
nl Pacman (8778th ) 95
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 364
bg SB (3904th ) 9
us Singsing (13435th ) 567
de soundless (5857th ) 402
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 234
nl Where_is_Bustacell (11041st ) 112
ru yourself (2562nd ) 195
it z-twig (376th ) 2
co |[-K4zum4-]| (3724th ) 292
by -VARIA- (15752nd ) 15
at [WfH]danny (102nd ) 109
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 11
cr Antonio_ (5496th ) 16
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 1
doomer_3000 (17974th ) 9
us EagleFang (5982nd ) 5
se effibrie (217th ) 121
de hNz.dll (2170th ) 28
pl Jasiu (4111th ) 44
no light (129th ) 98
fr MANZOTIN (9841st ) 5
nl Pacman (8778th ) 4
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 34
bg SB (3904th )
us Singsing (13435th ) 52
de soundless (5857th ) 40
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 38
nl Where_is_Bustacell (11041st ) 22
ru yourself (2562nd ) 28
it z-twig (376th ) 1
co |[-K4zum4-]| (3724th ) 67
by -VARIA- (15752nd ) 22500
at [WfH]danny (102nd ) 166500
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 15702
cr Antonio_ (5496th ) 22990
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 1500
doomer_3000 (17974th ) 9342
us EagleFang (5982nd ) 7140
se effibrie (217th ) 177656
de hNz.dll (2170th ) 41748
pl Jasiu (4111th ) 64061
no light (129th ) 144625
fr MANZOTIN (9841st ) 7008
nl Pacman (8778th ) 5949
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 47118
bg SB (3904th )
us Singsing (13435th ) 76322
de soundless (5857th ) 51971
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 54946
nl Where_is_Bustacell (11041st ) 31759
ru yourself (2562nd ) 39880
it z-twig (376th ) 1500
co |[-K4zum4-]| (3724th ) 99100
by -VARIA- (15752nd ) 12.40
at [WfH]danny (102nd ) 35.16
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 12.22
cr Antonio_ (5496th ) 3.79
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 16.67
doomer_3000 (17974th ) 1.26
us EagleFang (5982nd ) 8.33
se effibrie (217th ) 16.49
de hNz.dll (2170th ) 15.91
pl Jasiu (4111th ) 12.26
no light (129th ) 19.92
fr MANZOTIN (9841st ) 2.65
nl Pacman (8778th ) 4.21
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 9.34
bg SB (3904th )
us Singsing (13435th ) 9.17
de soundless (5857th ) 9.95
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 16.24
nl Where_is_Bustacell (11041st ) 19.64
ru yourself (2562nd ) 14.36
it z-twig (376th ) 50.00
co |[-K4zum4-]| (3724th ) 22.95

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
by -VARIA- (15752nd ) 1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 1
cr Antonio_ (5496th )
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th )
doomer_3000 (17974th )
us EagleFang (5982nd )
se effibrie (217th ) 17 3 1 1 6 1
de hNz.dll (2170th ) 1 1
pl Jasiu (4111th ) 8 1 1 1
no light (129th ) 23 2 1 1 6 1 1
fr MANZOTIN (9841st )
nl Pacman (8778th )
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 3
bg SB (3904th )
us Singsing (13435th ) 7 1 1 5
de soundless (5857th ) 1
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 5 4
nl Where_is_Bustacell (11041st ) 1 1
ru yourself (2562nd ) 3 1 1
it z-twig (376th ) Yes
at [WfH]danny (102nd ) 14 5 2 2 5 1
co |[-K4zum4-]| (3724th ) 8 2 1 4 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
by -VARIA- (15752nd ) 0 0
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 0 0
cr Antonio_ (5496th ) 6 0
cz bragas_espanolas (16150th ) 0 0
doomer_3000 (17974th ) 0 0
us EagleFang (5982nd ) 1 0
se effibrie (217th ) 16 5
de hNz.dll (2170th ) 3 1
pl Jasiu (4111th ) 26 3
no light (129th ) 46 22
fr MANZOTIN (9841st ) 1 1
nl Pacman (8778th ) 0 0
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 1 0
bg SB (3904th ) 0 0
us Singsing (13435th ) 19 0
de soundless (5857th ) 8 2
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 9 5
nl Where_is_Bustacell (11041st ) 2 0
ru yourself (2562nd ) 7 2
it z-twig (376th ) 0 0
at [WfH]danny (102nd ) 0 0
co |[-K4zum4-]| (3724th ) 2 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format