Match Stats
6 7
Match Date Sun, Mar 31 2024 at 12:09 am Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Liandri Docks
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Doc_Taylor

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
no h0re (38th ) 531 7 4 9 1 8 2 18 7
cl Xstar (1460th ) 272 15 15 2 1 2
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 254 4 4 12 3 5
gb (3598th ) 203 6 4 7 4 3 5 7
us HotPiE (3485th ) 100 1 2 1 3 2
se JohnnyNoShoes (1038th ) 92 2 2 1 2 1
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 82 2 1 1
pt Kurogane (818th ) 50 1 1 1 2 1
us Catchse (5680th ) 49 3 1 4 1 2 1
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 17 5 5 1
fr MANZOTIN (9840th ) 13 2 2
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 12
Totals 6 1675 46 9 49 4 33 0 6 35 27
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
il bad (636th ) 411 9 1 9 2 13 1 8 1
pt Jack (1157th ) 393 11 4 11 1 9 4 14 9
us OS (2271st ) 288 2 1 3 2 7 13 8
de hNz.dll (2169th ) 270 6 3 8 1 4 1 8 4
cl W_BOSS (6524th ) 179 1 1 4 3
gb Octoman (9378th ) 127 3 4 11
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 56 3 2 1 1
au Bust3R (1095th ) 37 3 3 1
Totals 7 1761 31 13 37 6 37 0 7 51 37

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
no h0re (38th )17:1953121121112263.3613.1600:09
cl Xstar (1460th )16:062726061106129.1513.4800:10
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd )17:19254151152112157.3613.7000:10
gb (3598th )17:19203585810834.947.2000:10
us HotPiE (3485th )09:12100394058140.4011.0700:10
se JohnnyNoShoes (1038th )06:059255553263.2220.6000:12
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd )10:508228288348.1810.3800:14
pt Kurogane (818th )02:475022221953.6613.4600:09
us Catchse (5680th )07:574923235529.8119.0200:09
cz women_are_trash (14525th )10:531710106712.997.5800:10
fr MANZOTIN (9840th )04:451391032123.265.0000:09
ca .Player. (2292nd )03:181212122037.503.9100:10
Totals6 (1675)6786828144041.1511.5500:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
il bad (636th )17:1941121721710168.2420.6700:11
pt Jack (1157th )17:193931451459560.428.3600:12
us OS (2271st )17:19288100101118145.919.5500:09
de hNz.dll (2169th )16:49270139139115154.6919.0300:09
cl W_BOSS (6524th )16:5017956568536.964.4100:11
gb Octoman (9378th )17:1912757576845.604.2900:16
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th )02:565620201360.616.2500:14
au Bust3R (1095th )05:223733334343.4221.9200:08
Totals7 (1761)7677686381151.9811.8100:11

Kills Match Up
no h0re (38th )  78 912    5 36352273321412
cl Xstar (1460th )  1215  22 4 212 1011613
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 361311714  257171291917839
gb (3598th )  11 42    2 99 1131015
us HotPiE (3485th ) 41331 2  32 341641 3
se JohnnyNoShoes (1038th ) 99772 6  4 1  71 11 
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 1 5 13 1  2 72 42   
pt Kurogane (818th )  4        2 11 641 3
us Catchse (5680th )     1     1 32 714 4
cz women_are_trash (14525th )     1       1  1 7  
fr MANZOTIN (9840th )   43    2 1      1  
ca .Player. (2292nd )   2         22 411  
il bad (636th ) 2825243651206171816  30     
pt Jack (1157th ) 252814206 13198 2  19     
us OS (2271st ) 126 44 11 5 20151199734
de hNz.dll (2169th ) 2081312221821418 4 127     
cl W_BOSS (6524th ) 104814113145    5     
gb Octoman (9378th ) 139742 5347    3     
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 1221  2  2    10     
au Bust3R (1095th ) 7 644  22 3   5     

Weapons Summary
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 11 1
il bad (636th ) 2 215
au Bust3R (1095th ) 33
us Catchse (5680th ) 12
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 20
no h0re (38th ) 3 208
de hNz.dll (2169th ) 1 140
us HotPiE (3485th ) 3 37
pt Jack (1157th ) 3 142
se JohnnyNoShoes (1038th ) 1 54
pt Kurogane (818th ) 22
fr MANZOTIN (9840th ) 10
gb (3598th ) 2 56
gb Octoman (9378th ) 2 55
us OS (2271st ) 6 95
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 3 19
cl W_BOSS (6524th ) 1 12
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 10
cl Xstar (1460th ) 1 26
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 1 151
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 128
il bad (636th ) 842
au Bust3R (1095th ) 146
us Catchse (5680th ) 77
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 112
no h0re (38th ) 912
de hNz.dll (2169th ) 678
us HotPiE (3485th ) 289
pt Jack (1157th ) 861
se JohnnyNoShoes (1038th ) 199
pt Kurogane (818th ) 104
fr MANZOTIN (9840th ) 180
gb (3598th ) 375
gb Octoman (9378th ) 1234
us OS (2271st ) 796
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 33
cl W_BOSS (6524th ) 142
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 132
cl Xstar (1460th ) 107
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 810
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 5
il bad (636th ) 174
au Bust3R (1095th ) 32
us Catchse (5680th ) 12
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 7
no h0re (38th ) 120
de hNz.dll (2169th ) 129
us HotPiE (3485th ) 32
pt Jack (1157th ) 72
se JohnnyNoShoes (1038th ) 41
pt Kurogane (818th ) 14
fr MANZOTIN (9840th ) 9
gb (3598th ) 27
gb Octoman (9378th ) 53
us OS (2271st ) 76
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 5
cl W_BOSS (6524th ) 6
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 10
cl Xstar (1460th ) 17
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 111
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 5717
il bad (636th ) 256767
au Bust3R (1095th ) 49500
us Catchse (5680th ) 17644
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 10401
no h0re (38th ) 166764
de hNz.dll (2169th ) 190582
us HotPiE (3485th ) 43497
pt Jack (1157th ) 103978
se JohnnyNoShoes (1038th ) 59474
pt Kurogane (818th ) 18400
fr MANZOTIN (9840th ) 11468
gb (3598th ) 34834
gb Octoman (9378th ) 70274
us OS (2271st ) 105195
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 6482
cl W_BOSS (6524th ) 6050
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 15000
cl Xstar (1460th ) 25500
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 164042
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 3.91
il bad (636th ) 20.67
au Bust3R (1095th ) 21.92
us Catchse (5680th ) 15.58
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 6.25
no h0re (38th ) 13.16
de hNz.dll (2169th ) 19.03
us HotPiE (3485th ) 11.07
pt Jack (1157th ) 8.36
se JohnnyNoShoes (1038th ) 20.60
pt Kurogane (818th ) 13.46
fr MANZOTIN (9840th ) 5.00
gb (3598th ) 7.20
gb Octoman (9378th ) 4.29
us OS (2271st ) 9.55
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 15.15
cl W_BOSS (6524th ) 4.23
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 7.58
cl Xstar (1460th ) 15.89
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 13.70

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 3 1
il bad (636th ) 24 10 7 7 11 1 1
au Bust3R (1095th ) 7 1 1
us Catchse (5680th ) 2
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 2 3 1
no h0re (38th ) 28 15 7 3 9 2
de hNz.dll (2169th ) 21 9 2 1 5
us HotPiE (3485th ) 2 2 1
pt Jack (1157th ) 16 3 4 4 6 3
se JohnnyNoShoes (1038th ) 7 2 2 1 5
pt Kurogane (818th ) 2 1 1 2
fr MANZOTIN (9840th )
gb (3598th ) 11 1
gb Octoman (9378th ) Yes 6 2 2
us OS (2271st ) 13 3 1 4
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 4 1
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 1
cl W_BOSS (6524th ) 6 1
cl Xstar (1460th ) 7 1 1 2
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 19 2 2 6 9

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
ca .Player. (2292nd ) 3 0
il bad (636th ) 42 22
au Bust3R (1095th ) 0 0
us Catchse (5680th ) 0 0
ru Flying_Vagina (2659th ) 13 5
no h0re (38th ) 93 43
de hNz.dll (2169th ) 12 3
us HotPiE (3485th ) 8 0
pt Jack (1157th ) 72 11
se JohnnyNoShoes (1038th ) 14 8
pt Kurogane (818th ) 8 3
fr MANZOTIN (9840th ) 1 1
gb (3598th ) 34 19
gb Octoman (9378th ) 4 2
us OS (2271st ) 27 9
ca Richie$Rich (5292nd ) 2 1
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 0 0
cl W_BOSS (6524th ) 29 4
cl Xstar (1460th ) 7 1
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 39 11

Match Report
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