Match Stats
5 1
Match Date Thu, Apr 11 2024 at 8:13 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Less Bleak
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: B888M

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pt ·cbg¹ (70th ) 435 16 15 2 2 3 1 12 5
se effibrie (217th ) 352 7 7 12 5 9 3
il FROS (2514th ) 229 5 1 5 1 2 1 2 1
de uq*Cypher (1659th ) 203 5 4 8 2 5 2 1 4 3
us OS (2272nd ) 152 3 3 2 2 3 4
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 89 3 2 1 1 5 4
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 87 1 1 3 1 3 8
es ObrintPas (4619th ) 20 1 1 1
pt lexius (14187th ) 9
si Newjack (3981st ) 6 2
cz smalltown_boy (16059th ) 4 2 2
Totals 5 1586 39 9 43 6 26 14 5 38 30
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
Jamally (434th ) 311 3 1 4 1 2 2 13 2
it ennio (2536th ) 206 8 1 8 2 2 1 5 2
us haha_guy (3084th ) 168 2 1 3 1 8 11
gb Lilia (796th ) 97 1 1 3
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 78 2 7
ee Juss (3325th ) 76 4 4 4 2
us LoSahn (7277th ) 58 5 5 2 5
ca UTNL (3396th ) 53 8 8 2 2
us rootsoft (386th ) 20 1
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 15
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 3 1
nl iDeFiX (7445th )
Totals 1 1085 31 3 33 2 6 4 1 38 32

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pt ·cbg¹ (70th )20:134352042048470.8325.0400:15
se effibrie (217th )20:1335218118294165.7018.5900:14
il FROS (2514th )20:132291521528963.0720.5300:14
de uq*Cypher (1659th )16:292031061067757.9218.8000:14
us OS (2272nd )20:1315283839247.437.3800:14
ar CALIGULA (4824th )20:1389272837142.423.5500:36
ru VICTUS (8439th )20:138736368230.513.4600:16
es ObrintPas (4619th )02:5220881142.1112.5000:17
pt lexius (14187th )04:169991439.1310.8400:20
si Newjack (3981st )03:256551131.2510.0000:20
cz smalltown_boy (16059th )12:00422482.331.7300:16
Totals5 (1586)8138156392044.7912.0400:18
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
Jamally (434th )19:2631115815812755.4422.8700:10
it ennio (2536th )20:1320612712714047.5724.7000:09
us haha_guy (3084th )20:1316882829945.3015.1400:13
gb Lilia (796th )12:1697656671147.8313.7100:11
cl _//_SLUG (3717th )19:2878414288130.941.9100:15
ee Juss (3325th )12:457635358130.178.9900:10
us LoSahn (7277th )20:1358323392126.193.9100:14
ca UTNL (3396th )08:135331314739.747.7200:11
us rootsoft (386th )01:11201111473.3337.9300:19
ru Schizazoid (3549th )02:391514141450.009.3500:12
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )02:4732310121.436.1200:18
nl iDeFiX (7445th )00:570500:12
Totals1 (1085)5986027784038.9912.7000:13

Kills Match Up
pt ·cbg¹ (70th )      6    123333262320112115 4  
se effibrie (217th )  1   52   53133231117241811 2  
il FROS (2514th )  2   6    11182017181310201031 3
de uq*Cypher (1659th )      3    41615159111514112  
us OS (2272nd )  1   1    21618947786 3 1
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 22  211  1135 1271     
ru VICTUS (8439th )      1    653524441 1  
es ObrintPas (4619th )           111   22  1  
pt lexius (14187th )            1232 1      
si Newjack (3981st )  1   1     111         
cz smalltown_boy (16059th )       2                
Jamally (434th ) 26223222262182 21    3     2 
it ennio (2536th ) 16232012156201341    3     3 
us haha_guy (3084th ) 1015107142121132    3 1   1 
gb Lilia (796th ) 61291272863     11       
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 45537 1 3  25  1 33  1 
ee Juss (3325th ) 73757 4 2              
us LoSahn (7277th ) 33345261 12 1  1 1    1
ca UTNL (3396th ) 81147 5       13     1 
us rootsoft (386th ) 12 3  1 2            2 
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 12252 2                
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )             3        1 
nl iDeFiX (7445th )                        

Weapons Summary
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 3 34
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 3
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 28
se effibrie (217th ) 5 176 1
it ennio (2536th ) 127
il FROS (2514th ) 152
us haha_guy (3084th ) 1 81
nl iDeFiX (7445th )
Jamally (434th ) 3 155
ee Juss (3325th ) 5 30
pt lexius (14187th ) 9
gb Lilia (796th ) 4 62
us LoSahn (7277th ) 33
si Newjack (3981st ) 5
es ObrintPas (4619th ) 8
us OS (2272nd ) 3 80
us rootsoft (386th ) 11
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 1 13
cz smalltown_boy (16059th ) 2
de uq*Cypher (1659th ) 1 105
ca UTNL (3396th ) 1 30
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 1 35
pt ·cbg¹ (70th ) 1 203
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 636
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 49
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 423
se effibrie (217th ) 920
it ennio (2536th ) 494
il FROS (2514th ) 643
us haha_guy (3084th ) 436
nl iDeFiX (7445th ) 19
Jamally (434th ) 621
ee Juss (3325th ) 267
pt lexius (14187th ) 83
gb Lilia (796th ) 394
us LoSahn (7277th ) 639
si Newjack (3981st ) 40
es ObrintPas (4619th ) 56
us OS (2272nd ) 854
us rootsoft (386th ) 29
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 107
cz smalltown_boy (16059th ) 58
de uq*Cypher (1659th ) 484
ca UTNL (3396th ) 298
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 492
pt ·cbg¹ (70th ) 679
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 18
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 3
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 15
se effibrie (217th ) 171
it ennio (2536th ) 122
il FROS (2514th ) 132
us haha_guy (3084th ) 66
nl iDeFiX (7445th )
Jamally (434th ) 142
ee Juss (3325th ) 24
pt lexius (14187th ) 9
gb Lilia (796th ) 54
us LoSahn (7277th ) 25
si Newjack (3981st ) 4
es ObrintPas (4619th ) 7
us OS (2272nd ) 63
us rootsoft (386th ) 11
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 10
cz smalltown_boy (16059th ) 2
de uq*Cypher (1659th ) 91
ca UTNL (3396th ) 23
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 17
pt ·cbg¹ (70th ) 170
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 22010
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 4374
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 17985
se effibrie (217th ) 250620
it ennio (2536th ) 184144
il FROS (2514th ) 192601
us haha_guy (3084th ) 92789
nl iDeFiX (7445th )
Jamally (434th ) 212467
ee Juss (3325th ) 30320
pt lexius (14187th ) 13500
gb Lilia (796th ) 78428
us LoSahn (7277th ) 32951
si Newjack (3981st ) 6000
es ObrintPas (4619th ) 10317
us OS (2272nd ) 91756
us rootsoft (386th ) 16500
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 14682
cz smalltown_boy (16059th ) 3000
de uq*Cypher (1659th ) 132119
ca UTNL (3396th ) 27810
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 22957
pt ·cbg¹ (70th ) 249301
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 2.83
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 6.12
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 3.55
se effibrie (217th ) 18.59
it ennio (2536th ) 24.70
il FROS (2514th ) 20.53
us haha_guy (3084th ) 15.14
nl iDeFiX (7445th )
Jamally (434th ) 22.87
ee Juss (3325th ) 8.99
pt lexius (14187th ) 10.84
gb Lilia (796th ) 13.71
us LoSahn (7277th ) 3.91
si Newjack (3981st ) 10.00
es ObrintPas (4619th ) 12.50
us OS (2272nd ) 7.38
us rootsoft (386th ) 37.93
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 9.35
cz smalltown_boy (16059th ) 3.45
de uq*Cypher (1659th ) 18.80
ca UTNL (3396th ) 7.72
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 3.46
pt ·cbg¹ (70th ) 25.04

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 1 1
se effibrie (217th ) 27 5 5 2 9 1
it ennio (2536th ) 18 2 1 1 3
il FROS (2514th ) 13 4 1 2 6 1
us haha_guy (3084th ) Yes 4 2 3
nl iDeFiX (7445th )
Jamally (434th ) 24 6 3 1 2 1
ee Juss (3325th ) 2 1 1
pt lexius (14187th )
gb Lilia (796th ) 8 5 1
us LoSahn (7277th ) 3 1
si Newjack (3981st ) 1
es ObrintPas (4619th )
us OS (2272nd ) 7 2 1 4
us rootsoft (386th ) 3 1
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 2 1
cz smalltown_boy (16059th )
de uq*Cypher (1659th ) 15 5 1 6
ca UTNL (3396th ) 4 1 1
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 2 2
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 4 1 1
pt ·cbg¹ (70th ) 31 10 5 2 17

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 0 0
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 15 2
se effibrie (217th ) 9 3
it ennio (2536th ) 4 0
il FROS (2514th ) 20 11
us haha_guy (3084th ) 17 4
nl iDeFiX (7445th ) 0 0
Jamally (434th ) 16 7
ee Juss (3325th ) 12 0
pt lexius (14187th ) 0 0
gb Lilia (796th ) 12 3
us LoSahn (7277th ) 7 0
si Newjack (3981st ) 1 0
es ObrintPas (4619th ) 1 1
us OS (2272nd ) 19 7
us rootsoft (386th ) 0 0
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 4 1
cz smalltown_boy (16059th ) 0 0
de uq*Cypher (1659th ) 15 2
ca UTNL (3396th ) 9 5
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 22 1
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 24 6
pt ·cbg¹ (70th ) 34 17

Match Report
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