Match Stats
1 3
Match Date Thu, May 2 2024 at 5:24 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL spfix
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Lilia (796th ) 436 4 4 1 19 5
gb josty* (228th ) 288 1 2 3 1 4
be -kA- (1767th ) 235 1 2 3 10 4 1
gb vin_diesel (3046th ) 216 7 2 9 1 6 1
fr Pl0k (3346th ) 213 2 2 4 4 1 9 5
be Pomzie (2990th ) 182 1 1 2 3 3
ru A. (4714th ) 135 2 2 3 1
it DAM (8971st ) 125 1 1 1 5 4
us BidensDepends (3671st ) 57 3 3 1 1 1
de DerSchlingel (8256th ) 19 1 1 1 1
Totals 1 1906 17 14 31 0 21 1 0 55 22
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 499 1 3 4 1 3 10 3
no light (129th ) 447 8 2 8 10 1 2 4 3
nl period (762nd ) 277 4 4 1 17 3
nl zkyp (260th ) 245 6 3 8 1 7 1 1
nl Nieropoke (2986th ) 217 1 4 5 1 4 7 3
hu ender (6802nd ) 161 5 2 3
de ~player~ (1247th ) 143 4 4 1 1 2 4
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 116 5 6 11 1 2
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 114 2 5 6 2 1 2 3
se BRUNO (3684th ) 34 1 7 8 2 1
it Player17 (4233rd ) 1
it Player18 (3450th )
cz pplnweatherarehell (15692nd )
Totals 3 2254 28 34 58 5 52 1 4 34 19

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Lilia (796th )20:0043621121113161.7022.5700:10
gb josty* (228th )20:0028822722712564.4922.4600:10
be -kA- (1767th )20:0023515715711956.8815.4100:11
gb vin_diesel (3046th )20:0021614414415847.6816.5800:08
fr Pl0k (3346th )20:0021310510511148.618.1500:11
be Pomzie (2990th )20:0018212512514047.179.9700:09
ru A. (4714th )20:00135999912943.4211.2900:10
it DAM (8971st )15:28125737310042.209.6500:10
us BidensDepends (3671st )09:455743437038.059.7600:09
de DerSchlingel (8256th )03:3019992625.715.1900:08
Totals1 (1906)1193119311090047.5913.1000:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us CoroNer (3723rd )19:45499959512645.3912.1400:10
no light (129th )20:0044724824813664.5816.3000:09
nl period (762nd )20:0027719719715555.9720.7200:08
nl zkyp (260th )19:48245153154122155.6019.5800:10
nl Nieropoke (2986th )20:0021713613612452.3114.9300:10
hu ender (6802nd )20:0016111411415043.1815.7300:08
de ~player~ (1247th )20:0014310410415540.1510.0600:08
fr The_Shadow (4521st )20:00116818116532.934.5300:07
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )19:59114838313438.2513.2500:09
se BRUNO (3684th )05:403419194529.696.4000:08
it Player17 (4233rd )00:27111233.3325.0000:15
cz pplnweatherarehell (15692nd )02:230102:22
it Player18 (3450th )00:140100:16
Totals3 (2254)1231123213161037.8012.2000:20

Kills Match Up
gb Lilia (796th )           1925191423142637259   
gb josty* (228th )           2027301326312729204   
be -kA- (1767th )           1620184212120151471  
gb vin_diesel (3046th )           161015817171417218  1
fr Pl0k (3346th )           12142093151213421  
be Pomzie (2990th )           121418711131117174 1 
ru A. (4714th )           127126916131473   
it DAM (8971st )           771085410976   
us BidensDepends (3671st )           466524448    
de DerSchlingel (8256th )           11  1 222    
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 61691571011582   6         
no light (129th ) 2627243325342526173   8         
nl period (762nd ) 21151819242027231111   8         
nl zkyp (260th ) 1066108158610 757161516892   
nl Nieropoke (2986th ) 21111621131591173   9         
hu ender (6802nd ) 121715199189541   5         
de ~player~ (1247th ) 11141114101214824   4         
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 9511115714942   4         
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 1113713881057    1         
se BRUNO (3684th ) 41132122     3         
it Player17 (4233rd )   1                    
cz pplnweatherarehell (15692nd )                        
it Player18 (3450th )                        

Weapons Summary
be -kA- (1767th ) 5 152 863 133 15.41 191425
ru A. (4714th ) 1 98 753 85 11.29 121610
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 6 77 604 80 13.25 115466
us BidensDepends (3671st ) 3 40 338 33 9.76 46192
se BRUNO (3684th ) 1 18 203 13 6.40 16317
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 3 44 15 2 13.33 3000
it DAM (8971st ) 2 71 570 55 9.65 81055
de DerSchlingel (8256th ) 1 8 135 7 5.19 10041
hu ender (6802nd ) 1 113 661 104 15.73 155389
gb josty* (228th ) 4 223 828 186 22.46 273750
no light (129th ) 10 238 1012 165 16.30 242051
gb Lilia (796th ) 7 204 793 179 22.57 263975
nl Nieropoke (2986th ) 1 135 797 119 14.93 169834
nl period (762nd ) 3 194 806 167 20.72 246223
fr Pl0k (3346th ) 6 99 1153 94 8.15 130805
it Player17 (4233rd ) 1 4 1 25.00 1500
be Pomzie (2990th ) 4 121 943 94 9.97 133113
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 11 70 1237 56 4.53 72671
gb vin_diesel (3046th ) 6 138 802 133 16.58 195057
nl zkyp (260th ) 5 149 623 122 19.58 179848
de ~player~ (1247th ) 2 102 835 84 10.06 119053

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
be -kA- (1767th ) 26 7 3 1 3
ru A. (4714th ) 9 4 2 1 2
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 9 2 1 1
us BidensDepends (3671st ) 5 1 1
se BRUNO (3684th ) 4 1
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 14 1 3
it DAM (8971st ) 10 1 1 2
de DerSchlingel (8256th )
hu ender (6802nd ) 15 5 1 4
gb josty* (228th ) 29 11 7 8 10 3
no light (129th ) 25 11 6 10 11 3
gb Lilia (796th ) 31 5 8 5 12
nl Nieropoke (2986th ) 18 5 1 1 4 1
nl period (762nd ) 23 11 2 4 7 1
fr Pl0k (3346th ) 11 4 1 1 2
it Player17 (4233rd )
it Player18 (3450th )
be Pomzie (2990th ) 19 6 1 4
cz pplnweatherarehell (15692nd )
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 11 1
gb vin_diesel (3046th ) Yes 26 8 2 2
nl zkyp (260th ) 25 9 1 2 5 1
de ~player~ (1247th ) 15 5 1 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
be -kA- (1767th ) 21 11
ru A. (4714th ) 15 5
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 1 1
us BidensDepends (3671st ) 10 1
se BRUNO (3684th ) 6 1
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 2 2
it DAM (8971st ) 17 1
de DerSchlingel (8256th ) 1 1
hu ender (6802nd ) 9 3
gb josty* (228th ) 36 12
no light (129th ) 80 42
gb Lilia (796th ) 32 15
nl Nieropoke (2986th ) 17 3
nl period (762nd ) 22 5
fr Pl0k (3346th ) 13 6
it Player17 (4233rd ) 0 0
it Player18 (3450th ) 0 0
be Pomzie (2990th ) 30 13
cz pplnweatherarehell (15692nd ) 0 0
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 25 6
gb vin_diesel (3046th ) 7 5
nl zkyp (260th ) 30 16
de ~player~ (1247th ) 22 5

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format