Match Stats
2 1
Match Date Sun, Jun 19 2022 at 10:52 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: BIDEN, vltava_supermassiu, caliz

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
no oggiw (126th ) 536 5 2 7 1 5 13 4
se -atzgnek (66th ) 485 15 3 18 2 6 1 5 1
de bustacell (1861st ) 468 21 5 24 1 2 18 32
us CrazyEyesCortez (1287th ) 300 4 2 6 1 8 9
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th ) 292 1 15 13
it Simon (6550th ) 156 2 2 6 2
ru Communist (12982nd ) 147 10 6
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 79 2 1
za Eduard (3758th ) 1
Totals 2 2464 47 12 57 3 16 1 2 76 67
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
se (oO) (471st ) 531 3 1 4 2 22 16
fr YRGM (434th ) 446 27 2 28 7 1 4 3
nl CrazyClown (2591st ) 406 12 1 13 7 13 3
be esu (1896th ) 326 4 4 18 4
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 268 5 9
ca Paruru (3930th ) 250 2 1 3 5 5 8
us MtnDewbie (6233rd ) 222 22 5 27 1 3 5 5
hr rocky56 (12087th ) 144 1
us david1a 54 1 2 2
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 20 1
Totals 1 2667 70 10 79 1 44 0 1 60 47

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
no oggiw (126th )30:0053634934919064.7516.9500:10
se -atzgnek (66th )30:0048537137121463.4232.8100:09
de bustacell (1861st )30:0046814814820442.0512.6000:09
us CrazyEyesCortez (1287th )30:0030019519517352.9911.1300:11
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th )29:5729211911921935.213.7800:09
it Simon (6550th )26:48156979716936.475.2600:10
ru Communist (12982nd )27:50147515117922.173.2200:10
br Velho-Br (4700th )14:437962627943.975.6400:12
za Eduard (3758th )00:42111516.676.2500:09
Totals2 (2464)1393139314350037.779.7600:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
se (oO) (471st )30:0053126926919058.6116.3900:10
fr YRGM (434th )30:0044631431420760.2719.9600:09
nl CrazyClown (2591st )30:0040623923921252.9914.5900:09
be esu (1896th )30:0032622022019253.4013.5600:10
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th )29:1026810410411148.933.9300:17
ca Paruru (3930th )30:00250152153190144.4810.6100:10
us MtnDewbie (6233rd )30:0022212312321736.1811.0000:09
hr rocky56 (12087th )29:13144878714238.994.8600:13
us david1a05:375433333052.3824.2600:12
ca Rapt (7742nd )04:492015152438.464.0700:13
Totals1 (2667)1556155715151048.4712.3200:11

Kills Match Up
no oggiw (126th )           534362453327512474
se -atzgnek (66th )           56445042332650501010
de bustacell (1861st )           15351419189201233
us CrazyEyesCortez (1287th )           1629363252325254 
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th )           162615115531721
it Simon (6550th )           1411181210109616
ru Communist (12982nd )           299151213   
br Velho-Br (4700th )           7648411139  
za Eduard (3758th )            1        
se (oO) (471st ) 4047443516419191      17    
fr YRGM (434th ) 36394428502855161      17    
nl CrazyClown (2591st ) 312236273732406       8    
be esu (1896th ) 243024275222217 2     11    
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 122319149579       6    
ca Paruru (3930th ) 121713141914136  1134821593 
us MtnDewbie (6233rd ) 1512131221826811     6    
hr rocky56 (12087th ) 15172101011381      10    
us david1a 3673444        2    
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 2123141 1           

Weapons Summary
se (oO) (471st ) 8 261
se -atzgnek (66th ) 371
de bustacell (1861st ) 5 143
ru Communist (12982nd ) 3 48
nl CrazyClown (2591st ) 11 228
us CrazyEyesCortez (1287th ) 8 187
us david1a 33
za Eduard (3758th ) 1
be esu (1896th ) 7 213
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 3 64
us MtnDewbie (6233rd ) 6 117
no oggiw (126th ) 4 345
ca Paruru (3930th ) 5 148
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th ) 7 112
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 15
hr rocky56 (12087th ) 1 56
it Simon (6550th ) 2 94 1
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 62
fr YRGM (434th ) 4 310
se (oO) (471st ) 1208
se -atzgnek (66th ) 1088
de bustacell (1861st ) 738
ru Communist (12982nd ) 1086
nl CrazyClown (2591st ) 1138
us CrazyEyesCortez (1287th ) 1366
us david1a 136
za Eduard (3758th ) 16
be esu (1896th ) 1335
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 774
us MtnDewbie (6233rd ) 927
no oggiw (126th ) 1581
ca Paruru (3930th ) 961
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th ) 1589
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 221
hr rocky56 (12087th ) 518
it Simon (6550th ) 875
tgm8 7
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 567
fr YRGM (434th ) 1398
se (oO) (471st ) 198
se -atzgnek (66th ) 357
de bustacell (1861st ) 93
ru Communist (12982nd ) 35
nl CrazyClown (2591st ) 166
us CrazyEyesCortez (1287th ) 152
us david1a 33
za Eduard (3758th ) 1
be esu (1896th ) 181
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 30
us MtnDewbie (6233rd ) 102
no oggiw (126th ) 268
ca Paruru (3930th ) 102
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th ) 60
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 9
hr rocky56 (12087th ) 25
it Simon (6550th ) 46
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 32
fr YRGM (434th ) 279
se (oO) (471st ) 287133
se -atzgnek (66th ) 535684
de bustacell (1861st ) 127680
ru Communist (12982nd ) 48101
nl CrazyClown (2591st ) 233551
us CrazyEyesCortez (1287th ) 212226
us david1a 49500
za Eduard (3758th ) 1500
be esu (1896th ) 260894
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 39480
us MtnDewbie (6233rd ) 140543
no oggiw (126th ) 390504
ca Paruru (3930th ) 146812
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th ) 74399
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 13500
hr rocky56 (12087th ) 36605
it Simon (6550th ) 65292
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 47109
fr YRGM (434th ) 408912
se (oO) (471st ) 16.39
se -atzgnek (66th ) 32.81
de bustacell (1861st ) 12.60
ru Communist (12982nd ) 3.22
nl CrazyClown (2591st ) 14.59
us CrazyEyesCortez (1287th ) 11.13
us david1a 24.26
za Eduard (3758th ) 6.25
be esu (1896th ) 13.56
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 3.88
us MtnDewbie (6233rd ) 11.00
no oggiw (126th ) 16.95
ca Paruru (3930th ) 10.61
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th ) 3.78
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 4.07
hr rocky56 (12087th ) 4.83
it Simon (6550th ) 5.26
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 5.64
fr YRGM (434th ) 19.96

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
se (oO) (471st ) 46 11 6 9 1
se -atzgnek (66th ) 39 19 9 13 23
de bustacell (1861st ) 16 4 1 1 2
ru Communist (12982nd )
nl CrazyClown (2591st ) 28 10 6 5 11
us CrazyEyesCortez (1287th ) 23 10 1 6 1
us david1a 5
za Eduard (3758th )
be esu (1896th ) 32 13 3 3 6
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) Yes 9 3 1 5
us MtnDewbie (6233rd ) 13 6 1 2
no oggiw (126th ) 40 21 8 8 17 2
ca Paruru (3930th ) 16 6 3 7
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th ) 5 3 2 1 4
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 2
hr rocky56 (12087th ) 7 2 2 2
it Simon (6550th ) 19 1 1 3
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 6 1 1
fr YRGM (434th ) 46 19 8 8 19

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format