Match Stats
1 7
Match Date Thu, May 9 2024 at 5:25 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Avoth
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
dk dickfish (392nd ) 785 3 8 11 60 35 11
gb John_Cutter (2587th ) 640 10 10 20 20 34 11
nl gzm (1572nd ) 436 6 7 13 1 48 19 1
us CheeseDog (5643rd ) 218 3 11 14 1 9 10 7
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7247th ) 161 10 18 28 3 7 6
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 145 10 13 22 9 1 5 5
gb -_- (2595th ) 144 1 3 4 9 7 1
PIayer13 (4582nd ) 129 1 1 7 6 2
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16156th ) 1 1 1
Totals 1 2659 44 71 114 2 165 0 1 123 44
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl creep (92nd ) 694 24 15 38 59 1 26 7
de gdf (3879th ) 575 6 6 28 19 3
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 470 10 20 28 2 19 2 22 9
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 410 1 1 2 28 20 3
ru VICTUS (8435th ) 286 2 12 14 18 13 8
se BRUNO (3689th ) 265 1 1 5 11 3
ca motonaka (12137th ) 244 9 23 30 2 20 2 4 5
be -kA- (1765th ) 237 5 12 15 2 14 2 7 5
de (1545th ) 149 2 9 11 9 5 2
ru yourself (2561st ) 95 2 2 4 2 4 3
Totals 7 3425 56 100 149 6 202 0 7 131 48

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
dk dickfish (392nd )17:23785237237122165.9326.2100:09
gb John_Cutter (2587th )17:23640174174154153.038.5500:07
nl gzm (1572nd )17:234361491496669.3015.7100:17
us CheeseDog (5643rd )11:1221858589737.428.2700:07
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7247th )17:23161464611728.224.9500:09
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )10:391455151103133.3313.6800:06
gb -_- (2595th )06:2714452525150.493.5500:08
PIayer13 (4582nd )05:3812939392858.213.7800:13
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16156th )01:051-1-17100:08
Totals1 (2659)8058057450443.999.4100:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl creep (92nd )17:2369423023015459.9018.3700:07
de gdf (3879th )10:5257594948751.876.8500:08
be SonOfSam (1990th )17:23470130130145147.298.4700:07
cl _//_SLUG (3717th )15:4541013813994159.405.8500:11
ru VICTUS (8435th )17:232869090189132.385.6300:06
se BRUNO (3689th )17:232651551561351153.4012.9300:08
ca motonaka (12137th )17:23244747497143.355.9500:11
be -kA- (1765th )07:2423757577443.519.0300:06
de (1545th )07:51149606082142.3610.5300:06
ru yourself (2561st )07:149531318227.437.2200:05
Totals7 (3425)1059106111392546.099.0800:07

Kills Match Up
dk dickfish (392nd )     1    28144019561523141514
gb John_Cutter (2587th )         1371028122642415109
nl gzm (1572nd )          771462543912017
us CheeseDog (5643rd )          12 8417 5642
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7247th )          8142952843
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )  1       56103824185
gb -_- (2595th )          9 5487613  
PIayer13 (4582nd )          2 6396310  
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16156th ) 1                  
pl creep (92nd ) 31521625242987  7 11119    
de gdf (3879th ) 14136 910  36 5124246  
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 1724417212274  5 416    
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 9102103471 19201211136 1012
ru VICTUS (8435th ) 8125121111971 7 5 4    
se BRUNO (3689th ) 1282346362 21612 14110 1120
ca motonaka (12137th ) 89 1319834  211 8    
be -kA- (1765th ) 8102147 113  2        
de (1545th ) 111051911  2   4 81   
ru yourself (2561st ) 353175      4 3    

Weapons Summary
gb -_- (2595th ) 2 50
be -kA- (1765th ) 4 53
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 7 132
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 4 48 1
de (1545th ) 5 57
se BRUNO (3689th ) 6 152
us CheeseDog (5643rd ) 2 56
pl creep (92nd ) 9 221
dk dickfish (392nd ) 5 234
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16156th ) 1
de gdf (3879th ) 3 31
nl gzm (1572nd ) 3 146
gb John_Cutter (2587th ) 17 159
ca motonaka (12137th ) 9 67
PIayer13 (4582nd ) 1 38
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7247th ) 4 42
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 9 123
ru VICTUS (8435th ) 6 86
ru yourself (2561st ) 4 27
gb -_- (2595th ) 282
be -kA- (1765th ) 288
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 547
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 351
de (1545th ) 247
se BRUNO (3689th ) 379
us CheeseDog (5643rd ) 278
pl creep (92nd ) 773
dk dickfish (392nd ) 767
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16156th ) 4
de gdf (3879th ) 128
nl gzm (1572nd ) 560
gb John_Cutter (2587th ) 690
ca motonaka (12137th ) 656
PIayer13 (4582nd ) 238
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7247th ) 586
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 944
ru VICTUS (8435th ) 497
ru yourself (2561st ) 180
gb -_- (2595th ) 10
be -kA- (1765th ) 26
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 32
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 48
de (1545th ) 26
se BRUNO (3689th ) 49
us CheeseDog (5643rd ) 23
pl creep (92nd ) 142
dk dickfish (392nd ) 201
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16156th )
de gdf (3879th ) 10
nl gzm (1572nd ) 88
gb John_Cutter (2587th ) 59
ca motonaka (12137th ) 39
PIayer13 (4582nd ) 9
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7247th ) 29
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 80
ru VICTUS (8435th ) 28
ru yourself (2561st ) 13
gb -_- (2595th ) 10891
be -kA- (1765th ) 28487
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 33833
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 67875 30
de (1545th ) 33320
se BRUNO (3689th ) 55679
us CheeseDog (5643rd ) 25808
pl creep (92nd ) 198356
dk dickfish (392nd ) 290520
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16156th )
de gdf (3879th ) 13923
nl gzm (1572nd ) 125807
gb John_Cutter (2587th ) 70740
ca motonaka (12137th ) 47682
PIayer13 (4582nd ) 11843
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7247th ) 35984
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 107209
ru VICTUS (8435th ) 27329
ru yourself (2561st ) 15094
gb -_- (2595th ) 3.55
be -kA- (1765th ) 9.03
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 5.85
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 13.68
de (1545th ) 10.53
se BRUNO (3689th ) 12.93
us CheeseDog (5643rd ) 8.27
pl creep (92nd ) 18.37
dk dickfish (392nd ) 26.21
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16156th )
de gdf (3879th ) 7.81
nl gzm (1572nd ) 15.71
gb John_Cutter (2587th ) 8.55
ca motonaka (12137th ) 5.95
PIayer13 (4582nd ) 3.78
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7247th ) 4.95
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 8.47
ru VICTUS (8435th ) 5.63
ru yourself (2561st ) 7.22

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
be -kA- (1765th ) 10 4 1 1
gb -_- (2595th ) 10 3 1 1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 6 1
de (1545th ) Yes 3 4 1 2 2
se BRUNO (3689th ) 8 3 5 8 8 1 1 1
us CheeseDog (5643rd ) 6 2 2 2 1 3
pl creep (92nd ) 34 13 6 5 13
dk dickfish (392nd ) 30 12 5 9 8 2 1
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16156th )
de gdf (3879th ) 12 6 2 2 4 2
nl gzm (1572nd ) 15 8 3 1 7 3 1
gb John_Cutter (2587th ) 35 8 4 2 6 1
ca motonaka (12137th ) 8 3 1
PIayer13 (4582nd ) 6 3
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7247th ) 7 3
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 24 5 1 4
ru VICTUS (8435th ) 15 6 2 1 3
ru yourself (2561st ) 6 1 1 2
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 16 7 5 4 4 1 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
be -kA- (1765th ) 30 6
gb -_- (2595th ) 45 0
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 2 2
de (1545th ) 34 3
se BRUNO (3689th ) 111 1
us CheeseDog (5643rd ) 39 2
pl creep (92nd ) 85 24
dk dickfish (392nd ) 35 9
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16156th ) 0 0
de gdf (3879th ) 65 3
nl gzm (1572nd ) 64 4
gb John_Cutter (2587th ) 115 5
ca motonaka (12137th ) 36 2
PIayer13 (4582nd ) 30 0
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7247th ) 19 0
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 51 13
ru VICTUS (8435th ) 68 2
ru yourself (2561st ) 19 0
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 104 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format