Match Stats
4 5
Match Date Mon, May 20 2024 at 3:35 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name B3CrimeZone3
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Jamally, ~Player, Tosquiojo, student_Bunnyhopping, kA\'

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb jostyshow* (368th ) 267 7 7 6 4 3
ee esdf (3832nd ) 193 1 1 1 12 8
ca UTNL (3407th ) 192 13 10 1 3 5 7
Nitro (1452nd ) 101 7 2 8 4 1 1
bg {CoF}annabella (2824th ) 70 1 3 2
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 48 1 1 1 3 3
us 3dfxGlide 19 1
es n7k1 (2943rd ) 6 1 1
Totals 4 896 29 3 28 0 14 0 4 29 23
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl period (762nd ) 298 10 1 9 2 5 2 5 5
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 228 2 1 2 1 1 12 9
ee Joke-Moddy (8715th ) 136 1 1 2 1 9 6
ru Rebus (4044th ) 102 14 14 1 3 4
hu -=Bumbl3b33r=- (7372nd ) 68 2 1 2
il anally_intruded (13879th ) 48 2 2 1 2
nl Pacman (8770th ) 35 2 1 3 1 1
de Bikini_Wax (6221st ) 29 2 2 1 1
pt lolz (19th ) 28 1 1
us Snakefinger (4149th ) 20 1 1
it Anal_Intruder (514th ) 10 2 2
br Mizyu (2486th ) 10
de schlontz (5403rd ) 7
Totals 5 1019 35 6 36 3 9 0 5 35 28

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb jostyshow* (368th )20:032671821826872.8020.9200:19
ee esdf (3832nd )20:0319365655056.5210.2200:26
ca UTNL (3407th )20:0319243437038.054.8500:18
Nitro (1452nd )20:0310153534355.2113.7500:30
bg {CoF}annabella (2824th )15:3970353646143.377.0600:22
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )03:544811111640.7418.8700:16
us 3dfxGlide03:531910101638.4614.5800:16
es n7k1 (2943rd )03:496551229.415.1300:20
Totals4 (896)4044053211046.8211.9200:21
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl period (762nd )20:032981181185667.8229.0700:23
be SonOfSam (1990th )20:0322880805260.6113.5400:25
ee Joke-Moddy (8715th )20:0313632325735.968.8500:23
ru Rebus (4044th )20:0310248487539.0214.0000:17
hu -=Bumbl3b33r=- (7372nd )20:036849498636.308.9800:15
il anally_intruded (13879th )08:004826263344.0716.1300:15
nl Pacman (8770th )20:0335212269123.914.0800:19
de Bikini_Wax (6221st )13:402916164128.076.1500:21
pt lolz (19th )01:07281717577.2755.1700:14
us Snakefinger (4149th )04:1120881142.1111.7600:23
it Anal_Intruder (514th )02:061088753.3335.2900:18
br Mizyu (2486th )02:17101010758.8221.9500:20
de schlontz (5403rd )04:457772621.216.5900:12
Totals5 (1019)4404415251045.2717.8100:19

Kills Match Up
gb jostyshow* (368th )     25  171626164716 1934236
ee esdf (3832nd )     22  10451878 4 21 2
ca UTNL (3407th )      1  336962 521 14
Nitro (1452nd )     33  739761 6 3  5
bg {CoF}annabella (2824th ) 1 2 1   74164 42    5
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 213 2 2       1      
us 3dfxGlide      1  33  3        
es n7k1 (2943rd )            11       3
nl period (762nd ) 162517914254 5 2  19      
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 122853 316 4674112 141 
ee Joke-Moddy (8715th ) 325751 1 2    6      
ru Rebus (4044th ) 861354   11   161   2 
hu -=Bumbl3b33r=- (7372nd ) 1611045 21 1 1  8      
il anally_intruded (13879th ) 2834     2 5  2      
nl Pacman (8770th )     11  236 5112    1
de Bikini_Wax (6221st ) 2 431    3    3      
pt lolz (19th ) 21223 34             
us Snakefinger (4149th ) 3  1          4      
it Anal_Intruder (514th )  1 1     2 2  2      
br Mizyu (2486th )  222       2  2      
de schlontz (5403rd ) 111 1 11      1      

Weapons Summary
hu -=Bumbl3b33r=- (7372nd ) 49 401 36 8.98 53640
us 3dfxGlide 10 48 7 14.58 10500
it Anal_Intruder (514th ) 8 17 6 35.29 9000
il anally_intruded (13879th ) 26 155 25 16.13 37500
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 1 10 53 10 18.87 14476
de Bikini_Wax (6221st ) 16 195 12 6.15 14494
ee esdf (3832nd ) 1 64 538 55 10.22 79345
ee Joke-Moddy (8715th ) 32 192 17 8.85 26722
gb jostyshow* (368th ) 2 180 612 128 20.92 190667
pt lolz (19th ) 17 29 16 55.17 24000
br Mizyu (2486th ) 10 41 9 21.95 13500
es n7k1 (2943rd ) 5 39 2 5.13 1929
Nitro (1452nd ) 53 291 40 13.75 58310
nl Pacman (8770th ) 2 20 417 17 4.08 21573
nl period (762nd ) 1 117 375 109 29.07 163074
ru Rebus (4044th ) 48 250 35 14.00 46207
de schlontz (5403rd ) 7 91 6 6.59 8698
us Snakefinger (4149th ) 8 51 6 11.76 8748
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 1 79 517 70 13.54 100968
ca UTNL (3407th ) 1 42 680 33 4.85 42123
bg {CoF}annabella (2824th ) 1 35 340 24 7.06 34795

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
hu -=Bumbl3b33r=- (7372nd ) 2
us 3dfxGlide 1
il anally_intruded (13879th ) 4 1 1
it Anal_Intruder (514th ) 2 1
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )
de Bikini_Wax (6221st ) 3
ee esdf (3832nd ) 7 2
ee Joke-Moddy (8715th ) 1
gb jostyshow* (368th ) Yes 28 5 4 2 12 2
pt lolz (19th ) 3 1 1 2
br Mizyu (2486th ) 2
es n7k1 (2943rd )
Nitro (1452nd ) 5 1 2
nl Pacman (8770th ) 1
nl period (762nd ) 17 4 1 8
ru Rebus (4044th ) 4 1
de schlontz (5403rd ) 1
us Snakefinger (4149th )
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 6 2 3
ca UTNL (3407th ) 1 2
bg {CoF}annabella (2824th ) 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
hu -=Bumbl3b33r=- (7372nd ) 13 2
us 3dfxGlide 3 0
il anally_intruded (13879th ) 1 0
it Anal_Intruder (514th ) 2 0
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 1 0
de Bikini_Wax (6221st ) 5 0
ee esdf (3832nd ) 9 0
ee Joke-Moddy (8715th ) 14 0
gb jostyshow* (368th ) 54 10
pt lolz (19th ) 1 0
br Mizyu (2486th ) 1 0
es n7k1 (2943rd ) 3 0
Nitro (1452nd ) 14 0
nl Pacman (8770th ) 5 0
nl period (762nd ) 9 2
ru Rebus (4044th ) 13 0
de schlontz (5403rd ) 1 0
us Snakefinger (4149th ) 2 1
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 10 3
ca UTNL (3407th ) 11 1
bg {CoF}annabella (2824th ) 12 1

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format