Match Stats
6 2
Match Date Sat, May 25 2024 at 6:12 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Dreary Outpost
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Lilia, ~/\\lphaville~, Skiggy-Rapz, Cyborg

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
de [ESL]bonusfrag.dll (2452nd ) 301 14 10 5 2 4 8 4
leche (1296th ) 149 4 3 5 1 1 1 3
us Doc_Taylor (5802nd ) 115 7 3
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 112 9 2 10 1 2 3
es n7k1 (2942nd ) 74 2 2 1
de wpxc (11751st ) 67 1 1 3 2 3
il hiii (2307th ) 39 1 1
tr Mr.Prostate (5620th ) 39 1 1 1
be ka' (1182nd ) 13 1 1 1 1
Totals 6 909 31 3 28 0 11 6 6 23 18
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pt bife (593rd ) 231 1 1 3 10 6
si (1645th ) 181 4 4 2 9 9
se effibrie (217th ) 147 9 1 9 3 1
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 123 6 5 1 3 3
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 70 1 1 2 1
us max (3785th ) 54 1 1 1 1 2
nl gzm (1573rd ) 38 1 1 1
pl pussy_destroyer (5971st ) 31 1 1
ae Free Palestine (2851st ) 14 1 1
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16158th ) 12 5 5
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 12
pl hosse6668 (1773rd ) 9
ar [~PoLLo~] (3385th ) 4 1
ca -=CoN=-R00kie (3905th )
il Skirmish (2331st )
ca TurboGFF (2060th )
Totals 2 926 26 2 26 0 10 0 2 28 25

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
de [ESL]bonusfrag.dll (2452nd )20:043011011017358.0520.9200:18
leche (1296th )20:04149919263158.9725.0800:21
us Doc_Taylor (5802nd )20:04115474942252.694.5500:31
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )20:0411256566446.6720.9700:20
es n7k1 (2942nd )20:047453536943.449.5600:19
de wpxc (11751st )20:0467303560535.003.8300:22
tr Mr.Prostate (5620th )09:043925253740.3212.1200:16
il hiii (2307th )15:553938383949.356.3500:26
be ka' (1182nd )01:531344544.448.8200:22
Totals6 (909)4454534528047.6612.4700:22
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pt bife (593rd )20:042311091096861.5819.4000:19
si (1645th )20:0418164646051.6112.7400:22
se effibrie (217th )19:371479910091152.0817.0800:14
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th )20:0412353536843.8013.1800:19
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th )13:227049495049.4912.5400:17
us max (3785th )09:335436363749.3221.5800:17
nl gzm (1573rd )06:5238222514359.5225.2700:31
pl pussy_destroyer (5971st )06:363118182047.3711.4800:21
ae Free Palestine (2851st )01:391433537.507.1400:19
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16158th )18:3612665010.7112.2400:24
nl hetzalwel (4102nd )05:14121212763.1612.6800:49
pl hosse6668 (1773rd )02:20977750.008.5100:22
ar [~PoLLo~] (3385th )01:07422433.3300:18
ca -=CoN=-R00kie (3905th )00:430100:47
il Skirmish (2331st )00:380100:30
ca TurboGFF (2060th )00:260200:14
Totals2 (926)4804844854038.0910.8700:24

Kills Match Up
Free Pale
de [ESL]bonusfrag.dll (2452nd )      1   1022181777 5 10111  1
leche (1296th )  1       20101210186 1283 1  1
us Doc_Taylor (5802nd )   2 1    64117 512 10 2    
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )   1      12611383 235 11   
es n7k1 (2942nd )          768974 3 52 11  
de wpxc (11751st )   1  5   1211715 1 411    
tr Mr.Prostate (5620th )          115655   2      
il hiii (2307th )          958542 1 3 1    
be ka' (1182nd )   1       1 1   1        
pt bife (593rd ) 201451617177101      2         
si (1645th ) 13857118372                
se effibrie (217th ) 14161714111129   1   6         
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 4661194431      4  1      
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 106 379113                 
us max (3785th ) 64344393                 
nl gzm (1573rd )   2      2373  34 2 1  1 
pl pussy_destroyer (5971st ) 52 353                   
ae Free Palestine (2851st )    1 1  1                
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16158th )  11211                   
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 14 12 13                 
pl hosse6668 (1773rd )  1 112 1       1         
ar [~PoLLo~] (3385th )  1 1                     
ca -=CoN=-R00kie (3905th )                          
il Skirmish (2331st )                          
ca TurboGFF (2060th )                          

Weapons Summary
ca -=CoN=-R00kie (3905th ) 4
de [ESL]bonusfrag.dll (2452nd ) 3 98 411 86 20.92 125647
ar [~PoLLo~] (3385th ) 2 25
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 1 55 267 56 20.97 72502
pt bife (593rd ) 109 562 109 19.40 163500
us Doc_Taylor (5802nd ) 2 47 396 18 4.55 21868
se effibrie (217th ) 2 98 521 89 17.08 122742
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16158th ) 6 49 6 12.24 9000
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 1 48 279 35 12.54 45644
ae Free Palestine (2851st ) 3 28 2 7.14 2730
nl gzm (1573rd ) 25 91 23 25.27 34216
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 1 11 71 9 12.68 11508
il hiii (2307th ) 2 36 457 29 6.35 38541
pl hosse6668 (1773rd ) 7 47 4 8.51 5485
be ka' (1182nd ) 4 34 3 8.82 3783
leche (1296th ) 3 89 323 81 25.08 119083
us max (3785th ) 36 139 30 21.58 41795
tr Mr.Prostate (5620th ) 2 23 132 16 12.12 18749
es n7k1 (2942nd ) 1 52 293 28 9.56 36885
pl pussy_destroyer (5971st ) 3 15 122 14 11.48 18689
si (1645th ) 2 62 314 40 12.74 53536
ca TurboGFF (2060th ) 1
de wpxc (11751st ) 4 31 913 35 3.83 45317
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 2 51 296 39 13.18 52395

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
ca -=CoN=-R00kie (3905th )
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 5 1 2
pt bife (593rd ) 16 1 7
us Doc_Taylor (5802nd ) 5 4
se effibrie (217th ) 15 3 3 2
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16158th )
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 3 1 1
ae Free Palestine (2851st ) 1
nl gzm (1573rd ) Yes 1 1 1
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 2 1
il hiii (2307th ) 3 1 2
pl hosse6668 (1773rd )
be ka' (1182nd )
leche (1296th ) 10 1 1 2 2 1
us max (3785th ) 3 2 1 3
tr Mr.Prostate (5620th ) 3
es n7k1 (2942nd ) 2 1 1 2
pl pussy_destroyer (5971st ) 2
il Skirmish (2331st )
si (1645th ) 8
ca TurboGFF (2060th )
de wpxc (11751st ) 3
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 6 1
de [ESL]bonusfrag.dll (2452nd ) 13 3 4
ar [~PoLLo~] (3385th )

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
ca -=CoN=-R00kie (3905th ) 0 0
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 1 0
pt bife (593rd ) 0 0
us Doc_Taylor (5802nd ) 32 0
se effibrie (217th ) 10 5
cz el_baile_del_sapito (16158th ) 0 0
ru Flying_Vagina (2658th ) 15 2
ae Free Palestine (2851st ) 1 0
nl gzm (1573rd ) 2 0
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 3 0
il hiii (2307th ) 8 0
pl hosse6668 (1773rd ) 3 2
be ka' (1182nd ) 1 0
leche (1296th ) 7 1
us max (3785th ) 6 1
tr Mr.Prostate (5620th ) 9 1
es n7k1 (2942nd ) 25 6
pl pussy_destroyer (5971st ) 4 2
il Skirmish (2331st ) 0 0
si (1645th ) 24 1
ca TurboGFF (2060th ) 0 0
de wpxc (11751st ) 0 0
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 14 3
de [ESL]bonusfrag.dll (2452nd ) 13 3
ar [~PoLLo~] (3385th ) 2 2

Match Report
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