Match Stats
7 6
Match Date Mon, May 27 2024 at 10:07 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name duku ! (nw)
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: ArÃna±Prismatic, Doc_Taylor

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us fOx (578th ) 322 11 3 10 1 6 3 4 7 4
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 314 4 4 1 2 1 22 8
tr Rkn (359th ) 298 7 4 10 1 7 3 1 10 6
dk {D}ickfish (422nd ) 282 5 2 7 14 5 2
fr poboz (1223rd ) 247 7 4 9 1 6 2 2 5 3
be ka' (1181st ) 184 4 4 1 4 3 4
mx sus (3738th ) 101 4 1 5 1 2 1 3
us Not_Msbehavin (9767th ) 42 2 2 1 1 8
il Skirmish (2332nd ) 36 1 1 1 2 1
us h3Lc@t (9800th ) 34 1 1
ec Eduardo (3421st ) 29 1 1 2 2 1
cz ppl_are_hell (16244th )
Totals 7 1889 44 17 54 7 42 10 7 61 38
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
no crabman (87th ) 384 7 3 9 2 10 1 6 4
it caliz (1198th ) 258 3 4 7 2 2 12 7
us OS (2272nd ) 254 2 2 1 13 10
hu froZelek* (1581st ) 241 11 8 15 3 2 4 8 8
de shadow` (4832nd ) 184 8 2 10 1 2 2 2
us jerc (3689th ) 147 5 2 7 3 5
us uranus (3625th ) 103 2 5 6 2 1 1 4 3
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 93 5 5 3 2
es n7k1 (2943rd ) 72 1 1 1 1
Totals 6 1736 44 24 62 6 22 3 6 54 37

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us fOx (578th )17:29322124125106153.8819.1500:10
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )17:2931476767550.3312.7300:15
tr Rkn (359th )17:292981351359060.0026.3200:12
dk {D}ickfish (422nd )17:29282186186105163.8228.8900:10
fr poboz (1223rd )17:2924712512510255.0717.7800:11
be ka' (1181st )17:2918410110112245.2910.7500:09
mx sus (3738th )08:2910134345447.244.0900:18
us Not_Msbehavin (9767th )17:2942252510119.847.4900:11
il Skirmish (2332nd )02:203613131546.4321.8200:10
us h3Lc@t (9800th )03:583415152042.8616.1300:13
ec Eduardo (3421st )02:1029881044.4413.6400:14
cz ppl_are_hell (16244th )02:0301200:11
Totals7 (1889)8428438121144.1014.9000:12
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
no crabman (87th )17:293841711719564.2912.6600:12
it caliz (1198th )17:29258121123106253.2529.1800:10
us OS (2272nd )17:29254989811645.798.4700:09
hu froZelek* (1581st )17:29241666610339.0516.2000:11
de shadow` (4832nd )17:291841241248858.4918.0500:13
us jerc (3689th )17:29147838310843.4610.5600:10
us uranus (3625th )14:1910346466940.005.2600:13
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th )11:369347476541.9615.5300:11
es n7k1 (2943rd )16:237253539436.057.0200:11
Totals6 (1736)8098118442046.9313.6600:11

Kills Match Up
us fOx (578th ) 1           17201014141812713
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )             7891110105115
tr Rkn (359th )             16112421171091512
dk {D}ickfish (422nd )  1          19242724132320829
fr poboz (1223rd )             121821179188517
be ka' (1181st )             111412981591013
mx sus (3738th )             44826424 
us Not_Msbehavin (9767th )             33 356212
il Skirmish (2332nd )             223 3 1 2
us h3Lc@t (9800th )             12 233 31
ec Eduardo (3421st )             3 2  111 
cz ppl_are_hell (16244th )                      
no crabman (87th ) 20242516202412184521         
it caliz (1198th ) 1918131615157131213 2       
us OS (2272nd ) 2154121318585133         
hu froZelek* (1581st ) 84126136412 1           
de shadow` (4832nd ) 124121914311014341          
us jerc (3689th ) 7991610101152112         
us uranus (3625th ) 842106344 3 2         
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 43967466 11          
es n7k1 (2943rd ) 7344411511 211         

Weapons Summary
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 76
it caliz (1198th ) 123
no crabman (87th ) 5 165 1
ec Eduardo (3421st ) 8
us fOx (578th ) 125
hu froZelek* (1581st ) 66
us h3Lc@t (9800th ) 15
us jerc (3689th ) 3 80
be ka' (1181st ) 6 95
es n7k1 (2943rd ) 1 52
us Not_Msbehavin (9767th ) 25
us OS (2272nd ) 5 93
fr poboz (1223rd ) 3 122
cz ppl_are_hell (16244th )
tr Rkn (359th ) 1 134
de shadow` (4832nd ) 2 122
il Skirmish (2332nd ) 13
mx sus (3738th ) 1 28
us uranus (3625th ) 46
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 2 45
dk {D}ickfish (422nd ) 3 185
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 377
it caliz (1198th ) 401
no crabman (87th ) 766
ec Eduardo (3421st ) 44
us fOx (578th ) 564
hu froZelek* (1581st ) 389
us h3Lc@t (9800th ) 93
us jerc (3689th ) 483
be ka' (1181st ) 614
es n7k1 (2943rd ) 342
us Not_Msbehavin (9767th ) 334
us OS (2272nd ) 720
fr poboz (1223rd ) 540
cz ppl_are_hell (16244th ) 13
tr Rkn (359th ) 437
de shadow` (4832nd ) 532
il Skirmish (2332nd ) 55
mx sus (3738th ) 373
us uranus (3625th ) 494
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 219
dk {D}ickfish (422nd ) 585
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 48
it caliz (1198th ) 117
no crabman (87th ) 97
ec Eduardo (3421st ) 6
us fOx (578th ) 108
hu froZelek* (1581st ) 63
us h3Lc@t (9800th ) 15
us jerc (3689th ) 51
be ka' (1181st ) 66
es n7k1 (2943rd ) 24
us Not_Msbehavin (9767th ) 25
us OS (2272nd ) 61
fr poboz (1223rd ) 96
cz ppl_are_hell (16244th )
tr Rkn (359th ) 115
de shadow` (4832nd ) 96
il Skirmish (2332nd ) 12
mx sus (3738th ) 20
us uranus (3625th ) 26
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 34
dk {D}ickfish (422nd ) 169
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 67037
it caliz (1198th ) 176700
no crabman (87th ) 126447
ec Eduardo (3421st ) 8739
us fOx (578th ) 153696
hu froZelek* (1581st ) 93653
us h3Lc@t (9800th ) 20684
us jerc (3689th ) 65543
be ka' (1181st ) 89592
es n7k1 (2943rd ) 29037
us Not_Msbehavin (9767th ) 37500
us OS (2272nd ) 81433
fr poboz (1223rd ) 140087
cz ppl_are_hell (16244th )
tr Rkn (359th ) 174396
de shadow` (4832nd ) 136844
il Skirmish (2332nd ) 17473
mx sus (3738th ) 28177
us uranus (3625th ) 32955
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 48599
dk {D}ickfish (422nd ) 248963
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 12.73
it caliz (1198th ) 29.18
no crabman (87th ) 12.66
ec Eduardo (3421st ) 13.64
us fOx (578th ) 19.15
hu froZelek* (1581st ) 16.20
us h3Lc@t (9800th ) 16.13
us jerc (3689th ) 10.56
be ka' (1181st ) 10.75
es n7k1 (2943rd ) 7.02
us Not_Msbehavin (9767th ) 7.49
us OS (2272nd ) 8.47
fr poboz (1223rd ) 17.78
cz ppl_are_hell (16244th )
tr Rkn (359th ) 26.32
de shadow` (4832nd ) 18.05
il Skirmish (2332nd ) 21.82
mx sus (3738th ) 5.36
us uranus (3625th ) 5.26
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 15.53
dk {D}ickfish (422nd ) 28.89

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 10 1 1 3
it caliz (1198th ) 18 3 2
no crabman (87th ) 29 7 4 1 9 1
ec Eduardo (3421st ) 1
us fOx (578th ) 20 6 2 1 3
hu froZelek* (1581st ) 9 1
us h3Lc@t (9800th ) 2
us jerc (3689th ) 10 2 1 3
be ka' (1181st ) 12 2 2 5
es n7k1 (2943rd ) 6 1 2
us Not_Msbehavin (9767th )
us OS (2272nd ) 13 4 1 1
fr poboz (1223rd ) 13 2 3 2 3 1
cz ppl_are_hell (16244th )
tr Rkn (359th ) Yes 21 7 1 6 1
de shadow` (4832nd ) 20 4 4
il Skirmish (2332nd ) 3
mx sus (3738th ) 4 1
us uranus (3625th ) 5 1
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 4 3 1
dk {D}ickfish (422nd ) 28 13 3 1 13 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 31 2
it caliz (1198th ) 4 0
no crabman (87th ) 75 32
ec Eduardo (3421st ) 2 0
us fOx (578th ) 19 6
hu froZelek* (1581st ) 3 1
us h3Lc@t (9800th ) 0 0
us jerc (3689th ) 33 4
be ka' (1181st ) 29 11
es n7k1 (2943rd ) 27 5
us Not_Msbehavin (9767th ) 0 0
us OS (2272nd ) 37 14
fr poboz (1223rd ) 27 4
cz ppl_are_hell (16244th ) 0 0
tr Rkn (359th ) 18 3
de shadow` (4832nd ) 29 10
il Skirmish (2332nd ) 1 0
mx sus (3738th ) 12 4
us uranus (3625th ) 22 3
am x4.`Nemrut (4040th ) 13 4
dk {D}ickfish (422nd ) 17 4

Match Report
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