Match Stats
3 7
Match Date Sat, Jun 15 2024 at 10:19 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name 1on1 Egypt SE spfix
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Freyja, Roy

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
be esh (1506th ) 274 4 1 5 13 10 1
cl Zohan (3430th ) 231 1 15 1 4 3
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 217 13 3 15 1 3 1 4 4
br Rolling_stones (4912th ) 177 12 7 3
us jerc (3689th ) 175 2 1 3 1 12 5 2
nl Bl8l8lM (3624th ) 143 5 3 7 1 8 1 2 5
de Nodal (3219th ) 136 12 4 16 1 6 1 2
Totals 3 1353 36 13 46 4 69 0 3 33 20
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ru Nik (621st ) 343 14 4 16 4 6 2 6 6
pl mino (3310th ) 221 5 3 8 2 3 9 8
gb (3598th ) 206 3 6 6 4 3 9 5
us Doc_Taylor (5802nd ) 198 1 2 1 2 2 2 12 11
us Hugh (4373rd ) 171 1 1 8 4 2
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 153 1 1 7 1 5
cl Noctubro (5881st ) 104 1 1 3 4 2
ee Hungry_Dick (11382nd ) 38 3 1 4 1 1 1
Totals 7 1434 28 17 38 6 34 4 7 50 34

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
be esh (1506th )08:3327498986261.2512.9400:09
cl Zohan (3430th )08:332311441445672.0010.4600:10
am Nice^|fu (1408th )08:3321776767251.358.7300:07
br Rolling_stones (4912th )08:3317768685654.844.6600:10
us jerc (3689th )08:3317580806854.059.0400:08
nl Bl8l8lM (3624th )08:3314364646450.006.2800:08
de Nodal (3219th )08:3313660608042.8611.1500:07
Totals3 (1353)5905904580055.199.0400:08
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ru Nik (621st )08:333431091097060.8917.6300:08
pl mino (3310th )08:33221686810240.0013.5500:05
gb (3598th )08:3320663637445.995.2800:07
us Doc_Taylor (5802nd )08:3319846469931.726.2800:05
us Hugh (4373rd )08:33171737469151.395.4500:08
ca Richie$Rich (5291st )08:3315379799445.6614.8400:05
cl Noctubro (5881st )08:3310452529335.869.2000:06
ee Hungry_Dick (11382nd )03:473814143628.005.0000:06
Totals7 (1434)5045056371042.449.6500:06

Kills Match Up
be esh (1506th )        14161117415156
cl Zohan (3430th )        182616211120275
am Nice^|fu (1408th )        6121014810124
br Rolling_stones (4912th )        8791061765
us jerc (3689th )        7111214810144
nl Bl8l8lM (3624th )        5139961075
de Nodal (3219th )        8106116973
ru Nik (621st ) 168131918218    6   
pl mino (3310th ) 8911410912    5   
gb (3598th ) 75169698    3   
us Doc_Taylor (5802nd ) 65714714    2   
us Hugh (4373rd ) 6116663947131354
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 91081213716    4   
cl Noctubro (5881st ) 85848811        
ee Hungry_Dick (11382nd ) 23313 2        

Weapons Summary
nl Bl8l8lM (3624th ) 4 60 478 30 6.28 36996
us Doc_Taylor (5802nd ) 1 45 414 26 6.28 28922
be esh (1506th ) 2 96 456 59 12.94 77801
us Hugh (4373rd ) 1 73 330 18 5.45 22111
ee Hungry_Dick (11382nd ) 2 12 120 6 5.00 7013
us jerc (3689th ) 2 78 387 35 9.04 43243
pl mino (3310th ) 68 428 58 13.55 86241
gb (3598th ) 2 61 284 15 5.28 19072
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 1 75 424 37 8.73 45394
ru Nik (621st ) 109 397 70 17.63 100188
cl Noctubro (5881st ) 6 46 413 38 9.20 44204
de Nodal (3219th ) 60 314 35 11.15 49765
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 4 75 411 61 14.84 84099
br Rolling_stones (4912th ) 68 365 17 4.66 19248
cl Zohan (3430th ) 1 143 325 34 10.46 44892

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
nl Bl8l8lM (3624th ) 6 2 1 2 1 1
us Doc_Taylor (5802nd ) 6
be esh (1506th ) Yes 16 4 3 2 4 1
us Hugh (4373rd ) 15 4 3 3
ee Hungry_Dick (11382nd ) 1
us jerc (3689th ) 14 4 2 1 2
pl mino (3310th ) 12 5 1 3
gb (3598th ) 7 1 2
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 12 1 2 1 1
ru Nik (621st ) 13 5 4 2 7 1
cl Noctubro (5881st ) 4 6 2
de Nodal (3219th ) 7 4 1 1
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 9 3 3 2
br Rolling_stones (4912th ) 4 5 2 1 3
cl Zohan (3430th ) 7 5 3 8 5 2 2 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
nl Bl8l8lM (3624th ) 33 1
us Doc_Taylor (5802nd ) 20 4
be esh (1506th ) 37 18
us Hugh (4373rd ) 51 13
ee Hungry_Dick (11382nd ) 5 2
us jerc (3689th ) 43 2
pl mino (3310th ) 10 0
gb (3598th ) 52 23
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 39 22
ru Nik (621st ) 38 15
cl Noctubro (5881st ) 12 4
de Nodal (3219th ) 26 17
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 15 5
br Rolling_stones (4912th ) 46 0
cl Zohan (3430th ) 109 0

Match Report
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