Match Stats
6 3
Match Date Wed, Jun 26 2024 at 10:17 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name 1on1 Egypt SE spfix
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: oldman, TheBoyIsMine, ArÃna±Grande

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
de chefe (2686th ) 717 5 3 8 1 8 43 29
fr Alice (2498th ) 449 11 8 19 4 6 15 12
de bustacell (1860th ) 417 10 7 15 1 7 2 13 11
us Hugh (4371st ) 402 4 2 6 31 2 1
us Doc_Taylor (5799th ) 402 1 1 1 26 18
ru A. (4723rd ) 323 6 6 11 14 1 8 11
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 297 11 6 15 1 9 2 9 8
us supreme (1742nd ) 223 3 13 2
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 130 10 1 11 1 2 4 5
Totals 6 3360 58 33 86 8 81 0 5 133 97
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us fOx (581st ) 571 1 21 2 1 20 1
se ^mp3 (1105th ) 521 3 1 4 1 17 1 19 8
be esh (1505th ) 450 18 7 24 1 21 1 8 6
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 362 26 7 33 2 13 14 5
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 328 4 4 17 1 1 2
ca Freyja (1994th ) 313 23 7 29 15 2 1 10 5
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 277 4 6 10 12 11 11
cl _//_SLUG_GOJIRA (4013th ) 231 7 2 9 16 3 2
us MEGA-DRIVE (8019th ) 153 17 5 21 7 1 1 9
Totals 3 3206 98 40 134 4 139 6 4 87 49

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
de chefe (2686th )20:0071720120119351.0218.5200:06
fr Alice (2498th )18:3644920820817554.3131.3800:07
de bustacell (1860th )13:0641710410413343.889.2100:06
us Hugh (4371st )20:0040221221218253.8110.1100:07
us Doc_Taylor (5799th )19:23402113114218134.237.5400:05
ru A. (4723rd )20:0032316116122142.1510.6200:05
us LoSahn (7272nd )20:0029711911919238.266.9100:06
us supreme (1742nd )09:3122392928352.5728.1300:07
us h3Lc@t (9795th )14:37130565615326.7910.0000:06
Totals6 (3360)1266126715501044.1114.7100:06
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us fOx (581st )20:00571308309137169.1320.4400:09
se ^mp3 (1105th )20:0052128228214865.5830.2100:08
be esh (1505th )17:0945019819813659.2812.0000:08
us CoroNer (3723rd )20:0036213913919142.1213.1800:06
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th )17:5732822622613662.4312.8600:08
ca Freyja (1994th )20:0031314714721540.6123.5600:06
ru VICTUS (8429th )20:0027712412419738.636.5300:06
cl _//_SLUG_GOJIRA (4013th )09:492311231237063.737.5700:09
us MEGA-DRIVE (8019th )13:55153737310840.3312.2100:08
Totals3 (3206)1620162113381053.5415.4000:08

Kills Match Up
de chefe (2686th )     6    6152645123832912
fr Alice (2498th )     20    16272620153425718
de bustacell (1860th )     1    20891121710710
us Hugh (4371st )     16    12361036172737912
us Doc_Taylor (5799th ) 311 7167 21 15103168817
ru A. (4723rd )     14    13131812162525916
us LoSahn (7272nd )     8    615101210221989
us supreme (1742nd )          41510129158127
us h3Lc@t (9795th )     1    94210381315
us fOx (581st ) 8213922272622 211151023302320 2
se ^mp3 (1105th ) 3138293515423715319        
be esh (1505th ) 3019161922282713159        
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 2213920171523695        
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 28251828153720122518        
ca Freyja (1994th ) 27115121928185202        
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 14155221213186136        
cl _//_SLUG_GOJIRA (4013th ) 206812171314249         
us MEGA-DRIVE (8019th ) 1016458136281        

Weapons Summary
se ^mp3 (1105th ) 3 279 778 235 30.21 351788
cl _//_SLUG_GOJIRA (4013th ) 4 119 436 33 7.57 34098
ru A. (4723rd ) 7 154 819 87 10.62 113115
fr Alice (2498th ) 4 204 564 177 31.38 263048
de bustacell (1860th ) 5 99 467 43 9.21 55274
de chefe (2686th ) 201 718 133 18.52 193345
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 5 134 1032 136 13.18 183478
us Doc_Taylor (5799th ) 10 104 968 73 7.54 86454
be esh (1505th ) 10 188 908 109 12.00 135278
us fOx (581st ) 1 308 1003 205 20.44 293249
ca Freyja (1994th ) 147 624 147 23.56 220500
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 56 550 55 10.00 80068
us Hugh (4371st ) 10 202 811 82 10.11 103043
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 2 224 700 90 12.86 125790
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 7 112 940 65 6.91 78641
us MEGA-DRIVE (8019th ) 3 70 303 37 12.21 50168
us supreme (1742nd ) 92 320 90 28.13 135000
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 5 119 842 55 6.53 62022

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
ru A. (4723rd ) 20 10 1 1 3
fr Alice (2498th ) 26 8 8 4 13
de bustacell (1860th ) 13 3 2 3 5
de chefe (2686th ) 26 12 3 3 7
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 23 5 1 3
us Doc_Taylor (5799th ) 14 5
be esh (1505th ) 25 9 2 6 8
us fOx (581st ) 31 19 6 11 17 2 3
ca Freyja (1994th ) 21 5 1 5
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 3 2
us Hugh (4371st ) 20 15 8 4 8 3 1
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 19 12 7 11 13 4
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 12 7 2 2 5 1
us MEGA-DRIVE (8019th ) 11 1 1 1 2
us supreme (1742nd ) 15 6 3 5
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 19 4 1 1
se ^mp3 (1105th ) Yes 39 18 7 6 16 2 1
cl _//_SLUG_GOJIRA (4013th ) 12 5 1 9 8 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
ru A. (4723rd ) 78 14
fr Alice (2498th ) 33 15
de bustacell (1860th ) 61 50
de chefe (2686th ) 70 8
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 2 0
us Doc_Taylor (5799th ) 42 6
be esh (1505th ) 89 47
us fOx (581st ) 107 8
ca Freyja (1994th ) 0 0
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 1 1
us Hugh (4371st ) 132 46
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 137 30
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 58 2
us MEGA-DRIVE (8019th ) 38 17
us supreme (1742nd ) 2 0
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 76 10
se ^mp3 (1105th ) 44 10
cl _//_SLUG_GOJIRA (4013th ) 95 18

Match Report
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