Match Stats
0 7
Match Date Wed, Jul 3 2024 at 10:20 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL spfix
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: NoJobCarBitchHouse!, sorry!, hare_krsna, oldman, starlink

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 331 5 3 1 2 10 3
gb josty* (228th ) 296 7 3 9 3 10 5 1 2
de BlockchainOracle.exe (2253rd ) 191 1 1 5 4 1
pt Yahiro (863rd ) 178 4 4 1 4 6 2
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 170 1 1 2 4 1
us uranus (3628th ) 170 1 3 4 1 9 3
be Ultra (998th ) 152 4 4 6 6 1
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th ) 117 1 1 5
gr Chris_Doom_K. (9809th ) 47 1 1 2 1 1
cl S++++ (3875th ) 21 1
us Hugh (4371st ) 1
Totals 0 1674 15 17 29 6 27 6 3 47 12
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us OS (2270th ) 159 3 4 7 2 6 2
mx sus (3738th ) 143 2 5 6 3 1 1 3 2
de chefe (2686th ) 135 3 4 6 1 1 5 4
nl [EEF]Shijin (1636th ) 112 2 2 3 2 1 3
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 100 1 1 2 3 1 2
gb (3598th ) 80 7 3 9 1 2 1 1
de bustacell (1860th ) 53 1 2 4
us ObrintPas (4618th ) 16 1 2 3 1 1
Totals 7 798 19 21 36 8 14 0 4 18 13

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th )11:35331808171157.2614.5000:11
gb josty* (228th )12:4729615015182164.5322.9100:10
de BlockchainOracle.exe (2253rd )12:471911411417964.0922.8400:10
pt Yahiro (863rd )10:37178868778152.4115.0000:08
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th )12:471701181187860.2014.9500:10
us uranus (3628th )12:4717070707448.6110.7200:11
be Ultra (998th )10:3615277776554.2318.2300:10
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th )10:4811760605651.7210.8200:12
gr Chris_Doom_K. (9809th )08:5847323352138.378.4600:11
cl S++++ (3875th )02:572112121938.7115.0000:10
us Hugh (4371st )01:00111614.292.7000:11
Totals0 (1674)8278316604049.4914.1900:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us OS (2270th )12:4715980809445.9811.1900:08
mx sus (3738th )12:00143293069130.114.3900:11
de chefe (2686th )12:47135626387141.7213.9800:09
nl [EEF]Shijin (1636th )07:0611253534355.2115.0000:10
us CoroNer (3723rd )12:47100747411339.5710.1700:07
gb (3598th )11:4980232580223.3610.5300:09
de bustacell (1860th )04:495328283147.4625.4900:10
us ObrintPas (4618th )03:5316141522139.4714.8100:11
Totals7 (798)3633685395040.3613.1900:09

Kills Match Up
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 1 7216885421  13  11 4
gb josty* (228th )  118622251312261 321 215 5
de BlockchainOracle.exe (2253rd ) 1417 13    10  1713316251111
pt Yahiro (863rd )   10158991  581221953
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 2213 10    10  2111 81931 
us uranus (3628th ) 712 6    4  136 6124  
be Ultra (998th ) 105 7    4  157 224111
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th ) 618 6       97 3812 
gr Chris_Doom_K. (9809th ) 114 34231  11311431
cl S++++ (3875th ) 11         111 241 
us Hugh (4371st ) 1                  
us OS (2270th )  184129101333   10  7  
mx sus (3738th )  1325141112 13  4 2
de chefe (2686th ) 38 4    6  86131726 
nl [EEF]Shijin (1636th )  1876672111  6  4 3
us CoroNer (3723rd )   15371387 1   12  8  
gb (3598th ) 43    3322 231 121 
de bustacell (1860th )   672 11131  2  2 2
us ObrintPas (4618th ) 21 1    3  23 21  1

Weapons Summary
nl [EEF]Shijin (1636th ) 53
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 2 116
de BlockchainOracle.exe (2253rd ) 3 138
de bustacell (1860th ) 2 26
de chefe (2686th ) 63
gr Chris_Doom_K. (9809th ) 2 31
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 3 71
us Hugh (4371st ) 1
gb josty* (228th ) 3 147 1
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 2 59
gb (3598th ) 25
us ObrintPas (4618th ) 1 14
us OS (2270th ) 3 77
cl S++++ (3875th ) 12
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th ) 60
mx sus (3738th ) 15
be Ultra (998th ) 77
us uranus (3628th ) 2 68
pt Yahiro (863rd ) 4 83
nl [EEF]Shijin (1636th ) 280
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 649
de BlockchainOracle.exe (2253rd ) 578
de bustacell (1860th ) 102
de chefe (2686th ) 329
gr Chris_Doom_K. (9809th ) 390
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 639
us Hugh (4371st ) 37
gb josty* (228th ) 537
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 118
gb (3598th ) 152
us ObrintPas (4618th ) 81
us OS (2270th ) 572
cl S++++ (3875th ) 80
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th ) 453
mx sus (3738th ) 258
be Ultra (998th ) 384
us uranus (3628th ) 457
pt Yahiro (863rd ) 460
nl [EEF]Shijin (1636th ) 42
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 97
de BlockchainOracle.exe (2253rd ) 132
de bustacell (1860th ) 26
de chefe (2686th ) 46
gr Chris_Doom_K. (9809th ) 33
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 65
us Hugh (4371st ) 1
gb josty* (228th ) 123
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 17
gb (3598th ) 16
us ObrintPas (4618th ) 12
us OS (2270th ) 64
cl S++++ (3875th ) 12
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th ) 49
mx sus (3738th ) 14
be Ultra (998th ) 70
us uranus (3628th ) 49
pt Yahiro (863rd ) 69
nl [EEF]Shijin (1636th ) 60254
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 138854
de BlockchainOracle.exe (2253rd ) 196471
de bustacell (1860th ) 38447
de chefe (2686th ) 69000
gr Chris_Doom_K. (9809th ) 46086
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 91342
us Hugh (4371st ) 1500
gb josty* (228th ) 183786
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 22339
gb (3598th ) 20348
us ObrintPas (4618th ) 17259
us OS (2270th ) 91973
cl S++++ (3875th ) 18000
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th ) 72096
mx sus (3738th ) 17438
be Ultra (998th ) 101012
us uranus (3628th ) 70058
pt Yahiro (863rd ) 100462
nl [EEF]Shijin (1636th ) 15.00
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 14.95
de BlockchainOracle.exe (2253rd ) 22.84
de bustacell (1860th ) 25.49
de chefe (2686th ) 13.98
gr Chris_Doom_K. (9809th ) 8.46
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 10.17
us Hugh (4371st ) 2.70
gb josty* (228th ) 22.91
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 14.41
gb (3598th ) 10.53
us ObrintPas (4618th ) 14.81
us OS (2270th ) 11.19
cl S++++ (3875th ) 15.00
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th ) 10.82
mx sus (3738th ) 5.43
be Ultra (998th ) 18.23
us uranus (3628th ) 10.72
pt Yahiro (863rd ) 15.00

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) Yes 20 5 1 6 1
de BlockchainOracle.exe (2253rd ) 10 10 6 2 5 1
de bustacell (1860th ) 5
de chefe (2686th ) 6 6
gr Chris_Doom_K. (9809th ) 3 1 1
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 16 3
us Hugh (4371st )
gb josty* (228th ) 17 12 5 4 12
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 15 3 4
gb (3598th ) 5
us ObrintPas (4618th ) 2
us OS (2270th ) 13 3 1 5
cl S++++ (3875th ) 1
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th ) 8 3 3
mx sus (3738th ) 5
be Ultra (998th ) 13 2 2 2
us uranus (3628th ) 15 2 2
pt Yahiro (863rd ) 12 1 2 2
nl [EEF]Shijin (1636th ) 11 2 1 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
lb ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 22 5
de BlockchainOracle.exe (2253rd ) 9 3
de bustacell (1860th ) 2 1
de chefe (2686th ) 18 5
gr Chris_Doom_K. (9809th ) 1 0
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 7 4
us Hugh (4371st ) 0 0
gb josty* (228th ) 27 12
lb Kublai_Khan (1355th ) 11 2
gb (3598th ) 12 5
us ObrintPas (4618th ) 3 0
us OS (2270th ) 15 14
cl S++++ (3875th ) 0 0
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th ) 11 8
mx sus (3738th ) 2 1
be Ultra (998th ) 6 3
us uranus (3628th ) 19 6
pt Yahiro (863rd ) 19 6
nl [EEF]Shijin (1636th ) 11 1

Match Report
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