Match Stats
5 7
Match Date Fri, Jul 5 2024 at 2:47 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: jacey, Octoman, bolec

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
si Newjack (3981st ) 464 13 2 14 2 3 1 1 27 21
il leveller (2264th ) 412 29 1 8 1
Zla026 (2905th ) 252 29 2 28 6 3 6 5
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th ) 233 9 5 13 9 1 8 12
tr Akin_Turkey (6180th ) 34 4 1 5 1 1
nl radicaaltje (1947th ) 34 1 2 1
hu Locomot!Ve (6303rd ) 1 1
Totals 5 1430 55 10 60 2 49 2 5 52 41
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ru POCTOB (2462nd ) 387 19 5 17 6 7 12 7
Ja (1198th ) 377 9 1 10 7 1 19 18
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 242 14 1 15 1 9 1 8 2
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 208 1 1 2 1 13 8
nl gzm (1573rd ) 86 1 1 3 1 4 2
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 19 7 1 8 2
Totals 7 1319 51 8 52 1 27 4 7 56 39

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
si Newjack (3981st )16:44464122124121250.2016.3700:09
il leveller (2264th )16:444122242351121165.6423.9500:09
Zla026 (2905th )13:16252768088446.5115.6700:09
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th )16:3923383838642.988.8700:12
nl radicaaltje (1947th )01:383414159160.0020.2700:12
tr Akin_Turkey (6180th )05:1634192032137.749.9300:10
hu Locomot!Ve (6303rd )00:33111420.006.2500:09
Totals5 (1430)53955845219046.1514.4700:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ru POCTOB (2462nd )16:20387949412143.7210.7400:08
Ja (1198th )16:4437714514517345.6022.8900:06
ru Schizazoid (3549th )16:44242107109123246.5811.3600:08
be SonOfSam (1991st )09:1220872726054.5513.0100:10
nl gzm (1573rd )02:498630301763.8332.2600:10
cz women_are_trash (14525th )12:111922643.033.7700:12
Totals7 (1319)4504525582042.8915.6700:09

Kills Match Up
si Newjack (3981st ) 2      2135379517
il leveller (2264th )  11     51824127430
Zla026 (2905th )   4    2422138310
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th )        202224755
nl radicaaltje (1947th )     1  2562  
tr Akin_Turkey (6180th )      1 3717 2
hu Locomot!Ve (6303rd )          1   
ru POCTOB (2462nd ) 2521172416       
Ja (1198th ) 343434272122      
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 3927132127   2   
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 1717171047       
nl gzm (1573rd ) 51373  2      
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 1  1         

Weapons Summary
tr Akin_Turkey (6180th ) 1 19 151 15 9.93 22195
nl gzm (1573rd ) 30 93 30 32.26 45000
Ja (1198th ) 1 144 603 138 22.89 201260
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th ) 3 74 563 61 10.83 84666
il leveller (2264th ) 1 234 835 200 23.95 294923
hu Locomot!Ve (6303rd ) 1 16 1 6.25 1500
si Newjack (3981st ) 2 122 727 119 16.37 167980
ru POCTOB (2462nd ) 2 92 745 80 10.74 115165
nl radicaaltje (1947th ) 15 74 15 20.27 20584
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 3 106 678 77 11.36 106163
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 2 70 515 67 13.01 93736
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 2 53 2 3.77 3000
Zla026 (2905th ) 80 453 71 15.67 104244

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
tr Akin_Turkey (6180th ) 1
nl gzm (1573rd ) 2 4 1 2
Ja (1198th ) 26 5 2 2 4 1
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th ) 11 2 1 1 1
il leveller (2264th ) 27 13 5 10 18
hu Locomot!Ve (6303rd )
si Newjack (3981st ) 17 6 2 3
ru POCTOB (2462nd ) 9 6 1 1
nl radicaaltje (1947th ) 1 1 1
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) Yes 16 6 1
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 14 2 3
cz women_are_trash (14525th )
Zla026 (2905th ) 9 6 1 3

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
tr Akin_Turkey (6180th ) 5 0
nl gzm (1573rd ) 0 0
Ja (1198th ) 7 0
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th ) 18 2
il leveller (2264th ) 39 14
hu Locomot!Ve (6303rd ) 0 0
si Newjack (3981st ) 6 1
ru POCTOB (2462nd ) 15 0
nl radicaaltje (1947th ) 0 0
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 31 5
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 6 2
cz women_are_trash (14525th ) 0 0
Zla026 (2905th ) 9 0

Match Report
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