Match Stats
5 2
Match Date Sun, Jul 7 2024 at 8:56 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL spfix
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: moonbeam

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
mx RadmY (694th ) 336 5 1 6 1 12 5 1
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 225 3 4 5 1 1 2 9 5
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 216 4 4 7 1 4 1 5 1
cl KFD (6369th ) 215 2 1 1 1 2 1
de chefe (2686th ) 181 3 4 7 2 5 1 5 5
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 152 1 1 3 2 3
br Rolling_stones (4911th ) 134 1 5 5
dawg (2629th ) 100 3 2 1 1
be wiz (1487th ) 32 2 1
lv Player14 (3450th ) 20
Totals 5 1611 18 16 29 5 28 1 5 35 22
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us effibrie (217th ) 466 9 3 12 12 10 3
pt bife (593rd ) 296 1 1 4 5
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 255 4 3 6 5 1 6 1
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 170 6 3 9 2 1 3 4
cl Noctubro (5879th ) 142 5 4
ca DICKS_AHOY (7344th ) 107 8 3 10 1 3 4
gb Atlantis (9567th ) 26 1 1 1 1
gb Tom (15505th ) 8
us Roper-BOT (3129th )
Totals 2 1470 28 13 39 2 22 0 2 33 17

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
mx RadmY (694th )20:0033624024012465.9331.3900:10
us CoroNer (3723rd )20:00225959515837.5510.4400:08
ru Schizazoid (3549th )19:1621611511514444.4012.2200:08
cl KFD (6369th )09:1421534343528.303.8800:23
de chefe (2686th )14:24181818110543.5519.7800:09
ca Richie$Rich (5289th )20:0015210910912845.9911.1400:10
br Rolling_stones (4911th )20:00134757513136.414.5900:10
dawg (2629th )08:2210055555052.3813.4800:11
be wiz (1487th )02:183212121348.0015.2800:10
lv Player14 (3450th )02:392018181652.9416.6700:10
Totals5 (1611)8348349040045.5413.8900:11
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us effibrie (217th )20:0046629529511871.4323.9000:11
pt bife (593rd )20:0029624924912766.2227.7900:10
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd )20:0025515815813553.9216.3900:09
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th )20:001709899148139.9210.1000:08
cl Noctubro (5879th )20:00142808011042.115.9800:11
ca DICKS_AHOY (7344th )20:001074041152121.136.3500:08
gb Atlantis (9567th )07:3126161749125.375.7500:10
gb Tom (15505th )05:288883717.783.1700:09
us Roper-BOT (3129th )00:470100:36
Totals2 (1470)9449478773037.5411.0500:12

Kills Match Up
mx RadmY (694th )    12     4323638223447510 
us CoroNer (3723rd )    5     1221412141115 1 
ru Schizazoid (3549th )    4     218191812152034 
cl KFD (6369th ) 267 271  1   8     
de chefe (2686th )    5      161110101013 6 
ca Richie$Rich (5289th )    3     15192413142145 
br Rolling_stones (4911th )           915161171322 
dawg (2629th )    1      12611131047 
be wiz (1487th )          1334  1   
lv Player14 (3450th ) 233   1 1 111122   
us effibrie (217th ) 36503513233591315   17 211  
pt bife (593rd ) 314338 2538211471   18 112  
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 202823126232533    4  2  
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 91310351088  11551453  
cl Noctubro (5879th ) 16620 971031    6  2  
ca DICKS_AHOY (7344th ) 477 4845     1 1  1
gb Atlantis (9567th ) 121 1212   21  212 
gb Tom (15505th ) 3   1 12        1  
us Roper-BOT (3129th )                    

Weapons Summary
gb Atlantis (9567th ) 4 13 261 15 5.75 20631
pt bife (593rd ) 249 896 249 27.79 373500
de chefe (2686th ) 2 79 359 71 19.78 104555
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 3 92 872 91 10.44 132242
dawg (2629th ) 2 53 282 38 13.48 55527
ca DICKS_AHOY (7344th ) 3 38 362 23 6.35 32031
us effibrie (217th ) 6 289 1117 267 23.90 399300
cl KFD (6369th ) 2 1 74
cl Noctubro (5879th ) 7 73 1153 69 5.98 94697
lv Player14 (3450th ) 18 102 17 16.67 25396
mx RadmY (694th ) 4 236 669 210 31.39 331344
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 2 107 817 91 11.14 134795
br Rolling_stones (4911th ) 2 73 959 44 4.59 61456
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 5 110 720 88 12.22 122357
gb Tom (15505th ) 8 252 8 3.17 12000
be wiz (1487th ) 12 72 11 15.28 16500
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 2 156 781 128 16.39 188242
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 4 95 871 88 10.10 125784

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
gb Atlantis (9567th ) 1
pt bife (593rd ) 33 11 5 10 17 1 1
de chefe (2686th ) 11 2 1 1 1
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 16 1 3
dawg (2629th ) 2 6 1 1 2
ca DICKS_AHOY (7344th ) 7
us effibrie (217th ) 27 19 5 14 11 6 1
cl KFD (6369th ) 6 3
cl Noctubro (5879th ) Yes 10
lv Player14 (3450th ) 3 1 1
mx RadmY (694th ) 26 11 4 10 15 3
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 13 4 1 1 3
br Rolling_stones (4911th ) 7
us Roper-BOT (3129th )
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 11 4 2 4
gb Tom (15505th ) 1
be wiz (1487th ) 3
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 22 9 4 1 4 1
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 12 7 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
gb Atlantis (9567th ) 1 0
pt bife (593rd ) 0 0
de chefe (2686th ) 12 2
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 2 3
dawg (2629th ) 18 10
ca DICKS_AHOY (7344th ) 20 4
us effibrie (217th ) 20 10
cl KFD (6369th ) 18 7
cl Noctubro (5879th ) 10 7
lv Player14 (3450th ) 2 1
mx RadmY (694th ) 18 7
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 16 4
br Rolling_stones (4911th ) 32 4
us Roper-BOT (3129th ) 0 0
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 28 9
gb Tom (15505th ) 0 0
be wiz (1487th ) 1 0
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 31 8
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 9 4

Match Report
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