Match Stats
4 5
Match Date Thu, Jul 25 2024 at 5:59 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name 2on2-StalwartLite(CaosGenerator)
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: h0rse, GAETS_PUG_STARTED, Ja, bolec, krikz, Skiggy-Rapz, MadCatz.BHARANI, Player17

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl HoeistNou (9260th ) 218 1 4 1 1
it DAM (8966th ) 193 5 2 5 2 1 1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 168 11 2 12 1 1 4 1
us Oldman (3088th ) 165 3 3 3
cz ezero (4006th ) 154 1 1 1 1 2 2
pl . (2877th ) 94 1 1 1 2 1
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 93 2 4
fr Zazie (2937th ) 46 1 1
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 35
us lexil (5153rd ) 32 4 1 5 2
Totals 4 1198 21 8 23 3 8 0 6 16 13
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl DrogeKloot (1781st ) 275 1 5 1 3 3
dawg (2629th ) 188 1 1 2 4
us KOttler (1773rd ) 159 3 7
am x4.Nemrut (4232nd ) 136 1 1 1 2
br AssLicker (6784th ) 109 11 2 11 2 2 2 2
ae Free Palestine (2846th ) 94 1 1 2
bg SB (3912th ) 62 1 2
za 432 (4375th ) 5
Totals 5 1028 12 4 13 2 12 0 3 18 11

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl HoeistNou (9260th )20:0021818618768173.0519.4500:19
it DAM (8966th )15:1019351518637.0312.1100:11
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )20:00168115116131146.7722.9900:10
us Oldman (3088th )20:0016511011014543.146.6600:09
cz ezero (4006th )16:13154949411145.856.2400:09
pl . (2877th )20:00945153108232.525.1900:12
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th )20:0093646411735.368.3500:11
fr Zazie (2937th )08:084635356535.0017.0300:08
cl CALIGULA (4824th )08:073534343350.755.1300:16
us lexil (5153rd )04:133221212545.6526.0900:11
Totals4 (1198)7617658894044.5112.9200:11
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl DrogeKloot (1781st )20:002752042048371.0816.1100:15
dawg (2629th )14:4618810910910052.1510.7100:09
us KOttler (1773rd )20:001598485102145.215.1300:12
am x4.Nemrut (4232nd )20:001361191196763.987.6700:19
br AssLicker (6784th )20:0010932326931.6813.1600:19
ae Free Palestine (2846th )15:189468687447.895.2000:13
bg SB (3912th )07:086245454649.4511.3500:10
za 432 (4375th )00:49544180.0010.3400:54
Totals5 (1028)6656665421055.189.9600:19

Kills Match Up
Free Pale
nl HoeistNou (9260th ) 1142025211610221 572251108 
it DAM (8966th ) 6 84233 3831 19   
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 415163298  9148812810 
us Oldman (3088th ) 7910  4    1723715396 
cz ezero (4006th ) 581  2    151441312137 
pl . (2877th ) 13511211  91123465 
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 361       913281165 
fr Zazie (2937th ) 7 7  2    62 541 1
cl CALIGULA (4824th )  5        74112113 
us lexil (5153rd )  5        2221 72 
nl DrogeKloot (1781st ) 68214135221818123  20     
dawg (2629th ) 64112182118644  6     
us KOttler (1773rd ) 8 875710 451917113  
am x4.Nemrut (4232nd ) 921514171426511  15     
br AssLicker (6784th )  63472211   6     
ae Free Palestine (2846th ) 3115154612321  6     
bg SB (3912th ) 3 67768 53        
za 432 (4375th )     11 1    1     

Weapons Summary
pl . (2877th ) 3 50
za 432 (4375th ) 4
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 8 103 5
br AssLicker (6784th ) 1 31
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 34
it DAM (8966th ) 30
dawg (2629th ) 5 104
nl DrogeKloot (1781st ) 1 203
cz ezero (4006th ) 8 86
ae Free Palestine (2846th ) 3 65
nl HoeistNou (9260th ) 2 185
us KOttler (1773rd ) 85
us lexil (5153rd ) 1 20
us Oldman (3088th ) 2 108
bg SB (3912th ) 3 42
am x4.Nemrut (4232nd ) 119
fr Zazie (2937th ) 35
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 2 62
pl . (2877th ) 501
za 432 (4375th ) 29
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 461
br AssLicker (6784th ) 190
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 195
it DAM (8966th ) 188
dawg (2629th ) 560
nl DrogeKloot (1781st ) 981
cz ezero (4006th ) 834
ae Free Palestine (2846th ) 673
nl HoeistNou (9260th ) 843
us KOttler (1773rd ) 741
us lexil (5153rd ) 69
us Oldman (3088th ) 796
bg SB (3912th ) 185
am x4.Nemrut (4232nd ) 639
fr Zazie (2937th ) 182
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 671
pl . (2877th ) 26
za 432 (4375th ) 3
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 106
br AssLicker (6784th ) 25
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 10
it DAM (8966th ) 21
dawg (2629th ) 60
nl DrogeKloot (1781st ) 158
cz ezero (4006th ) 52
ae Free Palestine (2846th ) 35
nl HoeistNou (9260th ) 164
us KOttler (1773rd ) 38
us lexil (5153rd ) 18
us Oldman (3088th ) 53
bg SB (3912th ) 21
am x4.Nemrut (4232nd ) 49
fr Zazie (2937th ) 31
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 56
pl . (2877th ) 34371
za 432 (4375th ) 4242
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 134689 690
br AssLicker (6784th ) 27783
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 7313
it DAM (8966th ) 26303
dawg (2629th ) 72039
nl DrogeKloot (1781st ) 226949
cz ezero (4006th ) 58119
ae Free Palestine (2846th ) 34680
nl HoeistNou (9260th ) 236950
us KOttler (1773rd ) 47047
us lexil (5153rd ) 21408
us Oldman (3088th ) 68056
bg SB (3912th ) 25620
am x4.Nemrut (4232nd ) 66864
fr Zazie (2937th ) 47791
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 78854
pl . (2877th ) 5.19
za 432 (4375th ) 10.34
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 22.99
br AssLicker (6784th ) 13.16
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 5.13
it DAM (8966th ) 11.17
dawg (2629th ) 10.71
nl DrogeKloot (1781st ) 16.11
cz ezero (4006th ) 6.24
ae Free Palestine (2846th ) 5.20
nl HoeistNou (9260th ) 19.45
us KOttler (1773rd ) 5.13
us lexil (5153rd ) 26.09
us Oldman (3088th ) 6.66
bg SB (3912th ) 11.35
am x4.Nemrut (4232nd ) 7.67
fr Zazie (2937th ) 17.03
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 8.35

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
pl . (2877th ) Yes 6 1 1
za 432 (4375th ) 1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 13 5 2 2 1
br AssLicker (6784th ) 4
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 2 1 2 1 1
it DAM (8966th ) 9 2
dawg (2629th ) 13 7 3 2 2
nl DrogeKloot (1781st ) 40 13 5 9 1 1 1 1
cz ezero (4006th ) 12 4 2 1 3
ae Free Palestine (2846th ) 7 1 1 3 1
nl HoeistNou (9260th ) 25 13 6 1 8 1 2 1
us KOttler (1773rd ) 16 3 3 1
us lexil (5153rd ) 4 1 1
us Oldman (3088th ) 10 4 5 2 4 3
bg SB (3912th ) 10 1 3
am x4.Nemrut (4232nd ) 18 4 2 2 3 2 1
fr Zazie (2937th ) 4 2
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 5 3

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
pl . (2877th ) 27 1
za 432 (4375th ) 1 1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 3 3
br AssLicker (6784th ) 9 1
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 25 1
it DAM (8966th ) 16 3
dawg (2629th ) 51 20
nl DrogeKloot (1781st ) 46 4
cz ezero (4006th ) 41 11
ae Free Palestine (2846th ) 34 5
nl HoeistNou (9260th ) 23 5
us KOttler (1773rd ) 48 2
us lexil (5153rd ) 2 0
us Oldman (3088th ) 61 8
bg SB (3912th ) 23 4
am x4.Nemrut (4232nd ) 70 5
fr Zazie (2937th ) 3 0
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 5 3

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format