Match Stats
2 5
Match Date Thu, Jun 30 2022 at 5:37 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: vltava_supermassiu, jhonbones

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
at [WfH]deicide^ (186th ) 342 3 8 2
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (761st ) 272 3 3 1 4 7 2
pl </::|::\> (4230th ) 226 3 12 4
de b0r3d (1575th ) 204 8 3 9 2 5 4
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 124 1 1 5 9
pl lancehead (79th ) 106 1 1 2 1
it Zorky (11106th ) 101 1 5 1
de Francesco_Rosinetti (596th ) 53 1 1 1
ru POCTOB (2463rd ) 22 2 1
pl Thie.r (1150th )
Totals 2 1450 14 3 15 1 11 0 2 46 25
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
de bustacell (1862nd ) 289 23 4 24 2 1 2 4 3
nl period (762nd ) 288 3 3 1 5 4
nl gzm (1574th ) 212 3 2 5 2 9 1
nl Whatever (1975th ) 164 1 5 5 1 3 1 3 4
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4916th ) 124 3 2 5 1 3
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 104 2 2 1 2
se L[oO]u (713th ) 89 4 4 1 1
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 13 1
sk LilyRader (7325th ) 11 1
Bubuleja (979th ) 3
Totals 5 1297 34 18 46 7 22 1 5 13 11

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
at [WfH]deicide^ (186th )20:0034225025010271.0221.3100:12
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (761st )20:0027217717712359.0017.0600:10
pl </::|::\> (4230th )20:00226979712144.5010.1100:10
de b0r3d (1575th )20:0020410810812246.9615.8600:10
nl |Wacko| (6745th )20:00124565613629.174.4000:09
pl lancehead (79th )07:5210684846755.6339.5100:07
it Zorky (11106th )20:00101464612926.294.4000:10
de Francesco_Rosinetti (596th )04:395341413355.4115.0000:09
ru POCTOB (2463rd )02:4622441028.573.0600:18
pl Thie.r (1150th )00:050100:05
Totals2 (1450)8638638440041.6613.0700:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
de bustacell (1862nd )20:00289969614639.6710.4100:09
nl period (762nd )20:0028821021010866.0423.3900:12
nl gzm (1574th )20:002121681689962.9222.3700:13
nl Whatever (1975th )19:0216411811816341.9915.9700:07
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4916th )20:00124797915533.767.9100:08
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th )20:0010481817551.924.9800:17
se L[oO]u (713th )07:348976767151.7024.0800:07
fr The_Shadow (4521st )03:201311113523.914.1500:06
sk LilyRader (7325th )01:081122722.224.4400:10
Bubuleja (979th )00:30333442.8621.4300:08
Totals5 (1297)8448448630043.7013.9100:10

Kills Match Up
at [WfH]deicide^ (186th )           5322126049272061 
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (761st )           23273134271416311
pl </::|::\> (4230th )           15157221910531 
de b0r3d (1575th )           1714201622765 1
nl |Wacko| (6745th )           1661261141   
pl lancehead (79th )           10114161161673 
it Zorky (11106th )           775613322 1
de Francesco_Rosinetti (596th )           2673345911
ru POCTOB (2463rd )           3 1       
pl Thie.r (1150th )                     
de bustacell (1862nd ) 1310121718517 4           
nl period (762nd ) 3123442638122583           
nl gzm (1574th ) 935182626123381           
nl Whatever (1975th ) 18182014158187            
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4916th ) 71389167172            
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 141291313108 2           
se L[oO]u (713th ) 91091391196            
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 12131111            
sk LilyRader (7325th )    1   1            
Bubuleja (979th )      11  1          

Weapons Summary
pl </::|::\> (4230th ) 3 94
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (761st ) 1 176
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 3 78
at [WfH]deicide^ (186th ) 4 246
de b0r3d (1575th ) 3 105
Bubuleja (979th ) 3
de bustacell (1862nd ) 3 93
de Francesco_Rosinetti (596th ) 41
nl gzm (1574th ) 168
se L[oO]u (713th ) 3 73
pl lancehead (79th ) 84
sk LilyRader (7325th ) 2
nl period (762nd ) 3 207
ru POCTOB (2463rd ) 4
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4916th ) 8 71
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 2 9
pl Thie.r (1150th )
nl Whatever (1975th ) 3 115
it Zorky (11106th ) 5 41
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 2 53 1
pl </::|::\> (4230th ) 712
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (761st ) 926
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 1145
at [WfH]deicide^ (186th ) 1112
de b0r3d (1575th ) 599
Bubuleja (979th ) 14
de bustacell (1862nd ) 490
de Francesco_Rosinetti (596th ) 180
nl gzm (1574th ) 751
se L[oO]u (713th ) 245
pl lancehead (79th ) 205
sk LilyRader (7325th ) 45
nl period (762nd ) 838
ru POCTOB (2463rd ) 98
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4916th ) 683
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 193
pl Thie.r (1150th ) 2
nl Whatever (1975th ) 739
it Zorky (11106th ) 568
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 728
pl </::|::\> (4230th ) 72
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (761st ) 158
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 57
at [WfH]deicide^ (186th ) 237
de b0r3d (1575th ) 95
Bubuleja (979th ) 3
de bustacell (1862nd ) 51
de Francesco_Rosinetti (596th ) 27
nl gzm (1574th ) 168
se L[oO]u (713th ) 59
pl lancehead (79th ) 81
sk LilyRader (7325th ) 2
nl period (762nd ) 196
ru POCTOB (2463rd ) 3
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4916th ) 54
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 8
pl Thie.r (1150th )
nl Whatever (1975th ) 118
it Zorky (11106th ) 25
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 32
pl </::|::\> (4230th ) 100684
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (761st ) 233701
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 70776
at [WfH]deicide^ (186th ) 347463
de b0r3d (1575th ) 141854
Bubuleja (979th ) 4500
de bustacell (1862nd ) 74265
de Francesco_Rosinetti (596th ) 39713
nl gzm (1574th ) 251239
se L[oO]u (713th ) 86608
pl lancehead (79th ) 121177
sk LilyRader (7325th ) 967
nl period (762nd ) 291272
ru POCTOB (2463rd ) 4285
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4916th ) 73619
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 10359
pl Thie.r (1150th )
nl Whatever (1975th ) 171492
it Zorky (11106th ) 31170
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 44673
pl </::|::\> (4230th ) 10.11
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (761st ) 17.06
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 4.98
at [WfH]deicide^ (186th ) 21.31
de b0r3d (1575th ) 15.86
Bubuleja (979th ) 21.43
de bustacell (1862nd ) 10.41
de Francesco_Rosinetti (596th ) 15.00
nl gzm (1574th ) 22.37
se L[oO]u (713th ) 24.08
pl lancehead (79th ) 39.51
sk LilyRader (7325th ) 4.44
nl period (762nd ) 23.39
ru POCTOB (2463rd ) 3.06
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4916th ) 7.91
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 4.15
pl Thie.r (1150th )
nl Whatever (1975th ) 15.97
it Zorky (11106th ) 4.40
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 4.40

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
pl </::|::\> (4230th ) 9 2 1 1 2
de b0r3d (1575th ) 18 6 2
Bubuleja (979th ) 1
de bustacell (1862nd ) 11 5 1 1
de Francesco_Rosinetti (596th ) 4 2 1 1 2
nl gzm (1574th ) 20 11 2 1 6 1 1
pl lancehead (79th ) 11 5 3 2 5
sk LilyRader (7325th )
se L[oO]u (713th ) 7 6 1 2 2
nl period (762nd ) 29 9 6 1 12 3
ru POCTOB (2463rd )
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4916th ) 14 1 1
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 2
pl Thie.r (1150th )
nl Whatever (1975th ) 17 3 1 4
it Zorky (11106th ) 4 1
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (761st ) Yes 30 6 2 2 7 2
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 9 3 1 7
at [WfH]deicide^ (186th ) 25 13 9 8 13 2 1 1
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 7

Match Report
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