Match Stats
6 4
Match Date Fri, Aug 16 2024 at 6:20 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name CTF-Bolt_HE (High End Systems)
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: shoty

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us OS (2270th ) 578 5 7 10 1 12 5 2 27 11
gb r$a/slow_grabber (1320th ) 456 54 5 56 1 12 3 3 8 4
fr Bonch (2109th ) 454 3 4 7 2 10 6 17 18
nl Tosquiojo (4391st ) 387 6 1 7 6 2 18 13
ru Rebus (4044th ) 374 5 6 10 1 16 4 1 13 10
us Player15 (3605th ) 150 1 1 5 4
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 84 1 1 4 2 2
ru Stromatotahmar (5561st ) 27 1
ru Alt_noob (12202nd ) 22 2 1
lube (1075th ) 18 1 1 1
gb PapaJoob (18028th ) 16 1 1 1
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6940th ) 10 1
us Player13 (2970th )
Totals 6 2576 76 24 94 5 67 23 6 92 57
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl mino (3310th ) 527 11 3 14 9 1 35 35
gb Lilia (796th ) 489 19 3 22 1 11 1 16 7
gb HumanCoconut (1684th ) 390 6 4 10 21 4 4 4
us Megatron (1959th ) 379 4 8 12 1 16 16 5
be Cryss (4733rd ) 217 5 2 7 7 6 1
br AssLicker (6784th ) 175 1 3 4 1 5 8 4
nl radicaaltje (1948th ) 136 1 1 1 1 4 1 7 7
ru VICTUS (8434th ) 128 6 7 13 6 1 2 6
gb loser (9033rd ) 117 4 6 2
se BRUNO (3689th ) 114 13 4 15 2 3 1
it z-twig (375th ) 93 2 1 5 1 1 2
it DAM (8965th ) 18 2 2 5
cz pplarehell/sapito (17942nd ) 4 3 3
br Player18 (3449th )
Totals 4 2787 71 37 104 4 88 8 4 105 77

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us OS (2270th )20:0757816516515047.5811.4400:09
gb r$a/slow_grabber (1320th )20:0045615115114850.5016.7200:08
fr Bonch (2109th )20:0045416816817948.4112.6400:07
nl Tosquiojo (4391st )20:0038716916915252.6512.2300:08
ru Rebus (4044th )20:0037416316315850.788.3300:08
us Player15 (3605th )07:3815097974070.8029.4300:12
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )06:4984323341144.0015.7600:10
ru Stromatotahmar (5561st )03:412723231954.769.2100:12
ru Alt_noob (12202nd )02:052244918.182.9400:19
lube (1075th )01:391813131056.5214.2900:10
gb PapaJoob (18028th )07:401666757.412.3200:06
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6940th )01:261044736.365.7700:13
us Player13 (2970th )00:050100:06
Totals6 (2576)9959969891041.3810.8500:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl mino (3310th )20:0052714214216845.8112.6500:07
gb Lilia (796th )14:3548919919911164.1915.9100:08
gb HumanCoconut (1684th )20:0039022822814061.9622.8800:09
us Megatron (1959th )20:0037916716712657.008.8900:10
be Cryss (4733rd )12:412171111118357.2215.4000:09
br AssLicker (6784th )16:46175676713133.845.9900:08
nl radicaaltje (1948th )05:3313644443555.7018.0300:10
ru VICTUS (8434th )20:001286970180127.893.5800:07
gb loser (9033rd )10:2611750505348.548.4600:12
se BRUNO (3689th )04:3611420203635.717.6300:07
it z-twig (375th )03:469347473358.7528.1900:07
it DAM (8965th )05:27187844115.092.7500:08
cz pplarehell/sapito (17942nd )06:37412014.557.6900:21
br Player18 (3449th )00:020100:03
Totals4 (2787)1151115411613040.4511.2900:09

Kills Match Up
us OS (2270th )              31182626131561353162 
gb r$a/slow_grabber (1320th )              2519910132541777825 
fr Bonch (2109th )              2318293181497511454 
nl Tosquiojo (4391st )              27172724171946136342 
ru Rebus (4044th )              2423231692139116954 
us Player15 (3605th )              1987111518  92 8  
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )       1      4291 345  1 31
ru Stromatotahmar (5561st )              3331 145  3   
ru Alt_noob (12202nd )              1 11  1       
lube (1075th )                 2 5 2  4   
gb PapaJoob (18028th )              1 22   1      
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6940th )                1 1   1  1  
us Player13 (2970th )                            
pl mino (3310th ) 1534231522634124         10   3  
gb Lilia (796th ) 332928313081031115         10      
gb HumanCoconut (1684th ) 2918423828512221183        28   2  
us Megatron (1959th ) 211933222624  212 1       23   2  
be Cryss (4733rd ) 161115112111              24   2  
br AssLicker (6784th ) 10121071021  251        7      
nl radicaaltje (1948th ) 46439 62118                
ru VICTUS (8434th ) 64532 23115  9321710 121 3  
gb loser (9033rd ) 959945     2        6   1  
se BRUNO (3689th ) 44322               5      
it z-twig (375th ) 366113 353 7                
it DAM (8965th )   1 11     1 1 1    2   1  
cz pplarehell/sapito (17942nd )           1              1 
br Player18 (3449th )                            

Weapons Summary
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 5 28 184 29 15.76 40067
ru Alt_noob (12202nd ) 4 34 2 5.88 3000
br AssLicker (6784th ) 3 64 334 20 5.99 24258
fr Bonch (2109th ) 2 166 712 90 12.64 125637
se BRUNO (3689th ) 2 18 118 9 7.63 8593
be Cryss (4733rd ) 3 108 526 81 15.40 117031
it DAM (8965th ) 1 7 109 3 2.75 3304
gb HumanCoconut (1684th ) 228 695 159 22.88 237234
gb Lilia (796th ) 2 197 641 102 15.91 146410
gb loser (9033rd ) 50 319 27 8.46 34511
lube (1075th ) 13 42 6 14.29 9000
us Megatron (1959th ) 7 160 821 73 8.89 98897
pl mino (3310th ) 3 139 917 116 12.65 162419
us OS (2270th ) 1 7 770 89 11.56 117764
gb PapaJoob (18028th ) 1 5 259 6 2.32 7191
us Player15 (3605th ) 97 282 83 29.43 123272
cz pplarehell/sapito (17942nd ) 1 13 1 7.69 1500
gb r$a/slow_grabber (1320th ) 5 146 604 101 16.72 139691
nl radicaaltje (1948th ) 1 43 244 44 18.03 59359
ru Rebus (4044th ) 8 155 648 54 8.33 67452
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6940th ) 4 52 3 5.77 3421
ru Stromatotahmar (5561st ) 23 152 14 9.21 17641
nl Tosquiojo (4391st ) 2 167 785 96 12.23 130312
ru VICTUS (8434th ) 1 69 614 22 3.58 28122
it z-twig (375th ) 47 149 42 28.19 63000

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 1 1
ru Alt_noob (12202nd ) 1
br AssLicker (6784th ) 7 2 1 1
fr Bonch (2109th ) 24 10 1 2 7
se BRUNO (3689th ) Yes 2 1
be Cryss (4733rd ) 19 3 1 5
it DAM (8965th )
gb HumanCoconut (1684th ) 28 13 8 4 12 1
gb Lilia (796th ) 31 11 8 3 14 1
gb loser (9033rd ) 6 1 1
lube (1075th ) 1
us Megatron (1959th ) 29 5 2 1 7 1
pl mino (3310th ) 16 3 1 2
us OS (2270th ) 20 5 2 3 6 1
gb PapaJoob (18028th )
us Player13 (2970th )
us Player15 (3605th ) 13 7 4 1 6 3
br Player18 (3449th )
cz pplarehell/sapito (17942nd )
gb r$a/slow_grabber (1320th ) 19 7 4 3 5
nl radicaaltje (1948th ) 4 2 2 4
ru Rebus (4044th ) 15 8 4 4 6 2
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6940th ) 1
ru Stromatotahmar (5561st ) 5 1
nl Tosquiojo (4391st ) 20 7 2 4 5 1 1
ru VICTUS (8434th ) 10 2 2 2 1
it z-twig (375th ) 4 4 1 2 4

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 3 2
ru Alt_noob (12202nd ) 2 0
br AssLicker (6784th ) 47 9
fr Bonch (2109th ) 74 28
se BRUNO (3689th ) 12 6
be Cryss (4733rd ) 30 11
it DAM (8965th ) 5 1
gb HumanCoconut (1684th ) 66 21
gb Lilia (796th ) 97 40
gb loser (9033rd ) 14 0
lube (1075th ) 7 0
us Megatron (1959th ) 93 9
pl mino (3310th ) 27 2
us OS (2270th ) 72 14
gb PapaJoob (18028th ) 0 0
us Player13 (2970th ) 0 0
us Player15 (3605th ) 15 3
br Player18 (3449th ) 0 0
cz pplarehell/sapito (17942nd ) 0 0
gb r$a/slow_grabber (1320th ) 52 22
nl radicaaltje (1948th ) 0 0
ru Rebus (4044th ) 114 6
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6940th ) 1 0
ru Stromatotahmar (5561st ) 9 2
nl Tosquiojo (4391st ) 71 4
ru VICTUS (8434th ) 49 1
it z-twig (375th ) 5 1

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format