Match Stats
4 2
Match Date Sat, Aug 17 2024 at 11:07 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL spfix
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Barak-BOT, Leftist_Tyranny, have_a_no_life_hack!, Z

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ca ]Ten|holdr (116th ) 349 1 1 2 1 16 8
de ashura.nde (1601st ) 284 5 2 5 4 2 4 7
ca UTNL (3404th ) 202 11 1 10 2 2 5 6
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 132 7 1 8 4 2
lb AllahuAkbar (1736th ) 130 5 3
de «Teddy» (320th ) 28
pt overske (10177th ) 27 1
pl Szymoniks (15848th ) 15
nl LittleBoomBroom (4094th ) 5 1 1
Totals 4 1172 25 4 25 0 8 1 4 35 26
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
bg ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 188 3 1 4 3 1
eg bushmaster (2625th ) 172 3 2 4 1 3
gb [Av]*josty*kHr=cheat (1843rd ) 168 4 1 5 1 2
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 156 6 6 1 6 7
si noxfox (1771st ) 131 2 3 5 1 1
co PANDA (5588th ) 45 2 1 2 1
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 40 1
it z-twig (375th ) 16 1 1 1 1
us -FYB- (5029th ) 16 1
it Astroche (9200th )
Totals 2 932 19 7 24 2 10 0 2 15 9

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ca ]Ten|holdr (116th )20:0034917817811560.7525.1100:11
de ashura.nde (1601st )20:0028417617611959.6621.4600:11
ca UTNL (3404th )20:00202858514037.787.7900:09
ca Richie$Rich (5289th )16:19132454512428.085.5800:09
lb AllahuAkbar (1736th )11:4413079798049.6914.9200:09
de «Teddy» (320th )03:322828283048.2820.8700:07
pt overske (10177th )04:572717173433.339.9300:09
pl Szymoniks (15848th )04:521515154126.7913.7600:07
nl LittleBoomBroom (4094th )01:23544833.336.3500:11
Totals4 (1172)6276276910041.9713.9700:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
bg ArÃna±Grande (907th )16:411881361369359.3912.0400:11
eg bushmaster (2625th )18:451721001009252.089.5500:13
gb [Av]*josty*kHr=cheat (1843rd )11:2016814414564169.0526.5900:11
us CoroNer (3723rd )20:00156969613441.7413.8200:09
si noxfox (1771st )14:1113196968526.675.7600:42
co PANDA (5588th )10:464531315019.385.1700:10
nl hetzalwel (4102nd )06:164030303645.4512.5600:11
it z-twig (375th )01:3616661233.3316.1300:07
us -FYB- (5029th )04:171611111150.0011.7600:25
it Astroche (9200th )00:300600:05
Totals2 (932)6506515831039.7111.3400:15

Kills Match Up
ca ]Ten|holdr (116th )    13     3128124317118633
de ashura.nde (1601st )    11     29262041231086 1
ca UTNL (3404th )    6     13113171795 22
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 454 1    3745263 1 
lb AllahuAkbar (1736th )          89181715111   
de «Teddy» (320th )          6133428 1 
pt overske (10177th )          23335 1   
pl Szymoniks (15848th )           4 4 12 4 
nl LittleBoomBroom (4094th )           2  2     
bg ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 3423411089361  1       
eg bushmaster (2625th ) 15251712144742          
gb [Av]*josty*kHr=cheat (1843rd ) 20162237203131011111      
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 12222311112591          
si noxfox (1771st ) 17151913144572          
co PANDA (5588th ) 36367312           
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 837224 31          
it z-twig (375th ) 123                
us -FYB- (5029th ) 121331             
it Astroche (9200th )                    

Weapons Summary
us -FYB- (5029th ) 11
gb [Av]*josty*kHr=cheat (1843rd ) 1 144
ca ]Ten|holdr (116th ) 175
lb AllahuAkbar (1736th ) 4 75
bg ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 2 134
de ashura.nde (1601st ) 175
it Astroche (9200th )
eg bushmaster (2625th ) 2 98
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 1 94 1
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 30
nl LittleBoomBroom (4094th ) 4
si noxfox (1771st ) 4 92
pt overske (10177th ) 17
co PANDA (5588th ) 2 29
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 1 32
pl Szymoniks (15848th ) 15
ca UTNL (3404th ) 5 80
it z-twig (375th ) 6
de «Teddy» (320th ) 1 27
us -FYB- (5029th ) 51
gb [Av]*josty*kHr=cheat (1843rd ) 455
ca ]Ten|holdr (116th ) 685
lb AllahuAkbar (1736th ) 476
bg ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 839
de ashura.nde (1601st ) 797
it Astroche (9200th ) 8
eg bushmaster (2625th ) 827
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 680
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 223
nl LittleBoomBroom (4094th ) 63
si noxfox (1771st ) 643
pt overske (10177th ) 141
co PANDA (5588th ) 271
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 545
pl Szymoniks (15848th ) 109
ca UTNL (3404th ) 950
it z-twig (375th ) 31
de «Teddy» (320th ) 115
us -FYB- (5029th ) 6
gb [Av]*josty*kHr=cheat (1843rd ) 121
ca ]Ten|holdr (116th ) 172
lb AllahuAkbar (1736th ) 71
bg ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 101
de ashura.nde (1601st ) 171
it Astroche (9200th )
eg bushmaster (2625th ) 79
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 94
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 28
nl LittleBoomBroom (4094th ) 4
si noxfox (1771st ) 74
pt overske (10177th ) 14
co PANDA (5588th ) 28
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 27
pl Szymoniks (15848th ) 15
ca UTNL (3404th ) 74
it z-twig (375th ) 5
de «Teddy» (320th ) 24
us -FYB- (5029th ) 8931
gb [Av]*josty*kHr=cheat (1843rd ) 180014
ca ]Ten|holdr (116th ) 256415
lb AllahuAkbar (1736th ) 101712
bg ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 144223
de ashura.nde (1601st ) 256104
it Astroche (9200th )
eg bushmaster (2625th ) 111549
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 135095
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 42000
nl LittleBoomBroom (4094th ) 4360
si noxfox (1771st ) 105448
pt overske (10177th ) 20106
co PANDA (5588th ) 38949
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 39505
pl Szymoniks (15848th ) 22500
ca UTNL (3404th ) 105158
it z-twig (375th ) 7500
de «Teddy» (320th ) 35473
us -FYB- (5029th ) 11.76
gb [Av]*josty*kHr=cheat (1843rd ) 26.59
ca ]Ten|holdr (116th ) 25.11
lb AllahuAkbar (1736th ) 14.92
bg ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 12.04
de ashura.nde (1601st ) 21.46
it Astroche (9200th )
eg bushmaster (2625th ) 9.55
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 13.82
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 12.56
nl LittleBoomBroom (4094th ) 6.35
si noxfox (1771st ) 11.51
pt overske (10177th ) 9.93
co PANDA (5588th ) 10.33
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 4.95
pl Szymoniks (15848th ) 13.76
ca UTNL (3404th ) 7.79
it z-twig (375th ) 16.13
de «Teddy» (320th ) 20.87

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
us -FYB- (5029th ) 2
lb AllahuAkbar (1736th ) 12 3 1 2
bg ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 21 5 1 2 6 1
de ashura.nde (1601st ) 17 8 3 3 5 2
it Astroche (9200th )
eg bushmaster (2625th ) 17 3 1 3
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 16 2 1 1
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 4 1 1
nl LittleBoomBroom (4094th )
si noxfox (1771st ) 15 3 1 3
pt overske (10177th ) 3
co PANDA (5588th ) 5 2
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 7
pl Szymoniks (15848th ) 1 1
ca UTNL (3404th ) 6 3 1 1 1
it z-twig (375th ) 1
gb [Av]*josty*kHr=cheat (1843rd ) 24 5 5 4 11
ca ]Ten|holdr (116th ) Yes 24 6 2 3 8 1
de «Teddy» (320th ) 3 1 1 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
us -FYB- (5029th ) 5 1
lb AllahuAkbar (1736th ) 7 2
bg ArÃna±Grande (907th ) 37 12
de ashura.nde (1601st ) 5 1
it Astroche (9200th ) 0 0
eg bushmaster (2625th ) 22 8
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 1 0
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 3 1
nl LittleBoomBroom (4094th ) 0 0
si noxfox (1771st ) 23 9
pt overske (10177th ) 4 1
co PANDA (5588th ) 4 0
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 7 4
pl Szymoniks (15848th ) 0 0
ca UTNL (3404th ) 11 3
it z-twig (375th ) 1 0
gb [Av]*josty*kHr=cheat (1843rd ) 25 9
ca ]Ten|holdr (116th ) 6 1
de «Teddy» (320th ) 4 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format