Match Stats
6 7
Match Date Sun, Sep 1 2024 at 7:20 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name CTF-Bolt_HE (High End Systems)
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Megatron, k, Richie$Rich, ArÃna±Grande, calces

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb *josty* (52nd ) 742 7 3 7 28 3 3 17 3
gb Peter (1282nd ) 521 65 11 74 1 4 2 19 27
co Arepa|Kazuma^ (1750th ) 445 6 3 8 1 6 1 18 12
fr fry99 (3976th ) 327 4 4 8 4 2 13 8
cl Don`t_Shoot (4845th ) 260 1 1 15 5
ca Sandman[OG99] (5475th ) 106 6 1 3
gb HB (1368th ) 63 1 2 1
ru A. (4727th ) 53 2 1 3 2 1
ro BabyFace (9729th ) 52 12 1 13
Totals 6 2569 96 24 114 2 49 5 6 87 60
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us effibrie (217th ) 561 28 8 36 5 11 2 14 5
be Tensor (1021st ) 493 4 1 5 8 1 13 5
pt bife (593rd ) 452 7 2 8 2 13 2 1 14 8
us KamalaHarris (1071st ) 450 1 2 1 6 2 22 8
Ja (1196th ) 430 10 5 14 2 5 1 19 8
be SonOfSam (1988th ) 326 3 3 1 2 2 15 12
gb John_Cutter (2585th ) 291 13 7 18 1 5 2 7 3
nl ur_own_incompetence (11668th ) 180 1 1 1 10 44
hu =oZ`Locomot!Ve= (3354th ) 108 3 1 4 1 2 5
se md (5th ) 85 6 1 6 1 1 2 1
SHaMaN 2
Totals 7 3378 72 31 96 13 53 7 7 121 94

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb *josty* (52nd )23:5974235835818965.4519.7500:08
gb Peter (1282nd )23:5952116416422342.3815.4400:07
co Arepa|Kazuma^ (1750th )23:5944521721717555.3623.1400:09
fr fry99 (3976th )23:5932716216217248.508.7500:09
cl Don`t_Shoot (4845th )23:4326010510513022.442.0101:16
ca Sandman[OG99] (5475th )18:31106717114632.725.3600:08
gb HB (1368th )03:386340402066.6724.3700:11
ru A. (4727th )05:485331315536.057.9300:06
ro BabyFace (9729th )16:57523536138120.572.0800:08
Totals6 (2569)1183118412481043.3512.0900:16
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us effibrie (217th )23:5956127927917561.4517.2500:09
be Tensor (1021st )20:1749316816816250.2014.6800:08
pt bife (593rd )23:5945225425418158.3921.9000:08
us KamalaHarris (1071st )19:4145019419412161.5926.0600:10
Ja (1196th )23:5943017917918449.3118.5700:08
be SonOfSam (1988th )15:50326125126124150.2010.4400:08
gb John_Cutter (2585th )16:1629112812811752.2410.9300:09
nl ur_own_incompetence (11668th )23:59180555521820.154.4800:07
hu =oZ`Locomot!Ve= (3354th )08:2010838387433.9313.2000:07
se md (5th )04:028533332953.2313.5500:08
Totals7 (3378)1455145613921046.6314.1800:08

Kills Match Up
gb *josty* (52nd )          4715593149352677154 
gb Peter (1282nd )         2261018914914461051
co Arepa|Kazuma^ (1750th )         332123512411523251171
fr fry99 (3976th )         22182120281018181051
cl Don`t_Shoot (4845th )          153158151519762 
ca Sandman[OG99] (5475th )          6 14105114155 1
gb HB (1368th )          8125 4  5 6 
ru A. (4727th )          4 2443381 2
ro BabyFace (9729th )         13 62211273  
us effibrie (217th ) 26504233402931227 17         
be Tensor (1021st ) 1413611623  13 625221581013 1
pt bife (593rd ) 4730373822302924 15         
us KamalaHarris (1071st ) 273821261228 819 15         
Ja (1196th ) 2624232019184822 15         
be SonOfSam (1988th ) 132114181013 514 18   1     
gb John_Cutter (2585th ) 15261681016 616 15         
nl ur_own_incompetence (11668th ) 15869271 4 3         
hu =oZ`Locomot!Ve= (3354th ) 263462 65 4         
se md (5th ) 47753 7             
SHaMaN      1 1            

Weapons Summary
gb *josty* (52nd ) 6 352
hu =oZ`Locomot!Ve= (3354th ) 2 36
ru A. (4727th ) 1 30
co Arepa|Kazuma^ (1750th ) 7 210
ro BabyFace (9729th ) 36
pt bife (593rd ) 254
cl Don`t_Shoot (4845th ) 5 100
us effibrie (217th ) 3 275 1
fr fry99 (3976th ) 14 148
gb HB (1368th ) 40
Ja (1196th ) 2 177
gb John_Cutter (2585th ) 5 123
us KamalaHarris (1071st ) 5 189
se md (5th ) 33
gb Peter (1282nd ) 3 161
ca Sandman[OG99] (5475th ) 2 69
SHaMaN 2
be SonOfSam (1988th ) 3 123
be Tensor (1021st ) 5 108
nl ur_own_incompetence (11668th ) 2 53
gb *josty* (52nd ) 1099
hu =oZ`Locomot!Ve= (3354th ) 197
ru A. (4727th ) 164
co Arepa|Kazuma^ (1750th ) 808
ro BabyFace (9729th ) 480
pt bife (593rd ) 1155
cl Don`t_Shoot (4845th ) 873
us effibrie (217th ) 1252
fr fry99 (3976th ) 1395
gb HB (1368th ) 119
Ja (1196th ) 754
gb John_Cutter (2585th ) 604
us KamalaHarris (1071st ) 591
se md (5th ) 155
gb Peter (1282nd ) 894
ca Sandman[OG99] (5475th ) 932
SHaMaN 41
be SonOfSam (1988th ) 872
be Tensor (1021st ) 513
nl ur_own_incompetence (11668th ) 1162
gb *josty* (52nd ) 217
hu =oZ`Locomot!Ve= (3354th ) 26
ru A. (4727th ) 13
co Arepa|Kazuma^ (1750th ) 187
ro BabyFace (9729th ) 10
pt bife (593rd ) 253
cl Don`t_Shoot (4845th ) 35
us effibrie (217th ) 216
fr fry99 (3976th ) 122
gb HB (1368th ) 29
Ja (1196th ) 140
gb John_Cutter (2585th ) 66
us KamalaHarris (1071st ) 154
se md (5th ) 21
gb Peter (1282nd ) 138
ca Sandman[OG99] (5475th ) 50
SHaMaN 2
be SonOfSam (1988th ) 91
be Tensor (1021st ) 68
nl ur_own_incompetence (11668th ) 52
gb *josty* (52nd ) 308714
hu =oZ`Locomot!Ve= (3354th ) 38539
ru A. (4727th ) 16511
co Arepa|Kazuma^ (1750th ) 274437
ro BabyFace (9729th ) 11900
pt bife (593rd ) 381000
cl Don`t_Shoot (4845th ) 37596
us effibrie (217th ) 318074
fr fry99 (3976th ) 160428
gb HB (1368th ) 41866
Ja (1196th ) 202732
gb John_Cutter (2585th ) 92110
us KamalaHarris (1071st ) 229765
se md (5th ) 28902
gb Peter (1282nd ) 193992
ca Sandman[OG99] (5475th ) 59557
SHaMaN 3000
be SonOfSam (1988th ) 120945
be Tensor (1021st ) 89789
nl ur_own_incompetence (11668th ) 60071
gb *josty* (52nd ) 19.75
hu =oZ`Locomot!Ve= (3354th ) 13.20
ru A. (4727th ) 7.93
co Arepa|Kazuma^ (1750th ) 23.14
ro BabyFace (9729th ) 2.08
pt bife (593rd ) 21.90
cl Don`t_Shoot (4845th ) 4.01
us effibrie (217th ) 17.25
fr fry99 (3976th ) 8.75
gb HB (1368th ) 24.37
Ja (1196th ) 18.57
gb John_Cutter (2585th ) 10.93
us KamalaHarris (1071st ) 26.06
se md (5th ) 13.55
gb Peter (1282nd ) 15.44
ca Sandman[OG99] (5475th ) 5.36
SHaMaN 4.88
be SonOfSam (1988th ) 10.44
be Tensor (1021st ) 13.26
nl ur_own_incompetence (11668th ) 4.48

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
gb *josty* (52nd ) 45 19 10 13 26 3
hu =oZ`Locomot!Ve= (3354th ) 4 1
ru A. (4727th ) 5 2 2
co Arepa|Kazuma^ (1750th ) 35 8 2 5
ro BabyFace (9729th ) 6 1
pt bife (593rd ) 36 9 8 2 10
cl Don`t_Shoot (4845th ) 13 2 1 5
us effibrie (217th ) 42 9 10 6 16 1
fr fry99 (3976th ) 21 5 1 1 7
gb HB (1368th ) 9 1 1 2
Ja (1196th ) Yes 34 4 1 2 8
gb John_Cutter (2585th ) 24 5 1 1 5
us KamalaHarris (1071st ) 32 11 2 10
se md (5th ) 4 3
gb Peter (1282nd ) 18 6 1 2 2
ca Sandman[OG99] (5475th ) 10 1
be SonOfSam (1988th ) 20 3 1 1 4
be Tensor (1021st ) 22 8 2 1 5
nl ur_own_incompetence (11668th ) 3 1 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
gb *josty* (52nd ) 143 41
hu =oZ`Locomot!Ve= (3354th ) 11 5
ru A. (4727th ) 18 2
co Arepa|Kazuma^ (1750th ) 31 9
ro BabyFace (9729th ) 26 4
pt bife (593rd ) 0 0
cl Don`t_Shoot (4845th ) 74 10
us effibrie (217th ) 64 22
fr fry99 (3976th ) 41 10
gb HB (1368th ) 8 1
Ja (1196th ) 39 14
gb John_Cutter (2585th ) 64 12
us KamalaHarris (1071st ) 39 6
se md (5th ) 12 9
gb Peter (1282nd ) 25 4
ca Sandman[OG99] (5475th ) 25 9
SHaMaN 0 0
be SonOfSam (1988th ) 38 18
be Tensor (1021st ) 57 27
nl ur_own_incompetence (11668th ) 4 2

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format