Match Stats
1 4
Match Date Fri, Sep 20 2024 at 9:12 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Control League Edition
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: sys

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb josty* (228th ) 313 8 1 9 1 5 3 3
si win7 (181st ) 304 5 5 9 8 2
do YourNick (4080th ) 202 2 2 2 7 6
fr K3uk3u (1557th ) 169 1 1 2 7 2
hu jerkky (5140th ) 130 9 1 9 1 2 1
mx LST.PO (7902nd ) 85 4 4
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 84 5 1 6 1 1 1
nl tbyte (16767th ) 82 2 2 2 6
cl Firelgost (8173rd ) 75 4 2
us Smooth (4421st ) 54 8 1 9 1 1 3
us h3Lc@t (9797th ) 37 2 2 1 3
Totals 1 1535 42 4 45 3 19 0 1 39 33
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Lilia (796th ) 319 5 1 5 5 1 7 1
si [AcAi].Fuer$^ (1250th ) 299 16 16 7 7 4
gb Atlantis (9568th ) 193 1 1 1 1 10 17
cl Rich (5360th ) 141 1 1 7 5
gb R1 (1912th ) 141 1 1 2 1
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 100 2 1 3
mx oh_no...cheats (3736th ) 41 2 3 5 1
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 36 2 1 1 1
pt CR7 (334th ) 15 1 1 1
Totals 4 1285 27 7 30 2 15 0 4 34 31

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb josty* (228th )20:0031322022010867.0718.7100:12
si win7 (181st )20:0030419319312261.2733.7000:10
do YourNick (4080th )20:0020296969350.799.1800:14
fr K3uk3u (1557th )12:2516988886856.4116.0800:12
hu jerkky (5140th )20:00130717110440.575.1000:12
mx LST.PO (7902nd )13:2585383957140.215.6500:15
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th )10:318445458617.583.8200:08
nl tbyte (16767th )18:168217179516.104.8700:16
cl Firelgost (8173rd )17:367533336733.007.9200:17
us Smooth (4421st )10:285427277426.734.2600:09
us h3Lc@t (9797th )12:383727276230.349.0000:13
Totals1 (1535)8558569361040.0110.7500:12
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Lilia (796th )20:0031917617611261.1117.2100:11
si [AcAi].Fuer$^ (1250th )20:0029918218211261.9022.2200:11
gb Atlantis (9568th )20:00193585811134.329.0100:11
cl Rich (5360th )20:0014162624060.782.9200:32
gb R1 (1912th )16:111411191199356.1317.5700:11
ca Richie$Rich (5289th )16:40100717111338.598.6400:09
mx oh_no...cheats (3736th )04:234117172144.745.9600:13
us LoSahn (7272nd )03:2836881240.002.3500:17
pt CR7 (334th )01:481514141351.8520.9000:09
Totals4 (1285)7077076270049.9411.8600:14

Kills Match Up
gb josty* (228th )      1715 2  323333102736645
si win7 (181st )      1530    28293010182625 
do YourNick (4080th )      77    151512912135 1
fr K3uk3u (1557th )      410    141412313123 3
hu jerkky (5140th )      55 2  810113813123
mx LST.PO (7902nd ) 84344112265         
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 36628  8534         
nl tbyte (16767th )      14    232 32   
cl Firelgost (8173rd )      211    413 74  1
us Smooth (4421st )      3     73233321 
us h3Lc@t (9797th )      31 1  2462242  
gb Lilia (796th ) 2731171426 121121611         
si [AcAi].Fuer$^ (1250th ) 2124271917 125191514         
gb Atlantis (9568th ) 108548  4577         
cl Rich (5360th ) 129547  11 95         
gb R1 (1912th ) 1320171420  101087         
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 9166511  6387         
mx oh_no...cheats (3736th ) 412 1  3222         
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 114 1  1            
pt CR7 (334th )  2121  44           

Weapons Summary
si [AcAi].Fuer$^ (1250th ) 1 181 801 178 22.22 265167
gb Atlantis (9568th ) 5 53 644 58 9.01 70954
pt CR7 (334th ) 14 67 14 20.90 21000
cl Firelgost (8173rd ) 33 366 29 7.92 41195
us h3Lc@t (9797th ) 27 300 27 9.00 38816
hu jerkky (5140th ) 3 68 490 25 5.10 30811
gb josty* (228th ) 1 219 887 166 18.71 244232
fr K3uk3u (1557th ) 2 86 423 68 16.08 100901
gb Lilia (796th ) 4 172 709 122 17.21 174520
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 8 85 2 2.35 3000
mx LST.PO (7902nd ) 3 36 602 34 5.65 50610
mx oh_no...cheats (3736th ) 17 218 13 5.96 18531
gb R1 (1912th ) 2 117 535 94 17.57 140589
cl Rich (5360th ) 1 61 890 26 2.92 34311
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 2 69 671 58 8.64 78460
us Smooth (4421st ) 2 25 282 12 4.26 13434
nl tbyte (16767th ) 1 2 174 6 3.45 9000
si win7 (181st ) 193 549 185 33.70 277346
do YourNick (4080th ) 4 92 632 58 9.18 74446
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 3 42 458 35 7.64 48893

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
gb Atlantis (9568th ) 3 1 1
pt CR7 (334th ) 1 1
cl Firelgost (8173rd ) 3
us h3Lc@t (9797th ) 1
hu jerkky (5140th ) 9 3
gb josty* (228th ) Yes 38 10 5 4 17 2
fr K3uk3u (1557th ) 15 2 1 1 4 1
gb Lilia (796th ) 30 8 3 6
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 2 1
mx LST.PO (7902nd ) 4 1 1
mx oh_no...cheats (3736th ) 2 2
gb R1 (1912th ) 14 2 1 2 6
cl Rich (5360th ) 7 1 3
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 9 2 1 1
us Smooth (4421st ) 2
nl tbyte (16767th ) 1
si win7 (181st ) 30 9 5 3 9
do YourNick (4080th ) 10 6 3
si [AcAi].Fuer$^ (1250th ) 20 8 1 4 10 2
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 4

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
gb Atlantis (9568th ) 2 1
pt CR7 (334th ) 0 0
cl Firelgost (8173rd ) 4 1
us h3Lc@t (9797th ) 0 0
hu jerkky (5140th ) 50 13
gb josty* (228th ) 51 19
fr K3uk3u (1557th ) 19 5
gb Lilia (796th ) 52 19
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 4 0
mx LST.PO (7902nd ) 3 2
mx oh_no...cheats (3736th ) 4 1
gb R1 (1912th ) 25 1
cl Rich (5360th ) 35 1
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 14 6
us Smooth (4421st ) 17 7
nl tbyte (16767th ) 1 0
si win7 (181st ) 8 6
do YourNick (4080th ) 38 13
si [AcAi].Fuer$^ (1250th ) 5 2
us §øul~Cøllectør (3659th ) 10 7

Match Report
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