Match Stats
5 1
Match Date Fri, Sep 20 2024 at 11:15 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name |-Vp-| FragWhoreArena
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: H3lC@t, Definitely_Not_Nyte, dtl.arktOzZ, calces/se_chung

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ru Nik (623rd ) 434 11 7 14 4 4 16 9
ru Lucifer (716th ) 300 3 7 9 1 5 1 8 1
de «Teddy» (321st ) 246 3 10 5
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 141 2 4 6 3 10
pl Nu.. (1339th ) 102 2 2 6 14
ca Freyja (1996th ) 59 5 5 1 3 1
nl mys (6961st ) 41 3 3 1 1 1
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 35 4 4 1
ec Duard (3071st ) 8 1
Totals 5 1366 25 23 43 3 13 0 5 47 42
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ru x4.`unreal (45th ) 586 1 1 9 21 1
in dawg (2630th ) 311 6 2 8 7 11 7
pt bife (594th ) 306 8 1 9 2 7 2 3
lube (1075th ) 181 12 2 14 5 6
cl ANTIWOKE (2899th ) 176 3 4 1
mx oh_no...cheats (3736th ) 117 19 4 22 1 4 10
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 26 1
Totals 1 1703 46 9 54 2 32 0 1 48 22

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ru Nik (623rd )18:52434166167182147.7124.3900:06
ru Lucifer (716th )20:0230019119118251.2123.9300:07
de «Teddy» (321st )14:4024614014010457.3821.6700:09
ca Richie$Rich (5291st )20:021418688177232.968.8800:07
pl Nu.. (1339th )09:5510217179714.911.7900:06
ca Freyja (1996th )03:225923233738.3331.5100:06
nl mys (6961st )04:524124242942.0914.9000:11
hu jerkky (5142nd )08:423514144623.330.6800:12
ec Duard (3071st )02:038552119.232.8600:06
Totals5 (1366)6666698753036.3514.5100:08
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ru x4.`unreal (45th )20:0258637437416469.5240.3000:08
in dawg (2630th )20:0231115515519444.4113.7900:06
pt bife (594th )20:02306246247170159.0923.0000:07
lube (1075th )18:0018110310310350.0022.3300:11
cl ANTIWOKE (2899th )20:02176130131130150.0015.8700:10
mx oh_no...cheats (3736th )13:38117202381321.503.7700:11
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th )02:28262424972.7312.4300:18
Totals1 (1703)105210578515052.4618.7800:10

Kills Match Up
ru Nik (623rd ) 1  21  3  353072913263
ru Lucifer (716th ) 1  30     405341728171
de «Teddy» (321st )    12  2  183962028141
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 919526214 110155641
pl Nu.. (1339th )          44 3 6 
ca Freyja (1996th )          5333513
nl mys (6961st ) 11 7     45132  
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 1  3     23 221 
ec Duard (3071st )           11111 
ru x4.`unreal (45th ) 7478322440149236  67 7  
in dawg (2630th ) 3233238116462  24 6  
pt bife (594th ) 1156431161 652431203211 
lube (1075th ) 17141910535103  17    
cl ANTIWOKE (2899th ) 282412151414223323 1  
mx oh_no...cheats (3736th ) 642143 1   2  3 
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 245362  2       

Weapons Summary
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 2 22 169 21 12.43 26820
cl ANTIWOKE (2899th ) 1 130 819 130 15.87 194531
pt bife (594th ) 247 1074 247 23.00 370500
in dawg (2630th ) 2 153 986 136 13.79 200701
ec Duard (3071st ) 5 70 2 2.86 3000
ca Freyja (1996th ) 23 73 23 31.51 34500
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 14 147 1 0.68 1432
lube (1075th ) 103 430 96 22.33 142971
ru Lucifer (716th ) 1 190 798 191 23.93 286278
nl mys (6961st ) 3 25 3 12.00 4500
ru Nik (623rd ) 2 165 611 149 24.39 223053
pl Nu.. (1339th ) 2 15 502 9 1.79 11073
mx oh_no...cheats (3736th ) 1 22 504 19 3.77 26321
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 4 84 912 81 8.88 117573
ru x4.`unreal (45th ) 374 928 374 40.30 561000
de «Teddy» (321st ) 140 646 140 21.67 210000

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
cl ANTIWOKE (2899th ) 21 7 1 4
pt bife (594th ) 28 12 5 7 15 1
in dawg (2630th ) 23 6 2 2 5
ec Duard (3071st )
ca Freyja (1996th ) 3 1 1
hu jerkky (5142nd )
lube (1075th ) 12 3 2 3
ru Lucifer (716th ) 20 7 6 2 5
nl mys (6961st ) 3 1 2
ru Nik (623rd ) 21 7 3 2 3 1
pl Nu.. (1339th )
mx oh_no...cheats (3736th ) 2 1
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 7 3 1 1 1
ru x4.`unreal (45th ) Yes 30 21 13 20 27 2 1
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 3 1 2 2
de «Teddy» (321st ) 21 8 4 1 8 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
cl ANTIWOKE (2899th ) 1 1
pt bife (594th ) 0 1
in dawg (2630th ) 19 13
ec Duard (3071st ) 3 1
ca Freyja (1996th ) 0 0
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 13 4
lube (1075th ) 7 0
ru Lucifer (716th ) 0 0
nl mys (6961st ) 0 0
ru Nik (623rd ) 17 11
pl Nu.. (1339th ) 9 3
mx oh_no...cheats (3736th ) 4 0
ca Richie$Rich (5291st ) 7 4
ru x4.`unreal (45th ) 0 0
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 0 0
de «Teddy» (321st ) 0 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format