Match Stats
0 2
Match Date Fri, Nov 1 2024 at 4:55 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Control The Docks (mini-map)
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Baby_Doll, oIdman, calces, oldman, Enraged_Newb

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ee esdf (3831st ) 375 19 2 21 5 26 10
dawg (2629th ) 302 15 4 19 7 2 8 4
de Talwin (5987th ) 294 22 22 10 13 19
it *_) (3423rd ) 285 9 16 2
br [Aces].HaLL0weeN (8312th ) 258 1 1 7 13 4
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th ) 229 4 16 16
fr Grossebaf (3448th ) 86 1 1 2 2 2 3
ru KGB. 61 2 3 1
us h3Lc@t (9799th ) 38 3 3 1 1 2
nl period (762nd ) 24 1 1 1 1
nl Pacman (8773rd ) 22 1 1 3
de endorphin (6037th ) 16 1 1 1
us H3llR@iser (11051st ) 12 3 3 1 1
Totals 0 2002 63 10 73 0 48 4 0 100 66
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
se effibrie (217th ) 574 7 3 10 14 1 21 5
gb Peter (1284th ) 517 30 8 38 2 11 3 23 13
us Tip_Top_Prince (9603rd ) 217 1 1 1 17 15
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (4911th ) 187 1 1 9 1 5 3
us Smooth (4421st ) 182 16 9 24 7 1 6 12
cl Zohan (3430th ) 179 12 10 21 1 11 1 6 7
ro cuicui (15094th ) 78 6 3 9 1 2 1
nl Goblin (886th ) 66 5 5 5
us uranus (3625th ) 32 2 1 2
fr fallacy (3161st ) 13 1 2
co [Aces].Kazuma^ (1916th ) 11 1 1 1
se BRUNO (3687th )
Totals 2 2056 78 34 110 3 60 6 2 82 61

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ee esdf (3831st )20:00375921051111345.8513.0800:11
dawg (2629th )20:003021401621322251.2713.1400:09
de Talwin (5987th )20:002941191271348147.237.4300:09
it *_) (3423rd )20:00285120123107352.7912.9100:12
br [Aces].HaLL0weeN (8312th )20:00258111113106251.1311.0000:12
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th )09:05229555670144.0911.8300:08
fr Grossebaf (3448th )11:3186606165148.0314.0000:11
ru KGB.02:546130302060.0020.1300:09
us h3Lc@t (9799th )10:0538222573324.758.3300:09
nl period (762nd )01:5924171913255.8821.6700:10
nl Pacman (8773rd )05:09225746212.734.0000:07
de endorphin (6037th )01:53166711136.8412.2000:11
us H3llR@iser (11051st )04:5212101121133.338.3300:14
Totals0 (2002)78784690959143.3812.1600:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
se effibrie (217th )20:00574294300129668.9720.4500:10
gb Peter (1284th )20:00517191197158654.5718.8900:08
us Tip_Top_Prince (9603rd )20:002175256114432.185.8500:11
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (4911th )20:00187116124139845.764.8200:09
us Smooth (4421st )17:171826674140833.336.6600:08
cl Zohan (3430th )20:0017964761181236.8912.7300:11
ro cuicui (15094th )13:18785265601323.739.6500:20
nl Goblin (886th )03:2366464815273.8520.0000:13
us uranus (3625th )03:0832172017350.0011.0200:12
fr fallacy (3161st )01:0213331023.083.7000:06
co [Aces].Kazuma^ (1916th )01:2711991141.9226.7700:08
se BRUNO (3687th )02:25-1-11102:22
Totals2 (2056)90997191262140.3611.7100:21

Kills Match Up
ee esdf (3831st ) 1310        6  2221013141511 1 1 
dawg (2629th ) 11221551411     327822151281433   
de Talwin (5987th )  481      3  326181221269 213 
it *_) (3423rd )  8 3      5  1421122619115 1 1 
br [Aces].HaLL0weeN (8312th )  10  21    3  151761726122 22  
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th )  111 12 1    51336786 2   
fr Grossebaf (3448th )  2    1      188671043 3   
ru KGB.              2944623     
us h3Lc@t (9799th )         3    8236411     
nl period (762nd )          2   2214224 2   
nl Pacman (8773rd )   311     2  1      1    
de endorphin (6037th )            1  1 212  1   
us H3llR@iser (11051st )  1        3 1 321     1  
se effibrie (217th ) 10487242712187271153 618141618242  45 
gb Peter (1284th ) 29124525161713372 37146     4    
us Tip_Top_Prince (9603rd ) 102172332141  25 4    4    
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (4911th ) 1681417141381161  561 8 1 1  11
us Smooth (4421st ) 781196984611112   8       
cl Zohan (3430th ) 1441481384 51 211    12 1    
ro cuicui (15094th ) 1065121047441 1 1     13     
nl Goblin (886th )  4        10   71310 2 2 2  
us uranus (3625th ) 331  22 35 1         3   
fr fallacy (3161st )   1 1        1           
co [Aces].Kazuma^ (1916th ) 1  21       22      1    
se BRUNO (3687th )  1                       

Weapons Summary
it *_) (3423rd ) 1 122
br [Aces].HaLL0weeN (8312th ) 3 110
co [Aces].Kazuma^ (1916th ) 8
se BRUNO (3687th ) 1
ro cuicui (15094th ) 65
dawg (2629th ) 3 159
se effibrie (217th ) 3 297
de endorphin (6037th ) 7
ee esdf (3831st ) 4 101
fr fallacy (3161st ) 3
nl Goblin (886th ) 1 47
fr Grossebaf (3448th ) 2 59
us h3Lc@t (9799th ) 2 23
us H3llR@iser (11051st ) 2 9
ru KGB. 30
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th ) 1 55
nl Pacman (8773rd ) 7
nl period (762nd ) 19
gb Peter (1284th ) 5 192
us Smooth (4421st ) 10 64
de Talwin (5987th ) 5 123 1
us Tip_Top_Prince (9603rd ) 1 55
us uranus (3625th ) 20
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (4911th ) 3 121
cl Zohan (3430th ) 8 68
it *_) (3423rd ) 860
br [Aces].HaLL0weeN (8312th ) 791
co [Aces].Kazuma^ (1916th ) 18
se BRUNO (3687th )
ro cuicui (15094th ) 337
dawg (2629th ) 738
se effibrie (217th ) 1193
de endorphin (6037th ) 41
ee esdf (3831st ) 688
fr fallacy (3161st ) 54
nl Goblin (886th ) 100
fr Grossebaf (3448th ) 350
us h3Lc@t (9799th ) 300
us H3llR@iser (11051st ) 132
ru KGB. 149
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th ) 372
nl Pacman (8773rd ) 175
nl period (762nd ) 60
gb Peter (1284th ) 900
us Smooth (4421st ) 706
de Talwin (5987th ) 915
us Tip_Top_Prince (9603rd ) 513
us uranus (3625th ) 127
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (4911th ) 851
cl Zohan (3430th ) 385
it *_) (3423rd ) 111
br [Aces].HaLL0weeN (8312th ) 87
co [Aces].Kazuma^ (1916th ) 8
se BRUNO (3687th )
ro cuicui (15094th ) 65
dawg (2629th ) 97
se effibrie (217th ) 244
de endorphin (6037th ) 5
ee esdf (3831st ) 90
fr fallacy (3161st ) 2
nl Goblin (886th ) 20
fr Grossebaf (3448th ) 49
us h3Lc@t (9799th ) 25
us H3llR@iser (11051st ) 11
ru KGB. 30
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th ) 44
nl Pacman (8773rd ) 7
nl period (762nd ) 13
gb Peter (1284th ) 170
us Smooth (4421st ) 47
de Talwin (5987th ) 68
us Tip_Top_Prince (9603rd ) 30
us uranus (3625th ) 14
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (4911th ) 41
cl Zohan (3430th ) 49
it *_) (3423rd ) 164005
br [Aces].HaLL0weeN (8312th ) 124321
co [Aces].Kazuma^ (1916th ) 12000
se BRUNO (3687th )
ro cuicui (15094th ) 97500
dawg (2629th ) 137746
se effibrie (217th ) 362756
de endorphin (6037th ) 5923
ee esdf (3831st ) 123937
fr fallacy (3161st ) 3000
nl Goblin (886th ) 28542
fr Grossebaf (3448th ) 73080
us h3Lc@t (9799th ) 35084
us H3llR@iser (11051st ) 14806
ru KGB. 42922
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th ) 58618
nl Pacman (8773rd ) 8392
nl period (762nd ) 18576
gb Peter (1284th ) 242506
us Smooth (4421st ) 57081
de Talwin (5987th ) 85988 30
us Tip_Top_Prince (9603rd ) 42388
us uranus (3625th ) 19037
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (4911th ) 57844
cl Zohan (3430th ) 67341
it *_) (3423rd ) 12.91
br [Aces].HaLL0weeN (8312th ) 11.00
co [Aces].Kazuma^ (1916th ) 44.44
se BRUNO (3687th )
ro cuicui (15094th ) 19.29
dawg (2629th ) 13.14
se effibrie (217th ) 20.45
de endorphin (6037th ) 12.20
ee esdf (3831st ) 13.08
fr fallacy (3161st ) 3.70
nl Goblin (886th ) 20.00
fr Grossebaf (3448th ) 14.00
us h3Lc@t (9799th ) 8.33
us H3llR@iser (11051st ) 8.33
ru KGB. 20.13
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th ) 11.83
nl Pacman (8773rd ) 4.00
nl period (762nd ) 21.67
gb Peter (1284th ) 18.89
us Smooth (4421st ) 6.66
de Talwin (5987th ) 7.43
us Tip_Top_Prince (9603rd ) 5.85
us uranus (3625th ) 11.02
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (4911th ) 4.82
cl Zohan (3430th ) 12.73

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
it *_) (3423rd ) 18 3 1 5 1
se BRUNO (3687th )
ro cuicui (15094th ) 8 2 1 2 1
dawg (2629th ) 22 7 2 3 8
se effibrie (217th ) 28 16 4 14 14 3 1 1
de endorphin (6037th )
ee esdf (3831st ) 16 2 5 1
fr fallacy (3161st )
nl Goblin (886th ) 4 5 2 5
fr Grossebaf (3448th ) 6 5 2
us h3Lc@t (9799th ) 1
us H3llR@iser (11051st ) 1
ru KGB. 2 3 1 2 1
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th ) 7 1 3
nl Pacman (8773rd )
nl period (762nd ) 2 1 1
gb Peter (1284th ) Yes 27 8 5 2 6
us Smooth (4421st ) 12 1 2 1 3
de Talwin (5987th ) 13 3 2 2 5
us Tip_Top_Prince (9603rd ) 5
us uranus (3625th ) 5 1
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (4911th ) 14 4 3 3 6 1
cl Zohan (3430th ) 7 3 1 1
br [Aces].HaLL0weeN (8312th ) 19 3 1 1 5 1
co [Aces].Kazuma^ (1916th ) 1 1 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
it *_) (3423rd ) 11 2
se BRUNO (3687th ) 0 0
ro cuicui (15094th ) 0 0
dawg (2629th ) 64 25
se effibrie (217th ) 51 25
de endorphin (6037th ) 2 0
ee esdf (3831st ) 16 1
fr fallacy (3161st ) 1 0
nl Goblin (886th ) 29 4
fr Grossebaf (3448th ) 10 2
us h3Lc@t (9799th ) 0 0
us H3llR@iser (11051st ) 0 0
ru KGB. 0 0
us Leftist_Tyranny (1426th ) 12 4
nl Pacman (8773rd ) 0 0
nl period (762nd ) 6 4
gb Peter (1284th ) 25 11
us Smooth (4421st ) 26 12
de Talwin (5987th ) 59 1
us Tip_Top_Prince (9603rd ) 26 1
us uranus (3625th ) 7 1
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (4911th ) 84 3
cl Zohan (3430th ) 27 0
br [Aces].HaLL0weeN (8312th ) 29 9
co [Aces].Kazuma^ (1916th ) 0 0

Match Report
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