Match Stats
4 6
Match Date Mon, Nov 4 2024 at 10:34 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name duku ! (nw)
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: VICTUS, ka\'

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Lilia (796th ) 302 8 4 9 1 3 3 11 9
ca zeno (578th ) 294 5 2 6 2 1 7 4
mx Ooredoo (3960th ) 273 2 2 1 1 2 9 7
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 273 15 12 2 3 1 2 3 3
cl Noctubro (5879th ) 184 1 1 13 17
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 147 8 4 12 2 1 2 1
us TimberWolf (4780th ) 139 11 1 11 1 1 7 4
us lvk_@/" (136th ) 68 3 1 4 2
cl RORO (5091st ) 39 3 3
ru Bombus (4870th ) 38 3 3 6 1 1 1
Totals 4 1757 55 15 62 7 11 9 7 54 49
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us Player3 (1651st ) 252 1 1 2 6 1 7 1
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 183 1 1 14 9
pl hussar (127th ) 144 4 4 2 2 5 3
gb (3598th ) 103 3 2 3 4 2 3 2
ca Richie$Rich (5290th ) 102 5 1 6 1 4 3
se BRUNO (3691st ) 95 13 4 17 3 3 1
us Tip_Top_Prince (9601st ) 55 4 2
fr VIC20 (9524th ) 8
us MoonZ (3096th ) 1
Totals 6 943 26 9 32 0 16 3 3 40 21

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Lilia (796th )20:063021291297762.6221.3400:17
ca zeno (578th )17:5029417617783167.8226.7800:14
mx Ooredoo (3960th )14:47273555642155.935.3900:23
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd )20:06273123124104154.1511.9200:12
cl Noctubro (5879th )20:06184383965137.143.0800:20
cl Asd^ (4041st )16:5014782829346.869.8200:11
us TimberWolf (4780th )18:291394647106130.5210.0700:11
us lvk_@/" (136th )05:216835352657.3824.4300:13
cl RORO (5091st )06:163911111837.933.4900:22
ru Bombus (4870th )09:043824245032.4325.5600:11
Totals4 (1757)7197246645048.2814.1900:15
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us Player3 (1651st )20:06252159160118157.3533.2600:11
cl CALIGULA (4825th )16:5918339395541.496.4600:20
pl hussar (127th )08:2514472724462.0729.3800:12
gb (3598th )09:1410323234732.868.9600:12
ca Richie$Rich (5290th )17:1410253538438.696.4900:13
se BRUNO (3691st )09:2595394046145.9811.7300:13
us Tip_Top_Prince (9601st )12:4855161765120.484.4600:12
fr VIC20 (9524th )03:0986711136.842.2600:18
us MoonZ (3096th )00:49111233.3300:21
Totals6 (943)4084124724041.0111.4400:15

Kills Match Up
gb Lilia (796th )  153255 18   513101116 35 
ca zeno (578th ) 1717 82410981939 1  1619  
mx Ooredoo (3960th ) 121846164  6  32 4  
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 14 1011017335122324  5151 
cl Noctubro (5879th ) 83151   1 433 45 2 
cl Asd^ (4041st )  82132 3   3179514 51 
us TimberWolf (4780th ) 3122381125724 1312 
us lvk_@/" (136th )  474  5    54 6    
cl RORO (5091st )  4 31        21    
ru Bombus (4870th )  5 46 1    1 34    
us Player3 (1651st ) 23442412221   1671728 2 1
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 2 1 31153161    6   
pl hussar (127th ) 16  3512106  11     9  
gb (3598th ) 5 3  3  136    2   
ca Richie$Rich (5290th ) 8 2 172  513    96  
se BRUNO (3691st )  4 84 8    5 551  1
us Tip_Top_Prince (9601st )  3 4  3    1213 1  
fr VIC20 (9524th )    1131         11 
us MoonZ (3096th ) 1                  

Weapons Summary
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 3 79
ru Bombus (4870th ) 24
se BRUNO (3691st ) 3 37
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 5 34
pl hussar (127th ) 72
gb Lilia (796th ) 1 128
us lvk_@/" (136th ) 35
us MoonZ (3096th ) 1
gb (3598th ) 22 1
cl Noctubro (5879th ) 2 37
mx Ooredoo (3960th ) 2 22
us Player3 (1651st ) 160
ca Richie$Rich (5290th ) 4 49
cl RORO (5091st ) 11
us TimberWolf (4780th ) 1 46
us Tip_Top_Prince (9601st ) 1 16
fr VIC20 (9524th ) 7
ca zeno (578th ) 1 176
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 1 123
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 621
ru Bombus (4870th ) 90
se BRUNO (3691st ) 162
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 294
pl hussar (127th ) 211
gb Lilia (796th ) 478
us lvk_@/" (136th ) 131
us MoonZ (3096th ) 7
gb (3598th ) 134
cl Noctubro (5879th ) 843
mx Ooredoo (3960th ) 378
us Player3 (1651st ) 478
ca Richie$Rich (5290th ) 570
cl RORO (5091st ) 172
us TimberWolf (4780th ) 417
us Tip_Top_Prince (9601st ) 202
fr VIC20 (9524th ) 133
ca zeno (578th ) 534
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 730
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 61
ru Bombus (4870th ) 23
se BRUNO (3691st ) 19
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 19
pl hussar (127th ) 62
gb Lilia (796th ) 102
us lvk_@/" (136th ) 32
us MoonZ (3096th )
gb (3598th ) 12
cl Noctubro (5879th ) 26
mx Ooredoo (3960th ) 23
us Player3 (1651st ) 159
ca Richie$Rich (5290th ) 37
cl RORO (5091st ) 6
us TimberWolf (4780th ) 42
us Tip_Top_Prince (9601st ) 9
fr VIC20 (9524th ) 3
ca zeno (578th ) 143
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 87
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 88645
ru Bombus (4870th ) 34500
se BRUNO (3691st ) 24309
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 19891
pl hussar (127th ) 92686
gb Lilia (796th ) 149790
us lvk_@/" (136th ) 46875
us MoonZ (3096th )
gb (3598th ) 16413
cl Noctubro (5879th ) 33957
mx Ooredoo (3960th ) 28642
us Player3 (1651st ) 240000
ca Richie$Rich (5290th ) 49342
cl RORO (5091st ) 8640
us TimberWolf (4780th ) 59979
us Tip_Top_Prince (9601st ) 8564
fr VIC20 (9524th ) 4087
ca zeno (578th ) 214579
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 125969
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 9.82
ru Bombus (4870th ) 25.56
se BRUNO (3691st ) 11.73
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 6.46
pl hussar (127th ) 29.38
gb Lilia (796th ) 21.34
us lvk_@/" (136th ) 24.43
us MoonZ (3096th )
gb (3598th ) 8.96
cl Noctubro (5879th ) 3.08
mx Ooredoo (3960th ) 6.08
us Player3 (1651st ) 33.26
ca Richie$Rich (5290th ) 6.49
cl RORO (5091st ) 3.49
us TimberWolf (4780th ) 10.07
us Tip_Top_Prince (9601st ) 4.46
fr VIC20 (9524th ) 2.26
ca zeno (578th ) 26.78
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 11.92

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 9 4
ru Bombus (4870th ) 1 1
se BRUNO (3691st ) 3 1
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 4
pl hussar (127th ) 9 4 4
gb Lilia (796th ) 18 2 6
us lvk_@/" (136th ) 5 2 1
us MoonZ (3096th )
gb (3598th ) 2
cl Noctubro (5879th ) 4
mx Ooredoo (3960th ) 3 3
us Player3 (1651st ) 17 7 1 6 1
ca Richie$Rich (5290th ) 8 1
cl RORO (5091st ) 1
us TimberWolf (4780th ) 4 1
us Tip_Top_Prince (9601st ) 1
fr VIC20 (9524th )
ca zeno (578th ) Yes 24 6 2 4 12 1
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 19 1 1 7

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 22 9
ru Bombus (4870th ) 1 0
se BRUNO (3691st ) 19 5
cl CALIGULA (4825th ) 19 0
pl hussar (127th ) 11 2
gb Lilia (796th ) 24 7
us lvk_@/" (136th ) 3 3
us MoonZ (3096th ) 0 0
gb (3598th ) 9 6
cl Noctubro (5879th ) 14 6
mx Ooredoo (3960th ) 18 2
us Player3 (1651st ) 0 0
ca Richie$Rich (5290th ) 17 3
cl RORO (5091st ) 4 0
us TimberWolf (4780th ) 5 2
us Tip_Top_Prince (9601st ) 9 1
fr VIC20 (9524th ) 4 1
ca zeno (578th ) 32 12
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 37 8

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format