Match Stats
0 2
Match Date Sat, Nov 30 2024 at 3:58 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (Vp) Picture Perfect
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: John_Cutter, YetAnotherPlayer, Enraged_Newb

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
Ja (1197th ) 384 2 4 6 11 7 5
it aaa (840th ) 337 11 2
gb Wader (1499th ) 313 5 2 6 4 1 7 3
ru A. (4714th ) 229 14 3 17 1 8 4
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd ) 165 2 2 1 4 2
bg {CoF}annabella (2820th ) 152 6 6 2 3
ru Rebus (4044th ) 123 2 2 2 3 4
ec Wirrow (3225th ) 104 12 1 13 1 1 3 3
it sick (555th ) 69 2
cl Rich (5360th ) 60 2 3
de Schubi (9083rd ) 45 3 3 2 1 2
hr madmax2 (3529th ) 25 2 2
ca Keebler_Elf_]NFR[ (4117th ) 25 2 2
us OS (2270th ) 14 1 1 1
ru BV (9118th ) 6 3 3 1
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (4696th ) 6 2
us x4.'Ownage (380th )
Totals 0 2057 52 10 61 1 33 0 1 43 35
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ru c6ou_cuctem (1390th ) 574 6 11 3
bg SB (3912th ) 302 3 1 4 7 10 4
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 213 2 2 1 3 4 5
be pcp (839th ) 205 2 1 2 4 1 4 1
us mayor_pete (8106th ) 201 1 1 2 1 6 7
at Terr (4773rd ) 188 7 7 3 5 3
nl Pacman (8763rd ) 170 4 2 6 1 2 4 3
us h3Lc@t (9796th ) 94 3 2 5 1 2 6
pt MorZzzk (4843rd ) 89 1 1 3 2
Totals 2 2036 21 9 29 2 30 0 1 46 34

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
Ja (1197th )20:0238428728716663.3631.2800:07
it aaa (840th )20:0233729529514866.5931.5100:08
gb Wader (1499th )17:56313199200146157.6414.6200:08
ru A. (4714th )20:0222913213218841.2512.9600:07
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd )14:2116512012012449.1816.0400:07
bg {CoF}annabella (2820th )18:0615210210216338.498.2600:07
ru Rebus (4044th )13:36123696912735.209.6800:06
ec Wirrow (3225th )07:4310441415941.0013.8300:08
it sick (555th )04:086951514354.2629.3100:06
cl Rich (5360th )05:036021215325.445.5600:05
de Schubi (9083rd )10:4045252511018.527.5700:06
hr madmax2 (3529th )08:372523237224.2110.4000:07
ca Keebler_Elf_]NFR[ (4117th )02:1625332112.505.8800:06
us OS (2270th )01:401411111837.9315.1500:06
ru BV (9118th )05:23611422.330.8600:08
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (4696th )01:366221313.331.5200:07
us x4.'Ownage (380th )00:150100:16
Totals0 (2057)1382138314941034.1912.6100:07
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ru c6ou_cuctem (1390th )20:0257446446411480.2840.5600:11
bg SB (3912th )20:02302178181143355.3519.2200:09
ca Richie$Rich (5289th )20:0221314714718344.5511.4700:07
be pcp (839th )13:2420515015011556.6019.4100:07
us mayor_pete (8106th )20:02201119128140946.2112.3600:09
at Terr (4773rd )20:0218812012017640.5411.8800:07
nl Pacman (8763rd )20:0217010010018235.469.7000:07
us h3Lc@t (9796th )17:3294595917525.219.4400:06
pt MorZzzk (4843rd )15:058977778723.6212.3800:18
Totals2 (2036)14141426131512045.3116.2700:09

Kills Match Up
Ja (1197th )  2222   8 4       18404626252433118
it aaa (840th ) 6 120  119 10351  2 23233827239334011
gb Wader (1499th )  1111  24 1013   1 12142716261232919
ru A. (4714th ) 1377 5878 2733  2 56510315565
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd )    8   3 4       1010171112 181512
bg {CoF}annabella (2820th )    6   1         41714910 18176
ru Rebus (4044th )  128     3       55839 1573
ec Wirrow (3225th ) 32135101 2     3  1 11322 1
it sick (555th )        2         1068821293
cl Rich (5360th ) 1611 22   32          3   
de Schubi (9083rd )   23     1       442 3 222
hr madmax2 (3529th )   13     3       412 4 32 
ca Keebler_Elf_]NFR[ (4117th )    1                   2  
us OS (2270th )                  1 121 222
ru BV (9118th )                          1
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (4696th )                   1    1  
us x4.'Ownage (380th )                           
ru c6ou_cuctem (1390th ) 525047293142356124422697191     151   
bg SB (3912th ) 24152415121993621615114   3  213   
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 1892117101512252635213      16   
be pcp (839th ) 17198922211127 61 24      120   
us mayor_pete (8106th ) 101112716141113 861443     917   
at Terr (4773rd )  2110   515   1  1171614213 13154
nl Pacman (8763rd ) 1149891310223851 21     111   
us h3Lc@t (9796th ) 5764184 1 73 12       10   
pt MorZzzk (4843rd ) 6121313111234 3   3      15   

Weapons Summary
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (4696th ) 2 66 1 1.52 1500
ru A. (4714th ) 4 128 903 117 12.96 169634
it aaa (840th ) 1 294 933 294 31.51 439986
ru BV (9118th ) 1 116 1 0.86 583
ru c6ou_cuctem (1390th ) 2 462 1117 453 40.56 677657
us h3Lc@t (9796th ) 59 604 57 9.44 86862
Ja (1197th ) 287 908 284 31.28 428385
ca Keebler_Elf_]NFR[ (4117th ) 3 51 3 5.88 4500
hr madmax2 (3529th ) 3 20 202 21 10.40 26097
us mayor_pete (8106th ) 128 1036 128 12.36 190871
pt MorZzzk (4843rd ) 77 295 73 24.75 108542
us OS (2270th ) 11 66 10 15.15 15000
nl Pacman (8763rd ) 9 91 969 94 9.70 125783
be pcp (839th ) 3 147 747 145 19.41 216246
ru Rebus (4044th ) 1 68 475 46 9.68 68067
cl Rich (5360th ) 5 12 144 10 6.94 14759
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 4 143 1151 132 11.47 193577
bg SB (3912th ) 1 180 822 158 19.22 234097
de Schubi (9083rd ) 1 24 317 24 7.57 36000
it sick (555th ) 51 174 51 29.31 76500
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd ) 3 117 723 116 16.04 174005
at Terr (4773rd ) 1 119 926 110 11.88 162547
gb Wader (1499th ) 8 192 1142 167 14.62 241902
ec Wirrow (3225th ) 41 282 39 13.83 58500
bg {CoF}annabella (2820th ) 4 98 872 72 8.26 102840

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (4696th ) 1
ru A. (4714th ) 14 10 4 2
it aaa (840th ) 30 17 15 11 24 1
ru BV (9118th )
ru c6ou_cuctem (1390th ) Yes 34 26 18 30 20 6 4 1 2
us h3Lc@t (9796th ) 4 1
Ja (1197th ) 35 18 6 9 16 1 1
ca Keebler_Elf_]NFR[ (4117th )
hr madmax2 (3529th ) 2 1
us mayor_pete (8106th ) 14 4 4 4
pt MorZzzk (4843rd ) 11 5 1
us OS (2270th ) 3
nl Pacman (8763rd ) 17 2
be pcp (839th ) 13 9 10 1 5
ru Rebus (4044th ) 7 4
cl Rich (5360th ) 4 1
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 21 4 1 1 3 1
bg SB (3912th ) 22 10 3 8
de Schubi (9083rd ) 1
it sick (555th ) 7 1 1 3 2
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd ) 14 4 3 2 4
at Terr (4773rd ) 18 4 1 1 3
gb Wader (1499th ) 27 17 5 1 11
ec Wirrow (3225th ) 7 2
us x4.'Ownage (380th )
bg {CoF}annabella (2820th ) 11 4 2 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (4696th ) 1 0
ru A. (4714th ) 15 0
it aaa (840th ) 1 0
ru BV (9118th ) 0 0
ru c6ou_cuctem (1390th ) 11 0
us h3Lc@t (9796th ) 0 0
Ja (1197th ) 1 0
ca Keebler_Elf_]NFR[ (4117th ) 0 0
hr madmax2 (3529th ) 3 0
us mayor_pete (8106th ) 0 0
pt MorZzzk (4843rd ) 4 1
us OS (2270th ) 1 0
nl Pacman (8763rd ) 4 4
be pcp (839th ) 4 1
ru Rebus (4044th ) 24 14
cl Rich (5360th ) 6 2
ca Richie$Rich (5289th ) 14 7
bg SB (3912th ) 23 4
de Schubi (9083rd ) 1 0
it sick (555th ) 0 0
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd ) 2 1
at Terr (4773rd ) 10 3
gb Wader (1499th ) 31 10
ec Wirrow (3225th ) 2 0
us x4.'Ownage (380th ) 0 0
bg {CoF}annabella (2820th ) 30 12

Match Report
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