Match Stats
5 7
Match Date Wed, Dec 4 2024 at 12:58 am Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name CTF-1on1-Joust
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Freyja, Rich, Player7, Player10, Player12, Player13

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 809 2 8 10 101 26 3
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 627 13 10 23 31 27 9
us Leftist_Tyranny (1425th ) 622 22 17 37 1 29 2 22 16
ca P@nache (1851st ) 546 3 3 28 13
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 511 16 21 35 30 2 21 17
tr Mr.Prostate (5627th ) 507 12 19 31 50 19 4
cl Player11 (3245th ) 310 14 10
us jerc (3688th ) 243 9 9 18 15 10 5
cl Player14 (3450th ) 170 1 1 2 15 7 1
cl Player15 (3604th ) 38 2
Totals 5 4383 75 88 159 1 313 0 4 157 55
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl Nu.. (1337th ) 778 1 6 6 35 1 28 13
gb shmoo (3419th ) 639 14 30 42 1 16 2 29 22
ca Fright_Franky (1682nd ) 592 16 24 37 3 29 3 21 17
br surrei_do_br@sil (8936th ) 426 13 10 23 22 20 6
do [DRc]r.e.p.t.i.l. (639th ) 352 7 6 11 2 17 2 13 5
us chlmp (2154th ) 279 6 6 10 11 6
us Hurtz (7843rd ) 227 6 1 7 1 25 9
us OA! (12611th ) 103 4 1 5 7 6
Totals 7 3396 61 84 137 7 161 0 8 137 69

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
cl CALIGULA (4824th )15:23809272273124168.5910.4600:08
cl _//_SLUG (3717th )15:2362720620615956.4412.0300:06
us Leftist_Tyranny (1425th )15:2362217117118947.5013.7900:05
ca P@nache (1851st )11:4354612412651266.154.1600:14
us CoroNer (3723rd )15:2351113613620639.7716.0500:04
tr Mr.Prostate (5627th )15:2350716916912557.489.4100:08
cl Player11 (3245th )04:4531053531774.005.3800:18
us jerc (3688th )08:5924388889248.8911.1700:06
cl Player14 (3450th )04:03170414214173.683.6500:19
cl Player15 (3604th )01:263888849.211.1900:11
Totals5 (4383)126812729854058.178.7300:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl Nu.. (1337th )15:2177816716719047.488.5300:05
gb shmoo (3419th )15:23639129129237135.3313.3700:04
ca Fright_Franky (1682nd )15:23592141141224138.698.7900:04
br surrei_do_br@sil (8936th )15:2342612912918740.8211.8600:05
do [DRc]r.e.p.t.i.l. (639th )04:47352676844160.1812.0000:07
us chlmp (2154th )07:0427910110110848.3312.7900:04
us Hurtz (7843rd )11:0722770708944.0310.2300:08
us OA! (12611th )07:5510336365340.458.5500:09
Totals7 (3396)84084111321244.4110.7700:06

Kills Match Up
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 1282764  2464247418191821
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 3  5  2 2 29563230519149
us Leftist_Tyranny (1425th )    4  1   23373333216184
ca P@nache (1851st ) 22426 3 4 2120311521042
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 1     2 4 25242417611157
tr Mr.Prostate (5627th ) 1       1124343827718135
cl Player11 (3245th ) 5963134    2232 31 
us jerc (3688th )         21161712177934
cl Player14 (3450th ) 8710 75 51         
cl Player15 (3604th )   2    1  121 1   
pl Nu.. (1337th ) 2228369381811311        
gb shmoo (3419th ) 151822113318110 2   1    
ca Fright_Franky (1682nd ) 14282442823 20  1   1   
br surrei_do_br@sil (8936th ) 16222322818217 1        
do [DRc]r.e.p.t.i.l. (639th ) 10811356 6  23341331
us chlmp (2154th ) 1617273141218      3   
us Hurtz (7843rd ) 6131231611 7      2   
us OA! (12611th ) 5542114 5          

Weapons Summary
do [DRc]r.e.p.t.i.l. (639th ) 4 64 175 21 12.00 26025
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 24 182 607 73 12.03 82241
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 14 259 593 62 10.46 59823
us chlmp (2154th ) 7 94 258 33 12.79 42004
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 19 117 704 113 16.05 126871
ca Fright_Franky (1682nd ) 11 132 660 58 8.79 77240
us Hurtz (7843rd ) 4 66 577 59 10.23 77216
us jerc (3688th ) 6 82 358 40 11.17 41354
us Leftist_Tyranny (1425th ) 14 157 660 91 13.79 116412
tr Mr.Prostate (5627th ) 16 153 574 54 9.41 56333
pl Nu.. (1337th ) 14 114 629 57 9.06 60580
us OA! (12611th ) 8 28 339 29 8.55 33034
ca P@nache (1851st ) 1 32 176 4 2.27 2999
cl Player11 (3245th ) 14 82 3 3.66 3311
cl Player14 (3450th ) 1 41 192 7 3.65 8113
cl Player15 (3604th ) 5 42 1 2.38 1329
gb shmoo (3419th ) 8 123 621 83 13.37 100002
br surrei_do_br@sil (8936th ) 15 114 548 65 11.86 78961

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 16 13 1 14 6 3 2 1
us chlmp (2154th ) 10 6 3 4 2 1 1
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 15 9 3 3 4
ca Fright_Franky (1682nd ) 16 7 3 6 4 2
us Hurtz (7843rd ) 13 1 3
us jerc (3688th ) 9 5 2 3 5
us Leftist_Tyranny (1425th ) Yes 28 6 5 6 7 1
tr Mr.Prostate (5627th ) 21 6 6 5 8 1 1 1
pl Nu.. (1337th ) 13 7 1 8 5 3 1
us OA! (12611th ) 7 1
ca P@nache (1851st ) 18 3 2 4 6 1 1 1
cl Player11 (3245th ) 4 5 1 1 1 1
cl Player14 (3450th ) 4 1 1 1 1 1
cl Player15 (3604th ) 1 1
gb shmoo (3419th ) 16 7 2 5 5 1
br surrei_do_br@sil (8936th ) 11 6 5 2 3 1
do [DRc]r.e.p.t.i.l. (639th ) 7 6 1 2 4
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 19 11 2 9 4 1 2 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
cl CALIGULA (4824th ) 213 2
us chlmp (2154th ) 67 23
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 15 9
ca Fright_Franky (1682nd ) 79 19
us Hurtz (7843rd ) 10 0
us jerc (3688th ) 50 3
us Leftist_Tyranny (1425th ) 78 16
tr Mr.Prostate (5627th ) 117 1
pl Nu.. (1337th ) 98 11
us OA! (12611th ) 3 0
ca P@nache (1851st ) 104 2
cl Player11 (3245th ) 24 0
cl Player14 (3450th ) 36 0
cl Player15 (3604th ) 8 0
gb shmoo (3419th ) 40 15
br surrei_do_br@sil (8936th ) 59 8
do [DRc]r.e.p.t.i.l. (639th ) 48 19
cl _//_SLUG (3717th ) 138 7

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format