Match Stats
7 1
Match Date Fri, Dec 6 2024 at 11:21 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name 2on2 Crates 2022
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: fOx

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl lowersilesian (225th ) 264 6 2 5 1 3 3 7 4
gb Tst (1141st ) 224 1 2 1 14 2 4 2
at Terr (4772nd ) 196 14 3 16 2 2 1 3 4
nl `j0_oGh* (3167th ) 182 1 1 6 3 4
ar CALIGULA (4823rd ) 177 1 1 10 5
cl Noctubro (5878th ) 118 2 1 3 1 4 4
ma Enraged_Newb (4928th ) 73 2 2 4 5 7
cn Syn¹ˆ±š¹Ãn (3343rd ) 68 6 2 8 4 1
de Vu3k (5663rd ) 51 3 1 4 1 2 2
se ButtBoy (737th ) 25 1 1 1 1
in [TAX]_Ice233! (14415th )
Totals 7 1378 37 13 44 4 42 0 6 34 27
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
de bustacell (1860th ) 350 7 3 9 6 1 17 16
pt bife (593rd ) 310 10 1 10 8 1 12 3
ec Nyu (3004th ) 251 7 1 8 3 16 9
be ((())) (2322nd ) 249 5 2 7 6 8 6
nl KillsForPleasure (15797th ) 64 8 2 10 2 6
us Player15 (3604th ) 34 2 1
de fdsfdssfdfd 22 1 1 1 2
us THE_WOMAN 17 1
il ShockWave (470th ) 9 2 2 1
pl gd (5928th ) 4
us h3Lc@t (9795th )
Totals 1 1310 40 9 47 0 27 0 2 57 42

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl lowersilesian (225th )05:43264757653158.4622.9800:07
gb Tst (1141st )09:5122410910910052.1510.6100:06
at Terr (4772nd )09:51196707087144.659.8400:07
nl `j0_oGh* (3167th )09:5118295956559.387.5600:09
ar CALIGULA (4823rd )07:5017798983337.692.4700:09
cl Noctubro (5878th )09:5111857578041.617.4400:08
ma Enraged_Newb (4928th )03:4873111127115.395.8300:09
cn Syn¹ˆ±š¹Ãn (3343rd )04:006830303347.6215.0000:08
de Vu3k (5663rd )05:105124243047.1259.7600:25
se ButtBoy (737th )00:382588466.6711.1100:10
in [TAX]_Ice233! (14415th )00:260100:15
Totals7 (1378)5775785131242.7913.8700:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
de bustacell (1860th )09:51350828394146.6314.7100:06
pt bife (593rd )09:5131013913979163.6429.6100:08
ec Nyu (3004th )09:0925158587443.949.9200:08
be ((())) (2322nd )09:512491091098356.7715.0100:07
nl KillsForPleasure (15797th )09:516426269920.808.8700:06
us Player15 (3604th )02:113421212051.2223.5300:07
de fdsfdssfdfd01:5822881122.227.2900:14
us THE_WOMAN05:2617141555121.138.4300:06
il ShockWave (470th )00:44955935.7125.0000:05
pl gd (5928th )00:534331023.087.1400:05
us h3Lc@t (9795th )00:140400:04
Totals1 (1310)4654675382135.0113.5900:07

Kills Match Up
pl lowersilesian (225th ) 1  7    5  410111484 9211
gb Tst (1141st )    14    3  31351829531411 
at Terr (4772nd )    7    5  2911101532422 
nl `j0_oGh* (3167th ) 61815 614431  1034 1  5131
ar CALIGULA (4823rd )    10    9  4101813152 11222
cl Noctubro (5878th )    9    3  1813710132   
ma Enraged_Newb (4928th )    21       4 31 2    
cn Syn¹ˆ±š¹Ãn (3343rd )            184661 3 1 
de Vu3k (5663rd ) 324156     3          
se ButtBoy (737th )            12 21  11  
in [TAX]_Ice233! (14415th )                       
de bustacell (1860th ) 2359 4 43  11281012416   
pt bife (593rd ) 831203111881113125   1      
ec Nyu (3004th ) 8510 11055   14          
be ((())) (2322nd ) 161921262063   16          
nl KillsForPleasure (15797th ) 473 2321   4          
us Player15 (3604th ) 374  1 2   4          
de fdsfdssfdfd  32  12               
us THE_WOMAN 24 1 3 3   2      1   
il ShockWave (470th ) 111    1 1            
pl gd (5928th )   2 1                 
us h3Lc@t (9795th )                       

Weapons Summary
be ((())) (2322nd ) 4 105 453 68 15.01 88071
nl `j0_oGh* (3167th ) 3 92 397 30 7.56 37857
pt bife (593rd ) 1 140 466 138 29.61 210000
de bustacell (1860th ) 7 76 306 45 14.71 55501
se ButtBoy (737th ) 8 18 2 11.11 3000
ar CALIGULA (4823rd ) 1 97 243 12 4.94 12698
ma Enraged_Newb (4928th ) 1 12 103 12 11.65 17104
de fdsfdssfdfd 8 48 7 14.58 10675
pl gd (5928th ) 1 2 28 2 7.14 2808
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 5
nl KillsForPleasure (15797th ) 26 293 26 8.87 36454
pl lowersilesian (225th ) 1 75 248 57 22.98 84657
cl Noctubro (5878th ) 5 52 524 39 7.44 49308
ec Nyu (3004th ) 2 56 252 25 9.92 32989
us Player15 (3604th ) 21 85 20 23.53 29760
il ShockWave (470th ) 5 20 5 25.00 7171
cn Syn¹ˆ±š¹Ãn (3343rd ) 1 29 100 15 15.00 19849
at Terr (4772nd ) 2 70 427 42 9.84 57546
us THE_WOMAN 2 13 178 15 8.43 20346
gb Tst (1141st ) 2 107 462 49 10.61 69229
de Vu3k (5663rd ) 2 21 82 16 19.51 23758

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
be ((())) (2322nd ) 14 5 3 4 7
pt bife (593rd ) Yes 20 5 3 6 5 2
de bustacell (1860th ) 13 3 1 3
se ButtBoy (737th ) 1 1
ar CALIGULA (4823rd ) 9 2 2 7 4 1 1
ma Enraged_Newb (4928th ) 3
de fdsfdssfdfd 1 1
pl gd (5928th )
us h3Lc@t (9795th )
nl KillsForPleasure (15797th ) 5
pl lowersilesian (225th ) 9 3 1 3 2 2
cl Noctubro (5878th ) 6 1 2
ec Nyu (3004th ) 6 1 2 1
us Player15 (3604th ) 2 2 1
il ShockWave (470th )
cn Syn¹ˆ±š¹Ãn (3343rd ) 5 3 2
at Terr (4772nd ) 8 3 2 1 1
gb Tst (1141st ) 20 1 3 3 1
de Vu3k (5663rd ) 3 1
in [TAX]_Ice233! (14415th )
nl `j0_oGh* (3167th ) 9 4 4 3 4 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
be ((())) (2322nd ) 43 17
pt bife (593rd ) 0 0
de bustacell (1860th ) 39 29
se ButtBoy (737th ) 6 0
ar CALIGULA (4823rd ) 87 1
ma Enraged_Newb (4928th ) 0 0
de fdsfdssfdfd 0 0
pl gd (5928th ) 1 1
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 0 0
nl KillsForPleasure (15797th ) 1 0
pl lowersilesian (225th ) 17 10
cl Noctubro (5878th ) 18 3
ec Nyu (3004th ) 35 0
us Player15 (3604th ) 1 0
il ShockWave (470th ) 0 0
cn Syn¹ˆ±š¹Ãn (3343rd ) 15 5
at Terr (4772nd ) 31 8
us THE_WOMAN 0 0
gb Tst (1141st ) 60 6
de Vu3k (5663rd ) 6 1
in [TAX]_Ice233! (14415th ) 0 0
nl `j0_oGh* (3167th ) 66 16

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format