Match Stats
7 6
Match Date Sat, Dec 7 2024 at 7:51 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Sir.DoubleDutch, Player11, Ooper

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb r$a/no_grabber (874th ) 555 37 2 39 3 31 1 6 5
at 432 (4385th ) 424 3 3 4 1 20 2 18 9
es iMzZ (686th ) 403 2 5 7 38 8 10
ee Elmo (669th ) 354 4 4 1 25 8 1
ca P@nache (1851st ) 291 3 2 27 1 2 3
tr fartbomb (2114th ) 268 3 3 18 1 7 1
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 190 9 7 16 1 15 3 8
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 161 18 5 20 6 3 2 4
de wpxc (11749th ) 42 1 3 1 1
ru here2fuk (4017th ) 40 1 1 2 1
us Lunar (1672nd ) 12 1
ec Nyu (3004th ) 6 1
de Shit (10554th ) 6
fr Mirco (15770th ) 1
Totals 7 2753 77 27 97 6 184 2 7 56 42
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
il ShockWave (470th ) 688 3 1 4 50 2 19 4
nl period (762nd ) 437 24 7 30 2 15 1 1 13 5
bg SB (3911th ) 423 3 4 5 1 4 2 2 25 8
si noxfox (1771st ) 347 9 5 13 8 2 1 11 9
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd ) 331 1 2 3 1 10 4 15 15
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 269 4 4 7 7 2 1 10 9
fr Ceyl (6768th ) 156 5 4 8 1 1 10 1
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7246th ) 150 2 1 3 2 2 8 9
be Eff! (13512th ) 143 7 1 8 3 1 6 5
us DMAND.TSC (5722nd ) 11
de John (11998th ) 3
br SheFartsBabyOil (6746th )
Totals 6 2958 58 29 81 4 100 16 6 117 65

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb r$a/no_grabber (874th )19:50555293296140367.4322.2600:09
at 432 (4385th )20:0742416916912657.2916.8300:10
es iMzZ (686th )15:0740321821812663.3729.9500:07
ee Elmo (669th )09:473541941946076.3835.2800:10
ca P@nache (1851st )20:0729117917913457.197.3900:09
tr fartbomb (2114th )10:552681471477965.0421.1500:09
ru VICTUS (8429th )20:07190107108159140.305.4100:08
us h3Lc@t (9795th )15:27161455480937.7610.1000:12
de wpxc (11749th )04:464220202445.455.8100:13
ru here2fuk (4017th )09:0440172051313.895.6500:18
us Lunar (1672nd )00:541233537.509.0900:12
ec Nyu (3004th )02:3963413134.389.1700:22
de Shit (10554th )01:12666842.8621.4300:09
fr Mirco (15770th )02:15111175.562.0000:08
Totals7 (2753)14021419102217046.0314.3900:11
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
il ShockWave (470th )20:07688347350174366.4126.3600:07
nl period (762nd )20:074371891921503155.6221.5100:08
bg SB (3911th )18:16423123123180140.6614.1800:06
si noxfox (1771st )15:00347145146138151.2312.2700:07
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd )20:0733114514525136.6214.7300:05
ru Mustafa (5476th )20:07269123125243233.788.4100:05
fr Ceyl (6768th )20:071566266209423.6610.3500:06
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7246th )13:511504648129226.823.7900:07
be Eff! (13512th )17:511436465167127.9010.0300:07
us DMAND.TSC (5722nd )03:2011992226.766.1400:09
de John (11998th )00:54333925.0018.7500:06
br SheFartsBabyOil (6746th )00:110100:12
Totals6 (2958)12561272167316234.5412.2100:07

Kills Match Up
gb r$a/no_grabber (874th ) 3   18 11       8334216575025191232 
at 432 (4385th )     20 12  1    6182114182416784  
es iMzZ (686th )     19 10       6222416353223111721 
ee Elmo (669th )     7         202514202130152319   
ca P@nache (1851st ) 1025112 926 92345282532118527   
tr fartbomb (2114th )     11 3  1    8415131417232018   
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 434 4 13 3122210539111191111   
us h3Lc@t (9795th )     3  9       55559867 1 
de wpxc (11749th )               12 831122   
ru here2fuk (4017th )     1 5  3     23171      
us Lunar (1672nd )     1          1   1      
ec Nyu (3004th )            1  1 1 11      
de Shit (10554th )     1           1  3    1 
fr Mirco (15770th )                   1       
il ShockWave (470th ) 19392333824     3233626645222913931
nl period (762nd ) 253020182131316451314143  1 969   
bg SB (3911th ) 24912247611210 3 216     935   
si noxfox (1771st ) 17122911215111522   39  1  738   
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd ) 2413212213118410111118     834   
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 1814107299928 1  21    21014   
fr Ceyl (6768th ) 7154321423     2532564  11 
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7246th ) 916312451     22241132 1  
be Eff! (13512th ) 17421061032     2151531 12  
us DMAND.TSC (5722nd )  11      2    1     1 3   
de John (11998th )  1            1     1     
br SheFartsBabyOil (6746th )                           

Weapons Summary
at 432 (4385th ) 1 168
fr Ceyl (6768th ) 1 65
us DMAND.TSC (5722nd ) 7
be Eff! (13512th ) 65
ee Elmo (669th ) 194
tr fartbomb (2114th ) 147
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 54
ru here2fuk (4017th ) 20
es iMzZ (686th ) 1 217
de John (11998th ) 3
us Lunar (1672nd ) 3
fr Mirco (15770th ) 1
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 7 118
si noxfox (1771st ) 5 141
ec Nyu (3004th ) 1 1
ca P@nache (1851st ) 5 173 1
nl period (762nd ) 3 191
gb r$a/no_grabber (874th ) 1 295
bg SB (3911th ) 4 121
de Shit (10554th ) 6
il ShockWave (470th ) 1 349
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7246th ) 48
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd ) 2 143
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 5 102 1
de wpxc (11749th ) 1 19
at 432 (4385th ) 808
fr Ceyl (6768th ) 628
us DMAND.TSC (5722nd ) 84
be Eff! (13512th ) 638
ee Elmo (669th ) 547
tr fartbomb (2114th ) 539
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 525
ru here2fuk (4017th ) 1
es iMzZ (686th ) 631
de John (11998th ) 16
us Lunar (1672nd ) 22
fr Mirco (15770th ) 50
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 1058
si noxfox (1771st ) 880
ec Nyu (3004th ) 10
ca P@nache (1851st ) 893
nl period (762nd ) 809
gb r$a/no_grabber (874th ) 975
bg SB (3911th ) 543
de Shit (10554th ) 28
il ShockWave (470th ) 1100
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7246th ) 581
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd ) 808
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 850
de wpxc (11749th ) 327
at 432 (4385th ) 136
fr Ceyl (6768th ) 65
us DMAND.TSC (5722nd ) 6
be Eff! (13512th ) 64
ee Elmo (669th ) 193
tr fartbomb (2114th ) 114
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 53
ru here2fuk (4017th )
es iMzZ (686th ) 189
de John (11998th ) 3
us Lunar (1672nd ) 2
fr Mirco (15770th ) 1
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 89
si noxfox (1771st ) 108
ec Nyu (3004th ) 1
ca P@nache (1851st ) 66
nl period (762nd ) 174
gb r$a/no_grabber (874th ) 217
bg SB (3911th ) 77
de Shit (10554th ) 6
il ShockWave (470th ) 290
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7246th ) 22
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd ) 119
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 46
de wpxc (11749th ) 19
at 432 (4385th ) 199640
fr Ceyl (6768th ) 95435
us DMAND.TSC (5722nd ) 10500
be Eff! (13512th ) 93788
ee Elmo (669th ) 291000
tr fartbomb (2114th ) 165840
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 68393
ru here2fuk (4017th )
es iMzZ (686th ) 281802
de John (11998th ) 4500
us Lunar (1672nd ) 3000
fr Mirco (15770th ) 1500
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 124703
si noxfox (1771st ) 139324
ec Nyu (3004th ) 1500
ca P@nache (1851st ) 83944
nl period (762nd ) 259242
gb r$a/no_grabber (874th ) 321573
bg SB (3911th ) 113264
de Shit (10554th ) 9000
il ShockWave (470th ) 429468
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7246th ) 24736
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd ) 176957
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 51245
de wpxc (11749th ) 24774
at 432 (4385th ) 16.83
fr Ceyl (6768th ) 10.35
us DMAND.TSC (5722nd ) 7.14
be Eff! (13512th ) 10.03
ee Elmo (669th ) 35.28
tr fartbomb (2114th ) 21.15
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 10.10
ru here2fuk (4017th )
es iMzZ (686th ) 29.95
de John (11998th ) 18.75
us Lunar (1672nd ) 9.09
fr Mirco (15770th ) 2.00
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 8.41
si noxfox (1771st ) 12.27
ec Nyu (3004th ) 10.00
ca P@nache (1851st ) 7.39
nl period (762nd ) 21.51
gb r$a/no_grabber (874th ) 22.26
bg SB (3911th ) 14.18
de Shit (10554th ) 21.43
il ShockWave (470th ) 26.36
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7246th ) 3.79
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd ) 14.73
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 5.41
de wpxc (11749th ) 5.81

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
at 432 (4385th ) 17 3 3 3 8
fr Ceyl (6768th ) 5 1
us DMAND.TSC (5722nd ) 1 1
be Eff! (13512th ) 4 1 1
ee Elmo (669th ) 13 9 7 13 14 2 2
tr fartbomb (2114th ) 17 3 9 3 4 2
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 5
ru here2fuk (4017th ) 2 1
es iMzZ (686th ) 16 10 6 12 12 3
de John (11998th ) 1
us Lunar (1672nd )
fr Mirco (15770th )
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 12 3 4 3 1
si noxfox (1771st ) 20 3 4 4 9 1
ec Nyu (3004th )
ca P@nache (1851st ) 14 4 1 12 10 1 1 1
nl period (762nd ) 25 8 5 4 11 1
gb r$a/no_grabber (874th ) 42 17 13 5 16 1
bg SB (3911th ) 21 5 2 1 4
br SheFartsBabyOil (6746th )
de Shit (10554th ) 1 1
il ShockWave (470th ) Yes 31 23 7 20 27 4
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7246th ) 8 1
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd ) 16 8 2 2
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 10 7 1 2 2 1
de wpxc (11749th ) 4 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
at 432 (4385th ) 35 6
fr Ceyl (6768th ) 3 0
us DMAND.TSC (5722nd ) 0 0
be Eff! (13512th ) 1 1
ee Elmo (669th ) 0 0
tr fartbomb (2114th ) 32 1
us h3Lc@t (9795th ) 2 1
ru here2fuk (4017th ) 0 0
es iMzZ (686th ) 27 3
de John (11998th ) 0 0
us Lunar (1672nd ) 1 0
fr Mirco (15770th ) 0 0
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 36 0
si noxfox (1771st ) 37 13
ec Nyu (3004th ) 1 0
ca P@nache (1851st ) 118 3
nl period (762nd ) 15 2
gb r$a/no_grabber (874th ) 78 25
bg SB (3911th ) 44 2
br SheFartsBabyOil (6746th ) 0 0
de Shit (10554th ) 0 0
il ShockWave (470th ) 61 16
nl Skiggy-Rapz (7246th ) 28 1
us Sleepy_Joey (2053rd ) 26 1
ru VICTUS (8429th ) 68 4
de wpxc (11749th ) 0 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format