Match Stats
7 4
Match Date Wed, Dec 11 2024 at 7:28 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name BleakUGN
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: grmbl, calces/pplarehell

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Ooper (142nd ) 776 12 1 12 11 10 1 14 9
us effibrie (217th ) 347 11 6 16 2 12 1 3 1
ca UTNL (3404th ) 176 14 2 15 1 2 1 6 5
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th ) 133 1 1 4 3 3
pl finn (3015th ) 131 4 4 8 3 9
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4386th ) 122 4 1 5 1 4 2
br SheFartsMilk (6989th ) 22 1 2
il ShockWave (470th ) 12 1 1 1
hu froZelek* (1579th ) 4 1 1
us Neff (10385th ) 4
pl kargul (7420th )
Totals 7 1727 46 16 59 3 31 10 3 34 31
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 274 1 1 1 3 2 1 13 7
at 432 (4384th ) 222 1 1 2 1 2 6 11 9
us haha_guy (3084th ) 204 3 2 4 1 1 11 6
pl Jasiu (4107th ) 198 9 2 9 2 4 2 9 4
ve ||sT||Madara.// (2369th ) 144 2 1 3 1 1 5 6 5
de Vu3k (5664th ) 127 6 1 6 1 5 1 3 2
us Lunar (1672nd ) 117 1 1 1 3 7 3
pl louielouie (7352nd ) 107 9 1 9 1 1 3 2
it *_) (3423rd ) 80 1 1 1 4 2 2
us Natural_Causes (4871st ) 66 2 3 3 2 1
us x4.'Ownage (380th ) 59 4 4 2 1
ma Enraged_Newb (4929th ) 14 1 1 1 1
Totals 4 1612 38 14 44 2 11 33 8 68 41

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Ooper (142nd )19:3377618418572170.5337.4400:17
us effibrie (217th )19:403472112119070.1019.1500:14
ca UTNL (3404th )19:4017644447935.774.4100:16
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th )19:4013373737350.007.2900:17
pl finn (3015th )16:2213154548239.717.7700:13
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4386th )19:4012260606647.624.8200:19
br SheFartsMilk (6989th )11:3222111230127.915.8800:25
il ShockWave (470th )01:48121010662.5016.0700:19
hu froZelek* (1579th )01:23433633.336.9000:15
us Neff (10385th )01:37444450.005.1300:26
pl kargul (7420th )00:570200:30
Totals7 (1727)6546565102044.3210.4400:19
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
be SonOfSam (1990th )19:4027410810976158.6014.9800:17
at 432 (4384th )19:4022283839746.1112.3400:13
us haha_guy (3084th )19:40204596072145.1111.0100:18
pl Jasiu (4107th )19:06198565611033.7310.7700:11
ve ||sT||Madara.// (2369th )13:0214466666258.9447.2300:21
de Vu3k (5664th )13:1312745457338.1415.3600:11
us Lunar (1672nd )12:5211741415045.054.8500:16
pl louielouie (7352nd )19:4010737379428.247.6500:13
it *_) (3423rd )10:2280394041148.7813.1900:16
us Natural_Causes (4871st )07:4666192028140.825.9500:18
us x4.'Ownage (380th )04:375939392461.9026.5700:12
ma Enraged_Newb (4929th )03:1914441917.397.1400:11
Totals4 (1612)5966007464043.5714.7500:15

Kills Match Up
gb Ooper (142nd ) 1710924106 1  2512221521341210 3 
us effibrie (217th ) 10     10    12346401921152313 53
ca UTNL (3404th ) 3           7266935  21
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th ) 5     2    31059466124 43
pl finn (3015th ) 4     1    14 99768  23
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4386th ) 2     1    38211533163 3 
br SheFartsMilk (6989th )  2 1211         2   4  
il ShockWave (470th )             2 11321    
hu froZelek* (1579th )               2   1    
us Neff (10385th )             12     1   
pl kargul (7420th )                        
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 13956373  1 112 711471233 3
at 432 (4384th ) 815131169 112 8 7      2  
us haha_guy (3084th ) 1444511      2185 422116
pl Jasiu (4107th )  7105108112  2 6     22  
ve ||sT||Madara.// (2369th ) 119149103 11 15 1      1  
de Vu3k (5664th ) 35311832  1 2 5      2  
us Lunar (1672nd ) 1107646 1   2 3      1  
pl louielouie (7352nd ) 122259  1 13 7     13  
it *_) (3423rd ) 3574243      11 3  161 
us Natural_Causes (4871st )       1    55 1 2 2113 
us x4.'Ownage (380th ) 442475 2   4 3     13  
ma Enraged_Newb (4929th )  12        1           

Weapons Summary
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4386th ) 2 58
it *_) (3423rd ) 40
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th ) 2 71
at 432 (4384th ) 2 81
us effibrie (217th ) 3 207 1
ma Enraged_Newb (4929th ) 4
pl finn (3015th ) 54
hu froZelek* (1579th ) 3
us haha_guy (3084th ) 2 58
pl Jasiu (4107th ) 1 55
pl kargul (7420th )
pl louielouie (7352nd ) 1 36
us Lunar (1672nd ) 41
us Natural_Causes (4871st ) 20
us Neff (10385th ) 4
gb Ooper (142nd ) 1 97
br SheFartsMilk (6989th ) 2 10
il ShockWave (470th ) 10
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 109
ca UTNL (3404th ) 3 41
de Vu3k (5664th ) 45
us x4.'Ownage (380th ) 39
ve ||sT||Madara.// (2369th ) 64
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4386th ) 726
it *_) (3423rd ) 235
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th ) 549
at 432 (4384th ) 478
us effibrie (217th ) 1013
ma Enraged_Newb (4929th ) 42
pl finn (3015th ) 579
hu froZelek* (1579th ) 29
us haha_guy (3084th ) 445
pl Jasiu (4107th ) 390
pl kargul (7420th ) 9
pl louielouie (7352nd ) 327
us Lunar (1672nd ) 433
us Natural_Causes (4871st ) 252
us Neff (10385th ) 39
gb Ooper (142nd ) 256
br SheFartsMilk (6989th ) 119
il ShockWave (470th ) 56
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 634
ca UTNL (3404th ) 748
de Vu3k (5664th ) 267
us x4.'Ownage (380th ) 143
ve ||sT||Madara.// (2369th ) 216
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4386th ) 35
it *_) (3423rd ) 31
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th ) 40
at 432 (4384th ) 59
us effibrie (217th ) 194
ma Enraged_Newb (4929th ) 3
pl finn (3015th ) 45
hu froZelek* (1579th ) 2
us haha_guy (3084th ) 49
pl Jasiu (4107th ) 42
pl kargul (7420th )
pl louielouie (7352nd ) 25
us Lunar (1672nd ) 21
us Natural_Causes (4871st ) 15
us Neff (10385th ) 2
gb Ooper (142nd ) 86
br SheFartsMilk (6989th ) 7
il ShockWave (470th ) 9
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 95
ca UTNL (3404th ) 33
de Vu3k (5664th ) 41
us x4.'Ownage (380th ) 38
ve ||sT||Madara.// (2369th ) 60
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4386th ) 46847
it *_) (3423rd ) 46500
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th ) 49463
at 432 (4384th ) 83184
us effibrie (217th ) 289144
ma Enraged_Newb (4929th ) 4618
pl finn (3015th ) 64983
hu froZelek* (1579th ) 3000
us haha_guy (3084th ) 68179
pl Jasiu (4107th ) 62779
pl kargul (7420th )
pl louielouie (7352nd ) 33760
us Lunar (1672nd ) 29780
us Natural_Causes (4871st ) 20054
us Neff (10385th ) 3000
gb Ooper (142nd ) 128361
br SheFartsMilk (6989th ) 9509
il ShockWave (470th ) 12402
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 139306
ca UTNL (3404th ) 43861
de Vu3k (5664th ) 60735
us x4.'Ownage (380th ) 57000
ve ||sT||Madara.// (2369th ) 89494
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4386th ) 4.82
it *_) (3423rd ) 13.19
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th ) 7.29
at 432 (4384th ) 12.34
us effibrie (217th ) 19.15
ma Enraged_Newb (4929th ) 7.14
pl finn (3015th ) 7.77
hu froZelek* (1579th ) 6.90
us haha_guy (3084th ) 11.01
pl Jasiu (4107th ) 10.77
pl kargul (7420th )
pl louielouie (7352nd ) 7.65
us Lunar (1672nd ) 4.85
us Natural_Causes (4871st ) 5.95
us Neff (10385th ) 5.13
gb Ooper (142nd ) 33.59
br SheFartsMilk (6989th ) 5.88
il ShockWave (470th ) 16.07
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 14.98
ca UTNL (3404th ) 4.41
de Vu3k (5664th ) 15.36
us x4.'Ownage (380th ) 26.57
ve ||sT||Madara.// (2369th ) 27.78

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4386th ) 3 2
it *_) (3423rd ) 3 1 1
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th ) 7 1 1 4
at 432 (4384th ) 10 1 1
us effibrie (217th ) 20 13 4 4 18 1
ma Enraged_Newb (4929th ) 1
pl finn (3015th ) 5 1
hu froZelek* (1579th )
us haha_guy (3084th ) 5 1
pl Jasiu (4107th ) Yes 6
pl kargul (7420th )
pl louielouie (7352nd ) 3
us Lunar (1672nd ) 3 2
us Natural_Causes (4871st ) 1
us Neff (10385th )
gb Ooper (142nd ) 30 7 2 3 9 4
br SheFartsMilk (6989th ) 1
il ShockWave (470th ) 3
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 13 1 2 7
ca UTNL (3404th ) 3
de Vu3k (5664th ) 3 2
us x4.'Ownage (380th ) 7 1 2
ve ||sT||Madara.// (2369th ) 11 2 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4386th ) 23 6
it *_) (3423rd ) 9 0
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th ) 33 7
at 432 (4384th ) 25 9
us effibrie (217th ) 14 8
ma Enraged_Newb (4929th ) 0 0
pl finn (3015th ) 9 1
hu froZelek* (1579th ) 1 0
us haha_guy (3084th ) 11 2
pl Jasiu (4107th ) 12 1
pl kargul (7420th ) 0 0
pl louielouie (7352nd ) 12 1
us Lunar (1672nd ) 16 1
us Natural_Causes (4871st ) 5 3
us Neff (10385th ) 2 0
gb Ooper (142nd ) 15 10
br SheFartsMilk (6989th ) 5 0
il ShockWave (470th ) 1 0
be SonOfSam (1990th ) 12 2
ca UTNL (3404th ) 11 3
de Vu3k (5664th ) 4 1
us x4.'Ownage (380th ) 1 1
ve ||sT||Madara.// (2369th ) 4 1

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format