Match Stats
5 6
Match Date Sun, Dec 15 2024 at 3:34 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name OPEL FAST ATTACK
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: oxy

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl period (762nd ) 515 7 6 11 11 2 13 4
tr fartbomb (2110th ) 238 15 6 18 1 3 3 6
cz ezero (4001st ) 235 3 2 5 4 9 4
br SheFartsLostCondoms (7307th ) 226 4 2 6 4 15 8
ru A. (4726th ) 182 8 4 12 3 4 8
bg {CoF}annabella (2825th ) 129 2 1 3 1 4 6
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4381st ) 123 3 1 3
us d (311th ) 107 1 3
br aduela 65 2 2 1 1 1
be Eff! (13504th ) 48 2 1 3 4 1
br GOAT (105th )
us LionHeartChiptuner
Totals 5 1868 43 22 60 1 29 0 5 56 41
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
se effibrie (217th ) 572 28 4 29 1 4 3 22 4
fr Bounce (2698th ) 329 2 3 4 4 1 14 9
si noxfox (1768th ) 276 4 4 6 1 6 1 2 4 4
fr fallacy (3176th ) 199 2 1 3 6 2 3
it DAM (8959th ) 159 4 1 5 2 2 4 5
nl Pacman (8767th ) 137 4 3 7 2 5 3
gb Octoman (9377th ) 110 2 5 2
nl Senor_C.S. (8539th ) 56 1 2 3
cz women_are_trah
Totals 6 1838 44 16 54 6 25 1 6 58 33

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl period (762nd )18:4651521121112661.8426.5700:09
tr fartbomb (2110th )19:3023810510514242.5117.7400:09
cz ezero (4001st )17:3723510210213842.505.6200:08
br SheFartsLostCondoms (7307th )20:00226585815127.757.0300:08
ru A. (4726th )20:00182113115127247.1313.2500:10
bg {CoF}annabella (2825th )14:56129767612238.388.0300:08
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4381st )16:07123888810246.326.2000:10
us d (311th )08:0010776764662.3033.1900:11
br aduela05:046540401967.8026.1400:16
be Eff! (13504th )07:304819194231.156.3600:11
br GOAT (105th )01:500500:26
us LionHeartChiptuner01:350700:15
Totals5 (1868)88889010272038.9712.5100:12
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
se effibrie (217th )20:0057225025014962.6622.9700:08
fr Bounce (2698th )20:0032917417415353.2131.8700:08
si noxfox (1768th )16:2327615615611457.7810.7800:09
fr fallacy (3176th )20:001991531537965.9512.4600:16
it DAM (8959th )19:53159888813339.8210.9000:09
nl Pacman (8767th )14:17137666610837.9310.3400:08
gb Octoman (9377th )13:5111055555848.677.4400:15
nl Senor_C.S. (8539th )05:055630304042.8613.6400:08
cz women_are_trah00:510100:40
Totals6 (1838)9729728350045.4313.3800:14

Kills Match Up
nl period (762nd )     7       31412117422712121
tr fartbomb (2110th )     2       1619137189138 
cz ezero (4001st )     6       2291961113124 
br SheFartsLostCondoms (7307th )     4       121193964  
ru A. (4726th ) 535142 21    1214156121538 
bg {CoF}annabella (2825th )             131621091493 
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4381st )             1613147141734 
us d (311th )     4       12191513931  
br aduela     2       99578    
be Eff! (13504th )             62131411 
br GOAT (105th )                      
us LionHeartChiptuner                      
se effibrie (217th ) 2637353718253411101124         
fr Bounce (2698th ) 28341919201515113721         
si noxfox (1768th ) 19141932181424619           
fr fallacy (3176th ) 222021191625111044 1         
it DAM (8959th ) 911138718561811         
nl Pacman (8767th ) 101012991041 1           
gb Octoman (9377th ) 471010995  1           
nl Senor_C.S. (8539th ) 3643562  1           
cz women_are_trah                      

Weapons Summary
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4381st ) 3 85 822 51 6.20 74895
ru A. (4726th ) 1 114 770 102 13.25 149202
br aduela 40 153 40 26.14 60000
fr Bounce (2698th ) 174 546 174 31.87 260777
us d (311th ) 76 229 76 33.19 114000
it DAM (8959th ) 2 86 697 76 10.90 111269
be Eff! (13504th ) 1 18 283 18 6.36 24342
se effibrie (217th ) 8 242 1045 240 22.97 353640
cz ezero (4001st ) 8 94 943 53 5.62 71711
fr fallacy (3176th ) 3 150 1140 142 12.46 200089
tr fartbomb (2110th ) 105 558 99 17.74 146076
br GOAT (105th ) 34
us LionHeartChiptuner 34
si noxfox (1768th ) 5 151 974 105 10.78 150018
gb Octoman (9377th ) 1 54 726 54 7.44 72164
nl Pacman (8767th ) 4 62 561 58 10.34 76949
nl period (762nd ) 1 52 552 150 27.17 225783
nl Senor_C.S. (8539th ) 2 28 220 30 13.64 40815
br SheFartsLostCondoms (7307th ) 2 56 427 30 7.03 37660
bg {CoF}annabella (2825th ) 5 71 623 50 8.03 69452

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4381st ) 15 2 1 1 5
ru A. (4726th ) Yes 11 3 1 3 4
br aduela 3 1 2 1 1
fr Bounce (2698th ) 21 9 2 3 10
us d (311th ) 11 2 1 3 6
it DAM (8959th ) 13 2 1 1 3
be Eff! (13504th ) 2
se effibrie (217th ) 25 12 9 9 11 5
cz ezero (4001st ) 14 1 2 1 1
fr fallacy (3176th ) 19 9 4 15 1
tr fartbomb (2110th ) 18 2
br GOAT (105th )
us LionHeartChiptuner
si noxfox (1768th ) 17 7 1 4 5 4
gb Octoman (9377th ) 5 1 1
nl Pacman (8767th ) 6 2
nl period (762nd ) 38 10 7 4 12 2
nl Senor_C.S. (8539th ) 6
br SheFartsLostCondoms (7307th ) 6 4
cz women_are_trah
bg {CoF}annabella (2825th ) 8 1 1 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
de $H!C3[LO\\'N (4381st ) 35 11
ru A. (4726th ) 13 3
br aduela 0 0
fr Bounce (2698th ) 0 0
us d (311th ) 0 0
it DAM (8959th ) 14 3
be Eff! (13504th ) 0 0
se effibrie (217th ) 9 8
cz ezero (4001st ) 49 23
fr fallacy (3176th ) 11 5
tr fartbomb (2110th ) 5 1
br GOAT (105th ) 0 0
us LionHeartChiptuner 0 0
si noxfox (1768th ) 45 13
gb Octoman (9377th ) 1 1
nl Pacman (8767th ) 8 6
nl period (762nd ) 9 4
nl Senor_C.S. (8539th ) 0 0
br SheFartsLostCondoms (7307th ) 28 2
cz women_are_trah 0 0
bg {CoF}annabella (2825th ) 27 6

Match Report
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