Match Stats
4 1
Match Date Fri, Jan 10 2025 at 9:42 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name CTF-433-UGL-Edition 1.02
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: §øul~Cøllectør, Nu.., CreepingUpYourBigAss, furnisher, KillRoy

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
tr Rkn (76th ) 305 5 4 6 1 3 10 6
gb Lilia (168th ) 229 14 3 16 2 1 6 2
us Sleepy_Joey (428th ) 220 1 1 1 1 12 6
si noxfox (341st ) 114 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 3
pl T-error (629th ) 106 9 1 10 1 1 3 3
us uranus (656th ) 105 3 1 3 1 1 4 6
cl hakai (134th ) 40 1 1 1
us h3Lc@t (1465th ) 37 2 2 4 1 1 2
tr fartbomb (411th ) 34 5 1 6 2 1
ee Viiekas 23 2
de MurdocX 3
pl Commodore (928th )
pl Ev][L (1047th )
Totals 4 1216 39 14 48 5 8 7 4 41 29
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl creep (25th ) 437 7 1 8 3 4 20 11
us BeauBeauishere (78th ) 211 1 1 5 2 5 2
be SonOfSam (384th ) 162 5 4 8 1 5 2
it funkysl4p (852nd ) 124 5 5 6 4
cl w (425th ) 104 7 1 8 1 3 1
us LoSahn (1167th ) 81 2 1 3 6 8
ve ankor (1136th ) 37 1 1 1 1 1
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 33 3 1 4 1 2
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 17 1 2 3 2
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 14 1 1
Totals 1 1220 32 10 41 0 9 7 1 48 34

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
tr Rkn (76th )20:0030514114277164.5532.2400:17
gb Lilia (168th )20:002291291298261.1424.7300:16
us Sleepy_Joey (428th )20:0022085859547.2213.9500:13
si noxfox (341st )11:5111457574058.7612.3400:19
pl T-error (629th )20:0010658588440.8514.4500:15
us uranus (656th )18:3710548487439.3411.7600:16
cl hakai (134th )10:564020204629.672.6800:17
us h3Lc@t (1465th )11:513718184528.5710.2300:17
tr fartbomb (411th )07:543418183633.3312.4100:14
ee Viiekas05:382311112629.7322.0000:14
de MurdocX05:01333158.831.4600:30
pl Ev][L (1047th )00:510300:14
pl Commodore (928th )00:290100:16
Totals4 (1216)5885896241034.0012.1700:17
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl creep (25th )20:004372002007672.4639.6000:17
us BeauBeauishere (78th )20:002111421428562.5628.5100:15
be SonOfSam (384th )20:0016286866258.1115.7300:21
it funkysl4p (852nd )20:0012459598939.8616.9300:14
cl w (425th )20:0010462629040.7919.4400:14
us LoSahn (1167th )17:3881202155127.277.1700:20
ve ankor (1136th )05:563714141843.7512.3700:21
nl El_Pudiente (1488th )20:003320206423.815.2900:20
gb Atlantis (1332nd )08:491715153231.9115.0000:18
us [TSC]DMAND (725th )03:4814551821.745.1500:13
Totals1 (1220)6236245891042.2316.5200:17

Kills Match Up
tr Rkn (76th ) 1     4 1    18201713191881455
gb Lilia (168th )       3 1    241592020821494
us Sleepy_Joey (428th )              1116919164 64 
si noxfox (341st )              51061371375 
pl T-error (629th )       1      31193105 1051
us uranus (656th )       1      7658753321
cl hakai (134th )     1   1    131163 12 
us h3Lc@t (1465th )              2 2612 2 3
tr fartbomb (411th )              22162  2 3
ee Viiekas              222 1 22  
de MurdocX                1 1  1  
pl Ev][L (1047th )                        
pl Commodore (928th )                        
pl creep (25th ) 313123162817812129411     7    
us BeauBeauishere (78th ) 2213297202279742            
be SonOfSam (384th ) 4131681211174631           
it funkysl4p (852nd ) 79123565353        1    
cl w (425th ) 47647134102221           
us LoSahn (1167th ) 3511111 2 2  1    1 2 1
ve ankor (1136th ) 3 1 224  2             
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 126141131              
gb Atlantis (1332nd )  2  416   2            
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 2 1    1          1    

Weapons Summary
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 5
ve ankor (1136th ) 14
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 15
us BeauBeauishere (78th ) 142
pl creep (25th ) 200
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 20
pl Ev][L (1047th )
tr fartbomb (411th ) 18
it funkysl4p (852nd ) 1 58
us h3Lc@t (1465th ) 18
cl hakai (134th ) 1 15
gb Lilia (168th ) 3 126
us LoSahn (1167th ) 21
de MurdocX 3
si noxfox (341st ) 57
tr Rkn (76th ) 1 141
us Sleepy_Joey (428th ) 1 84
be SonOfSam (384th ) 1 85
pl T-error (629th ) 58
us uranus (656th ) 1 46 1
ee Viiekas 11
cl w (425th ) 62
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 97
ve ankor (1136th ) 97
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 100
us BeauBeauishere (78th ) 498
pl creep (25th ) 495
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 416
pl Ev][L (1047th ) 10
tr fartbomb (411th ) 145
it funkysl4p (852nd ) 319
us h3Lc@t (1465th ) 176
cl hakai (134th ) 196
gb Lilia (168th ) 457
us LoSahn (1167th ) 223
de MurdocX 103
si noxfox (341st ) 389
tr Rkn (76th ) 397
us Sleepy_Joey (428th ) 473
be SonOfSam (384th ) 496
pl T-error (629th ) 346
us uranus (656th ) 289
ee Viiekas 50
cl w (425th ) 319
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 5
ve ankor (1136th ) 12
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 15
us BeauBeauishere (78th ) 142
pl creep (25th ) 196
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 22
pl Ev][L (1047th )
tr fartbomb (411th ) 18
it funkysl4p (852nd ) 54
us h3Lc@t (1465th ) 18
cl hakai (134th ) 6
gb Lilia (168th ) 113
us LoSahn (1167th ) 16
de MurdocX 3
si noxfox (341st ) 48
tr Rkn (76th ) 128
us Sleepy_Joey (428th ) 66
be SonOfSam (384th ) 78
pl T-error (629th ) 50
us uranus (656th ) 34
ee Viiekas 11
cl w (425th ) 62
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 6838
ve ankor (1136th ) 18000
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 22065
us BeauBeauishere (78th ) 213000
pl creep (25th ) 293740
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 26603
pl Ev][L (1047th )
tr fartbomb (411th ) 25530
it funkysl4p (852nd ) 80332
us h3Lc@t (1465th ) 27000
cl hakai (134th ) 7472
gb Lilia (168th ) 161350
us LoSahn (1167th ) 20162
de MurdocX 4290
si noxfox (341st ) 70225
tr Rkn (76th ) 191226
us Sleepy_Joey (428th ) 96091
be SonOfSam (384th ) 116494
pl T-error (629th ) 73028
us uranus (656th ) 49234 30
ee Viiekas 16500
cl w (425th ) 93000
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 5.15
ve ankor (1136th ) 12.37
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 15.00
us BeauBeauishere (78th ) 28.51
pl creep (25th ) 39.60
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 5.29
pl Ev][L (1047th )
tr fartbomb (411th ) 12.41
it funkysl4p (852nd ) 16.93
us h3Lc@t (1465th ) 10.23
cl hakai (134th ) 3.06
gb Lilia (168th ) 24.73
us LoSahn (1167th ) 7.17
de MurdocX 2.91
si noxfox (341st ) 12.34
tr Rkn (76th ) 32.24
us Sleepy_Joey (428th ) 13.95
be SonOfSam (384th ) 15.73
pl T-error (629th ) 14.45
us uranus (656th ) 11.76
ee Viiekas 22.00
cl w (425th ) 19.44

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
ve ankor (1136th )
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 2 1
us BeauBeauishere (78th ) 18 4 6 1
pl Commodore (928th )
pl creep (25th ) 26 10 3 13 2
nl El_Pudiente (1488th )
pl Ev][L (1047th )
tr fartbomb (411th ) 2
it funkysl4p (852nd ) 1 1
us h3Lc@t (1465th )
cl hakai (134th )
gb Lilia (168th ) 16 2 3 5
us LoSahn (1167th )
de MurdocX
si noxfox (341st ) 8 3 1
tr Rkn (76th ) 17 3 3 2 7
us Sleepy_Joey (428th ) 11 2
be SonOfSam (384th ) Yes 8 1 3
pl T-error (629th ) 7 1
us uranus (656th ) 1 1
ee Viiekas
cl w (425th ) 4 1 2
us [TSC]DMAND (725th )

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
ve ankor (1136th ) 2 1
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 0 0
us BeauBeauishere (78th ) 0 0
pl Commodore (928th ) 0 0
pl creep (25th ) 3 2
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 0 0
pl Ev][L (1047th ) 0 0
tr fartbomb (411th ) 1 0
it funkysl4p (852nd ) 5 0
us h3Lc@t (1465th ) 0 0
cl hakai (134th ) 12 3
gb Lilia (168th ) 17 7
us LoSahn (1167th ) 5 0
de MurdocX 0 0
si noxfox (341st ) 9 1
tr Rkn (76th ) 14 2
us Sleepy_Joey (428th ) 19 2
be SonOfSam (384th ) 7 3
pl T-error (629th ) 8 2
us uranus (656th ) 14 1
ee Viiekas 0 0
cl w (425th ) 0 0
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 0 0

Match Report
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