Match Stats
3 2
Match Date Sun, Jan 19 2025 at 7:40 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (Vp) Picture Perfect
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: esdf, 432, $H!C3[LO\\\\\'N, Lunar, Ooper, KillRoy

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
se StarDust (365th ) 655 19 4 23 2 25 8 1
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd ) 644 1 4 5 2 34 44
us OS (402nd ) 606 32 8 39 4 1 23 8
be SonOfSam (384th ) 575 1 8 8 5 1 24 16
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 545 4 3 3 1 38 17
de wpxc (1637th ) 254 5 5 1 7 4
il THP (416th ) 158 7 4 11 4 4 1
bigboi (1326th ) 138 3 3 6 4 1 2
mx *uT*Cesar* (973rd ) 130 4 3 7 4 1
se LlamaDonkey (1181st ) 119 1 1 3 1 2
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 86 1 1 2 4 10
se lili (670th ) 11 3 2 5
cl Virmem_bot (942nd ) 2 1
hu vikram (2363rd ) 2
br Player18 (609th )
br FortniteLover (1330th )
Totals 3 3925 76 42 115 2 55 0 3 144 107
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
no hOre (57th ) 822 15 4 19 29 16 6
gb One (483rd ) 798 8 5 13 1 14 38 25
nl panelle (123rd ) 705 9 2 11 2 26 12 8
us cam (84th ) 442 4 2 6 17 11 1
ca Richie$Rich (933rd ) 349 4 3 1 7 1 7 8
ee MIDA (1415th ) 236 9 5 13 8 1 4 4
de Schubi (1355th ) 230 38 11 49 1 1 8 11
us Storm (885th ) 187 2 1 3 2 11 2
ca .Player. (427th ) 143 6 1 7 9 2 2
br Cheirao_de_Pica (620th ) 101 15 15 5 1 3
Totals 2 4013 106 35 139 5 118 0 2 110 70

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
se StarDust (365th )33:1965547647626164.5924.6500:08
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd )32:59644234237258323.896.5600:10
us OS (402nd )33:1960628528530348.4717.0400:07
be SonOfSam (384th )27:1857528728721157.6313.9100:08
gb Atlantis (1332nd )33:1954514714730432.599.0500:07
de wpxc (1637th )33:19254165166254139.437.1200:08
il THP (416th )13:1015810210212045.9511.5800:07
bigboi (1326th )33:1613811411432625.917.4000:06
mx *uT*Cesar* (973rd )19:3713010610614121.647.4900:14
se LlamaDonkey (1181st )12:50119989812244.5520.9000:06
nl El_Pudiente (1488th )10:498629299623.206.1100:07
se lili (670th )12:191188997.488.7900:08
hu vikram (2363rd )01:18211325.0000:28
cl Virmem_bot (942nd )00:1120100:13
br Player18 (609th )00:400100:44
br FortniteLover (1330th )00:100100:11
Totals3 (3925)2052205625014028.778.7900:12
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
no hOre (57th )33:1982258858824970.2529.8800:08
gb One (483rd )33:1879831931926654.5313.1800:08
nl panelle (123rd )31:0170548348319970.8233.0100:10
us cam (84th )20:0344229729710973.1532.8900:12
ca Richie$Rich (933rd )33:1934922622625347.1811.1800:08
ee MIDA (1415th )33:18236147148278134.668.2000:07
de Schubi (1355th )33:18230818124924.557.6300:08
us Storm (885th )12:0418775755159.5218.6300:15
ca .Player. (427th )19:5214383837847.866.8800:17
br Cheirao_de_Pica (620th )27:08101505017322.424.9500:10
Totals2 (4013)2349235019051050.4916.6400:10

Kills Match Up
se StarDust (365th )      35          66643725835649131236
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd )  3   6          3623231316384161619
us OS (402nd )      15          3242199323634111837
be SonOfSam (384th )      14          3431351842313591127
gb Atlantis (1332nd )      6          153012101317284210
de wpxc (1637th ) 16623811139110 3    11912 599669
il THP (416th )      7          1815813121512  2
bigboi (1326th )  1   7          10131632113112413
mx *uT*Cesar* (973rd )      3          111821417108 77
se LlamaDonkey (1181st )      8          111381171714 18
nl El_Pudiente (1488th )                 425 264 15
se lili (670th )                 1112111   
hu vikram (2363rd )                      1    
cl Virmem_bot (942nd )                           
br Player18 (609th )                           
br FortniteLover (1330th )                           
no hOre (57th ) 596157597044239029382326111      6    
gb One (483rd ) 412850283313154323121613         4    
nl panelle (123rd ) 3644544671342077382317181        4    
us cam (84th ) 244137134353741916 21   1     9    
ca Richie$Rich (933rd ) 3718231830211023178108         3    
ee MIDA (1415th ) 17211813184798786     521212   
de Schubi (1355th ) 101411385473664              
us Storm (885th ) 75198710 64 9               
ca .Player. (427th ) 91166912 14615 1        21   
br Cheirao_de_Pica (620th ) 58594517312               

Weapons Summary
mx *uT*Cesar* (973rd ) 106
ca .Player. (427th ) 3 9 2
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 13 134
bigboi (1326th ) 1 113
us cam (84th ) 297
br Cheirao_de_Pica (620th ) 2 48
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 2 27
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd ) 237
no hOre (57th ) 2 586
se lili (670th ) 8
se LlamaDonkey (1181st ) 98
ee MIDA (1415th ) 15 133
gb One (483rd ) 6 313
us OS (402nd ) 6 279
nl panelle (123rd ) 1 482
ca Richie$Rich (933rd ) 6 220
de Schubi (1355th ) 4 77
be SonOfSam (384th ) 7 280
se StarDust (365th ) 4 472
us Storm (885th ) 75
il THP (416th ) 5 97
hu vikram (2363rd ) 1
cl Virmem_bot (942nd )
de wpxc (1637th ) 10 156
mx *uT*Cesar* (973rd ) 641
ca .Player. (427th ) 699
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 1525
bigboi (1326th ) 1541
us cam (84th ) 903
br Cheirao_de_Pica (620th ) 323
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 458
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd ) 1770
no hOre (57th ) 1961
se lili (670th ) 91
se LlamaDonkey (1181st ) 469
ee MIDA (1415th ) 1720
gb One (483rd ) 2011
us OS (402nd ) 1473
nl panelle (123rd ) 1427
ca Richie$Rich (933rd ) 1834
de Schubi (1355th ) 957
be SonOfSam (384th ) 1840
se StarDust (365th ) 1907
us Storm (885th ) 365
il THP (416th ) 838
hu vikram (2363rd ) 22
cl Virmem_bot (942nd ) 6
de wpxc (1637th ) 2233
mx *uT*Cesar* (973rd ) 96
ca .Player. (427th ) 56
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 138
bigboi (1326th ) 114
us cam (84th ) 297
br Cheirao_de_Pica (620th ) 16
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 28
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd ) 232
no hOre (57th ) 586
se lili (670th ) 8
se LlamaDonkey (1181st ) 98
ee MIDA (1415th ) 141
gb One (483rd ) 265
us OS (402nd ) 251
nl panelle (123rd ) 471
ca Richie$Rich (933rd ) 205
de Schubi (1355th ) 73
be SonOfSam (384th ) 256
se StarDust (365th ) 470
us Storm (885th ) 68
il THP (416th ) 97
hu vikram (2363rd )
cl Virmem_bot (942nd )
de wpxc (1637th ) 159
mx *uT*Cesar* (973rd ) 143541
ca .Player. (427th ) 79576
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 189437
bigboi (1326th ) 170748
us cam (84th ) 445500
br Cheirao_de_Pica (620th ) 20849
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 40393
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd ) 350300
no hOre (57th ) 881257
se lili (670th ) 12000
se LlamaDonkey (1181st ) 147000
ee MIDA (1415th ) 193633
gb One (483rd ) 388037
us OS (402nd ) 368053
nl panelle (123rd ) 707536
ca Richie$Rich (933rd ) 297085
de Schubi (1355th ) 98830
be SonOfSam (384th ) 373991
se StarDust (365th ) 703804
us Storm (885th ) 101319
il THP (416th ) 133671
hu vikram (2363rd )
cl Virmem_bot (942nd )
de wpxc (1637th ) 219016
mx *uT*Cesar* (973rd ) 14.98
ca .Player. (427th ) 8.01
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 9.05
bigboi (1326th ) 7.40
us cam (84th ) 32.89
br Cheirao_de_Pica (620th ) 4.95
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 6.11
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd ) 13.11
no hOre (57th ) 29.88
se lili (670th ) 8.79
se LlamaDonkey (1181st ) 20.90
ee MIDA (1415th ) 8.20
gb One (483rd ) 13.18
us OS (402nd ) 17.04
nl panelle (123rd ) 33.01
ca Richie$Rich (933rd ) 11.18
de Schubi (1355th ) 7.63
be SonOfSam (384th ) 13.91
se StarDust (365th ) 24.65
us Storm (885th ) 18.63
il THP (416th ) 11.58
hu vikram (2363rd )
cl Virmem_bot (942nd )
de wpxc (1637th ) 7.12

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
mx *uT*Cesar* (973rd ) 14 3 1 1
ca .Player. (427th ) 10 2 5
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 7 5 1 1
bigboi (1326th ) 13 5 2
us cam (84th ) 24 22 10 13 23 3 1
br Cheirao_de_Pica (620th ) 10 2 1
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 4
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd ) 38 10 1 7
br FortniteLover (1330th )
no hOre (57th ) 56 41 22 22 32 3 1
se lili (670th )
se LlamaDonkey (1181st ) 15 5 1 1
ee MIDA (1415th ) 16 3 1 1
gb One (483rd ) 47 18 5 4 17
us OS (402nd ) 40 16 8 1 9
nl panelle (123rd ) 42 23 13 22 29 4 1
br Player18 (609th )
ca Richie$Rich (933rd ) 28 8 4 4
de Schubi (1355th ) 3 3 1
be SonOfSam (384th ) 42 20 6 2 14
se StarDust (365th ) Yes 57 28 14 17 31 3
us Storm (885th ) 11 1 1 1 4
il THP (416th ) 12 4 2 2
hu vikram (2363rd )
cl Virmem_bot (942nd )
de wpxc (1637th ) 17 5 2 4

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
mx *uT*Cesar* (973rd ) 10 6
ca .Player. (427th ) 24 2
gb Atlantis (1332nd ) 8 5
bigboi (1326th ) 0 0
us cam (84th ) 0 0
br Cheirao_de_Pica (620th ) 37 7
nl El_Pudiente (1488th ) 0 0
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd ) 3 1
br FortniteLover (1330th ) 0 0
no hOre (57th ) 0 0
se lili (670th ) 0 0
se LlamaDonkey (1181st ) 0 0
ee MIDA (1415th ) 7 6
gb One (483rd ) 53 26
us OS (402nd ) 30 18
nl panelle (123rd ) 12 2
br Player18 (609th ) 0 0
ca Richie$Rich (933rd ) 23 8
de Schubi (1355th ) 5 2
be SonOfSam (384th ) 28 14
se StarDust (365th ) 2 1
us Storm (885th ) 7 3
il THP (416th ) 5 1
hu vikram (2363rd ) 1 1
cl Virmem_bot (942nd ) 0 0
de wpxc (1637th ) 6 2

Match Report
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