Match Stats
3 7
Match Date Thu, Jan 2 2025 at 9:47 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name 2on2 Crates spfix
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: dawg, A., Enraged_Newb

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
se effibrie (42nd ) 460 20 3 23 1 21 17
pt bife (127th ) 434 8 1 9 1 24 15 6
us §øul~Cøllectør (660th ) 428 3 6 8 4 1 15 18
be 3ff! (1059th ) 303 6 6 12 2 15 13
nl El_Pudiente (1493rd ) 285 1 3 4 2 18 24
il THP (419th ) 273 5 2 6 8 1 12 6
gb Warner (536th ) 239 3 1 4 13 10 4
us Lunar (299th ) 210 5 1 6 8 9 2
ru E/\b-KyXyu* (1851st ) 143 10 7 17 1 4 2 2
us uranus (659th ) 127 4 2 5 3 1 5 3
tr MadViper (1293rd ) 114 6 3 9 3 5 3
Totals 3 3016 71 35 103 3 92 0 3 123 81
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
cz josty* (43rd ) 582 19 8 25 21 2 17 6
nl ACE (366th ) 380 25 6 29 1 16 2 10 9
cl Virmem_bot (947th ) 365 1 1 2 13 22 5
us LoSahn (1170th ) 297 7 5 11 4 1 15 17
gb shmoo (573rd ) 290 13 7 19 1 11 1 7 10
hu jerkky (914th ) 267 10 3 12 13 1 7 3
es ArkDark (1089th ) 137 3 1 4 5 3 7
be LaNe (2073rd ) 6 1 1 2 2
Totals 7 2324 79 32 104 2 83 0 7 81 59

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
se effibrie (42nd )15:45460206207102166.7717.9300:10
pt bife (127th )15:40434203204108165.1827.0800:09
us §øul~Cøllectør (660th )13:39428767612038.099.5800:07
be 3ff! (1059th )15:45303808014136.208.3000:07
nl El_Pudiente (1493rd )15:45285696917028.879.4600:06
il THP (419th )11:5427392926757.868.8100:11
gb Warner (536th )09:152391011015664.337.9100:10
us Lunar (299th )12:3121081816455.868.9200:12
ru E/\b-KyXyu* (1851st )15:45143727212336.9212.4400:08
us uranus (659th )08:45127444571138.465.9200:08
tr MadViper (1293rd )12:46114505010532.2612.4600:08
Totals3 (3016)1074107711273047.3511.7100:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
cz josty* (43rd )15:4558225525511968.1816.1200:08
nl ACE (366th )15:4538014214210856.8023.2800:09
cl Virmem_bot (947th )15:453651021029950.756.4900:10
us LoSahn (1170th )15:45297747412936.456.2100:08
gb shmoo (573rd )15:45290999911147.148.5100:09
hu jerkky (914th )15:4526796969650.008.1700:10
es ArkDark (1089th )15:45137707011138.679.0900:09
be LaNe (2073rd )02:33611165.884.0000:10
Totals7 (2324)8398397890044.2310.2300:09

Kills Match Up
se effibrie (42nd ) 1 2318281581530 2227347124 
pt bife (127th )  13024211415920 2714465816 
us §øul~Cøllectør (660th ) 116       1  164999101
be 3ff! (1059th ) 512       3 2104151487 
nl El_Pudiente (1493rd ) 81       5 11081110483
il THP (419th ) 712       6  1391216962
gb Warner (536th ) 710       10  88141312163
us Lunar (299th ) 814       8  891039111
ru E/\b-KyXyu* (1851st ) 57       6 1145111058 
us uranus (659th )   6552 1312102322 2 
tr MadViper (1293rd ) 43          9748951
cz josty* (43rd ) 34311711   516  1132291728285
nl ACE (366th ) 251627266571741215       
cl Virmem_bot (947th ) 41914166106113418       
us LoSahn (1170th ) 22416844610468       
gb shmoo (573rd ) 3291119754134139       
hu jerkky (914th )  1101517561010 166       
es ArkDark (1089th ) 21114198364138       
be LaNe (2073rd )   1                

Weapons Summary
be 3ff! (1059th ) 8 72
nl ACE (366th ) 142
es ArkDark (1089th ) 5 65
pt bife (127th ) 204
ru E/\b-KyXyu* (1851st ) 72
se effibrie (42nd ) 4 203
nl El_Pudiente (1493rd ) 6 63
hu jerkky (914th ) 2 94
cz josty* (43rd ) 5 250
be LaNe (2073rd ) 1
us LoSahn (1170th ) 3 71
us Lunar (299th ) 4 77
tr MadViper (1293rd ) 1 49
gb shmoo (573rd ) 1 98
il THP (419th ) 92
us uranus (659th ) 4 41
cl Virmem_bot (947th ) 3 98 1
gb Warner (536th ) 2 99
us §øul~Cøllectør (660th ) 1 47
be 3ff! (1059th ) 518
nl ACE (366th ) 580
es ArkDark (1089th ) 396
pt bife (127th ) 746
ru E/\b-KyXyu* (1851st ) 402
se effibrie (42nd ) 920
nl El_Pudiente (1493rd ) 687
hu jerkky (914th ) 404
cz josty* (43rd ) 819
be LaNe (2073rd ) 25
us LoSahn (1170th ) 692
us Lunar (299th ) 527
tr MadViper (1293rd ) 353
gb shmoo (573rd ) 658
il THP (419th ) 738
us uranus (659th ) 355
cl Virmem_bot (947th ) 663
gb Warner (536th ) 354
us §øul~Cøllectør (660th ) 269
be 3ff! (1059th ) 43
nl ACE (366th ) 135
es ArkDark (1089th ) 36
pt bife (127th ) 202
ru E/\b-KyXyu* (1851st ) 50
se effibrie (42nd ) 165
nl El_Pudiente (1493rd ) 65
hu jerkky (914th ) 33
cz josty* (43rd ) 132
be LaNe (2073rd ) 1
us LoSahn (1170th ) 43
us Lunar (299th ) 47
tr MadViper (1293rd ) 44
gb shmoo (573rd ) 56
il THP (419th ) 65
us uranus (659th ) 21
cl Virmem_bot (947th ) 43
gb Warner (536th ) 28
us §øul~Cøllectør (660th ) 24
be 3ff! (1059th ) 50330
nl ACE (366th ) 201912
es ArkDark (1089th ) 44695
pt bife (127th ) 306000
ru E/\b-KyXyu* (1851st ) 70587
se effibrie (42nd ) 241829
nl El_Pudiente (1493rd ) 80639
hu jerkky (914th ) 42263
cz josty* (43rd ) 187628
be LaNe (2073rd ) 1500
us LoSahn (1170th ) 51240
us Lunar (299th ) 63678
tr MadViper (1293rd ) 64589
gb shmoo (573rd ) 74041
il THP (419th ) 85604
us uranus (659th ) 26691
cl Virmem_bot (947th ) 43841
gb Warner (536th ) 34423
us §øul~Cøllectør (660th ) 30918
be 3ff! (1059th ) 8.30
nl ACE (366th ) 23.28
es ArkDark (1089th ) 9.09
pt bife (127th ) 27.08
ru E/\b-KyXyu* (1851st ) 12.44
se effibrie (42nd ) 17.93
nl El_Pudiente (1493rd ) 9.46
hu jerkky (914th ) 8.17
cz josty* (43rd ) 16.12
be LaNe (2073rd ) 4.00
us LoSahn (1170th ) 6.21
us Lunar (299th ) 8.92
tr MadViper (1293rd ) 12.46
gb shmoo (573rd ) 8.51
il THP (419th ) 8.81
us uranus (659th ) 5.92
cl Virmem_bot (947th ) 6.49
gb Warner (536th ) 7.91
us §øul~Cøllectør (660th ) 8.92

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
be 3ff! (1059th ) 5 4 1 1
nl ACE (366th ) 20 7 2 2 4
es ArkDark (1089th ) 10 2 1
pt bife (127th ) 34 7 7 6 11 4
ru E/\b-KyXyu* (1851st ) 9 1 1
se effibrie (42nd ) 25 10 7 4 8 2 1
nl El_Pudiente (1493rd ) 7 3
hu jerkky (914th ) 16 4 2 1 6
cz josty* (43rd ) Yes 27 23 8 6 16 1
be LaNe (2073rd )
us LoSahn (1170th ) 11 1 1
us Lunar (299th ) 13 1 1 1 1 1
tr MadViper (1293rd ) 5 1 1 1
gb shmoo (573rd ) 17 6 2
il THP (419th ) 13 3 2 3
us uranus (659th ) 5 3 2
cl Virmem_bot (947th ) 12 3 2 5 1
gb Warner (536th ) 16 3 3 4 6 1
us §øul~Cøllectør (660th ) 7 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
be 3ff! (1059th ) 39 16
nl ACE (366th ) 8 4
es ArkDark (1089th ) 36 4
pt bife (127th ) 0 0
ru E/\b-KyXyu* (1851st ) 25 6
se effibrie (42nd ) 42 13
nl El_Pudiente (1493rd ) 5 2
hu jerkky (914th ) 66 24
cz josty* (43rd ) 122 35
be LaNe (2073rd ) 0 0
us LoSahn (1170th ) 29 5
us Lunar (299th ) 33 5
tr MadViper (1293rd ) 5 1
gb shmoo (573rd ) 43 7
il THP (419th ) 26 6
us uranus (659th ) 24 4
cl Virmem_bot (947th ) 62 6
gb Warner (536th ) 77 3
us §øul~Cøllectør (660th ) 10 8

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format