Match Stats
2 3
Match Date Wed, Jan 15 2025 at 5:19 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL spfix
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: wiz, Ulquiorra

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
cl Virmem_bot (941st ) 412 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 2
se effibrie (42nd ) 353 7 1 8 7 5 3
no hOre (58th ) 302 3 1 4 7 3
it atezris (457th ) 296 6 1 4 4 1 3 5 4
tr Furnisher (1115th ) 179 2 10 7
it TeX (1149th ) 138 2 2 5 3
se BRUNO (651st ) 125 20 20 2
si lego (311th ) 104 5 1
no FLAGtaker (821st ) 81 1 2 3 2 1
nl Pacman (1278th ) 78 1 1 1 3 3
gb /L/p/S\o\T\ (1288th ) 56 2 4
us Smooth (803rd ) 43 3 3 1 1 1
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 26
fr Bounce (481st ) 23
us Gandar (917th ) 15
ru NagibbatorXXX 2
Totals 2 2233 40 8 44 3 28 4 4 46 28
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl pfff (106th ) 284 5 8 12 5 1 2 3
ee maksim (888th ) 207 3 1 4 1 1 6 7
ru Stromatotahmar (957th ) 204 3 3 3 7 1
it *_) (804th ) 174 6 1 1
ma Player15 (646th ) 115 7 8
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd ) 112 7 3 10 1 4 3
no Snake^ (535th ) 100 1 1 2 2
cz ezero (726th ) 49 1 1
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1120th ) 6 2
de triple (1777th )
Totals 3 1251 19 13 31 2 17 0 1 28 26

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
cl Virmem_bot (941st )18:254126972100339.262.4500:14
se effibrie (42nd )20:0035326226214464.5322.0000:09
no hOre (58th )20:00302254255142164.0731.6300:09
it atezris (457th )20:00296149151165247.4824.6300:07
tr Furnisher (1115th )20:00179767611539.796.0900:11
it TeX (1149th )17:431386970110138.6711.7500:10
se BRUNO (651st )20:001256566179126.838.6700:07
si lego (311th )07:0110483834166.9437.5000:11
no FLAGtaker (821st )14:3381606011629.656.4200:10
nl Pacman (1278th )07:517837375440.6612.7700:09
gb /L/p/S\o\T\ (1288th )08:085634345936.569.0000:09
us Smooth (803rd )03:4143993023.085.1300:07
us [TSC]DMAND (725th )06:2026252645136.117.1400:09
fr Bounce (481st )03:312323231658.9727.3800:14
us Gandar (917th )02:171515151353.5714.1200:11
ru NagibbatorXXX01:342221016.675.7100:10
Totals2 (2233)1232124113399042.6814.5200:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl pfff (106th )20:0028422522511566.1827.4000:11
ee maksim (888th )20:0020710710713244.777.0900:09
ru Stromatotahmar (957th )20:00204117118120149.3710.1400:10
it *_) (804th )20:001741471479161.7614.3000:14
ma Player15 (646th )08:48115474956245.7914.4600:10
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd )11:1611246467837.1013.9600:09
no Snake^ (535th )13:2110090907255.5612.4600:12
cz ezero (726th )03:594927273345.008.4600:07
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1120th )02:176551821.743.6700:08
de triple (1777th )00:180100:20
Totals3 (1251)8118147163042.7311.1900:11

Kills Match Up
cl Virmem_bot (941st ) 33106 542 1 32   11825 55   
se effibrie (42nd ) 5 365 176 1   10   30421725172213124 
no hOre (58th ) 203212620102352124143  34661137 4103 
it atezris (457th ) 7312298104 4  8   16181810171114 
tr Furnisher (1115th ) 1 111 44 1       10955310732 
it TeX (1149th ) 3536218444221   311025 31 1
se BRUNO (651st ) 1 332211 3 15   59861231 1 
si lego (311th ) 5 106 143 1       912 11 12    
no FLAGtaker (821st ) 1 6  3   1  1   5774641032 
nl Pacman (1278th )   52 55         34 9 22   
gb /L/p/S\o\T\ (1288th )   4  1      1   6354235   
us Smooth (803rd ) 1 3             11 2 1    
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 25 5 23 4 1 111       2   
fr Bounce (481st )                 533 3 432 
us Gandar (917th )             4   1232  3   
ru NagibbatorXXX   1                1      
nl pfff (106th ) 232893025930716510836 2  14       
ee maksim (888th ) 114311116216132673     3       
ru Stromatotahmar (957th ) 3614174718 12 5 233 4712 92   
it *_) (804th ) 4174211791392021161 33  7       
ma Player15 (646th ) 29155313 8 2  1      2     
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd ) 36 27 103 81       6       
no Snake^ (535th ) 17111141045 11 7 3231  1       
cz ezero (726th ) 1455212 4   12            
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1120th )  11 1 1      1            
de triple (1777th )                           

Weapons Summary
it *_) (804th ) 4 143 965 138 14.30 201057
gb /L/p/S\o\T\ (1288th ) 34 311 28 9.00 40133
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 3 23 350 25 7.14 31296
it atezris (457th ) 4 147 544 134 24.63 200155
fr Bounce (481st ) 23 84 23 27.38 34500
se BRUNO (651st ) 12 54 496 43 8.67 55550
se effibrie (42nd ) 4 258 1050 231 22.00 333855
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd ) 1 45 308 43 13.96 60326
cz ezero (726th ) 1 26 201 17 8.46 22444
no FLAGtaker (821st ) 5 54 739 56 7.58 75790
tr Furnisher (1115th ) 1 75 722 44 6.09 60776
us Gandar (917th ) 15 85 12 14.12 18000
no hOre (58th ) 255 800 253 31.63 379500
si lego (311th ) 1 82 216 81 37.50 121500
ee maksim (888th ) 10 97 875 62 7.09 80211
ru NagibbatorXXX 2 35 2 5.71 3000
nl Pacman (1278th ) 2 35 274 35 12.77 46251
nl pfff (106th ) 3 222 770 211 27.40 313077
ma Player15 (646th ) 1 48 325 47 14.46 68525
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1120th ) 1 4 109 4 3.67 5569
us Smooth (803rd ) 1 8 117 6 5.13 7579
no Snake^ (535th ) 3 87 690 86 12.46 125360
ru Stromatotahmar (957th ) 5 113 996 101 10.14 139286
it TeX (1149th ) 1 69 417 49 11.75 72419
cl Virmem_bot (941st ) 1 1 48 1 2.08 1248

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
it *_) (804th ) 18 1 6 2 3 3
gb /L/p/S\o\T\ (1288th ) 4 1
it atezris (457th ) 23 5 4 1 3
fr Bounce (481st ) 2 1 1
se BRUNO (651st ) 5 2 1 1 1
se effibrie (42nd ) 29 13 8 9 13 1 1
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd ) 4 2 1 2
cz ezero (726th ) 4
no FLAGtaker (821st ) 6 4
tr Furnisher (1115th ) 11 2 3
us Gandar (917th ) 2 1
no hOre (58th ) 27 18 6 8 19 2
si lego (311th ) 6 4 2 5 4 1
ee maksim (888th ) 12 5 1 4
ru NagibbatorXXX 1
nl Pacman (1278th ) 4 1 1 1
nl pfff (106th ) Yes 32 19 3 4 11 2
ma Player15 (646th ) 9 2
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1120th ) 1
us Smooth (803rd ) 1
no Snake^ (535th ) 10 3 2 4
ru Stromatotahmar (957th ) 14 2 1 5
it TeX (1149th ) 8 2 1
de triple (1777th )
cl Virmem_bot (941st ) 9 2 1 2
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 5 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
it *_) (804th ) 7 2
gb /L/p/S\o\T\ (1288th ) 6 1
it atezris (457th ) 16 9
fr Bounce (481st ) 0 0
se BRUNO (651st ) 19 13
se effibrie (42nd ) 28 13
ma Enraged_Newb (873rd ) 2 0
cz ezero (726th ) 11 7
no FLAGtaker (821st ) 2 1
tr Furnisher (1115th ) 31 1
us Gandar (917th ) 3 0
no hOre (58th ) 2 1
si lego (311th ) 2 2
ee maksim (888th ) 44 18
ru NagibbatorXXX 0 0
nl Pacman (1278th ) 3 2
nl pfff (106th ) 12 4
ma Player15 (646th ) 2 0
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (1120th ) 1 0
us Smooth (803rd ) 2 1
no Snake^ (535th ) 5 3
ru Stromatotahmar (957th ) 22 8
it TeX (1149th ) 21 6
de triple (1777th ) 0 0
cl Virmem_bot (941st ) 40 4
us [TSC]DMAND (725th ) 0 0

Match Report
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