Match Stats
7 0
Match Date Sat, Jan 4 2025 at 6:56 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Lunar, UnemployedCreep!, Ooper

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl creep (25th ) 571 11 4 14 3 21 2 1 14 5
de (162nd ) 400 10 5 12 16 1 3 11 5
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 266 10 2 12 3 6 7
nl Player16 (560th ) 245 5 5 12 6
de Schubi (1367th ) 109 17 1 17 1 1 3 4
gb Bird (2203rd ) 92 2 2 4 9 2 2
se Gerdy (1551st ) 65 3 3 1 4 6
ru A. (774th ) 28 2 1 2 1
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (878th ) 26 2 1 3 1 3
Totals 7 1802 59 19 72 5 61 3 6 47 32
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ee Elmo (145th ) 379 2 1 2 15 3 1 4 3
cz josty* (43rd ) 346 11 1 12 7 7 1
si noxfox (344th ) 251 5 1 2
pl kappa (482nd ) 229 2 2 4 5 1 13 14
us OS (405th ) 228 5 5 1 13 5
at 432 (779th ) 217 4 4 6 10 4
ru VICTUS (1317th ) 138 6 4 10 2 9 5
de /\\/ (1226th ) 121 1 1 1 5 5
us Bueno (652nd ) 2
de longdonggameboy (2556th ) -4
Totals 0 1907 26 13 38 0 42 4 1 62 39

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl creep (25th )14:0857126026276277.0640.3400:12
de (162nd )14:0840018218212559.2820.5000:07
ma Enraged_Newb (880th )10:362664649100319.296.1300:07
nl Player16 (560th )07:182451341345471.2832.1200:08
de Schubi (1367th )14:081093537112224.508.3700:08
gb Bird (2203rd )14:0892474713326.116.6600:07
se Gerdy (1551st )12:31652425115117.738.4700:07
ru A. (774th )00:532855645.4516.1300:09
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (878th )03:212614142436.842.8600:08
Totals7 (1802)7477557458041.9515.7300:08
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ee Elmo (145th )14:08379276276128168.2337.2500:07
cz josty* (43rd )12:35346234237123365.2925.0000:06
si noxfox (344th )14:11251126128107254.6611.3000:08
pl kappa (482nd )10:0222983839945.6017.4700:06
us OS (405th )09:45228818292146.8614.6400:06
at 432 (779th )14:08217999913642.1317.8900:06
ru VICTUS (1317th )14:081384344129125.295.3200:07
de /\\/ (1226th )07:4212159597942.7515.2600:06
us Bueno (652nd )00:21222528.5728.5700:04
de longdonggameboy (2556th )13:39-4-4212661.490.6900:07
Totals0 (1907)9991012102413142.0917.3400:06

Kills Match Up
pl creep (25th ) 2533 744 5536261920322715 24
de (162nd ) 3 19   3  22017913262716225
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 76371155  5 11 1    
nl Player16 (560th )   16      41014184251714 12
de Schubi (1367th )   1 2 1  15153643 7
gb Bird (2203rd )   4   1  13417783 8
se Gerdy (1551st )   2  31  66221111  
ru A. (774th )          11 2  1   
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (878th )       1      53  23
ee Elmo (145th ) 3 16 47101  3529829313627141
cz josty* (43rd ) 164122325353926333411      
si noxfox (344th ) 216261314141135 25322  3
pl kappa (482nd ) 810378851 177 726  3
us OS (405th ) 5131118154 514 151     
at 432 (779th ) 530 3121911 57 16      
ru VICTUS (1317th ) 4911655117  4  1   
de /\\/ (1226th ) 44 671712  6  3      
us Bueno (652nd )      1  1          
de longdonggameboy (2556th )  1  1             6

Weapons Summary
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (878th ) 1 13
de /\\/ (1226th ) 1 58
at 432 (779th ) 99
ru A. (774th ) 5
gb Bird (2203rd ) 47
us Bueno (652nd ) 2
pl creep (25th ) 262
ee Elmo (145th ) 1 277
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 47
se Gerdy (1551st ) 25
cz josty* (43rd ) 1 236
pl kappa (482nd ) 5 78
de longdonggameboy (2556th ) 2
si noxfox (344th ) 5 65
us OS (405th ) 82
de (162nd ) 182
nl Player16 (560th ) 1 133
de Schubi (1367th ) 4 33
ru VICTUS (1317th ) 2 41 1
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (878th ) 175
de /\\/ (1226th ) 249
at 432 (779th ) 436
ru A. (774th ) 31
gb Bird (2203rd ) 706
us Bueno (652nd ) 7
pl creep (25th ) 595
ee Elmo (145th ) 741
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 3
se Gerdy (1551st ) 295
cz josty* (43rd ) 752
pl kappa (482nd ) 458
de longdonggameboy (2556th ) 291
si noxfox (344th ) 307
us OS (405th ) 478
de (162nd ) 727
nl Player16 (560th ) 302
de Schubi (1367th ) 406
ru VICTUS (1317th ) 432
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (878th ) 5
de /\\/ (1226th ) 38
at 432 (779th ) 78
ru A. (774th ) 5
gb Bird (2203rd ) 47
us Bueno (652nd ) 2
pl creep (25th ) 240
ee Elmo (145th ) 276
ma Enraged_Newb (880th )
se Gerdy (1551st ) 25
cz josty* (43rd ) 188
pl kappa (482nd ) 80
de longdonggameboy (2556th ) 2
si noxfox (344th ) 35
us OS (405th ) 70
de (162nd ) 149
nl Player16 (560th ) 97
de Schubi (1367th ) 34
ru VICTUS (1317th ) 23
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (878th ) 5832
de /\\/ (1226th ) 53359
at 432 (779th ) 114537
ru A. (774th ) 7500
gb Bird (2203rd ) 70500
us Bueno (652nd ) 3000
pl creep (25th ) 358873
ee Elmo (145th ) 414000
ma Enraged_Newb (880th )
se Gerdy (1551st ) 35398
cz josty* (43rd ) 277791
pl kappa (482nd ) 113718
de longdonggameboy (2556th ) 3000
si noxfox (344th ) 45755
us OS (405th ) 100085
de (162nd ) 209710
nl Player16 (560th ) 143737
de Schubi (1367th ) 45405
ru VICTUS (1317th ) 29646
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (878th ) 2.86
de /\\/ (1226th ) 15.26
at 432 (779th ) 17.89
ru A. (774th ) 16.13
gb Bird (2203rd ) 6.66
us Bueno (652nd ) 28.57
pl creep (25th ) 40.34
ee Elmo (145th ) 37.25
ma Enraged_Newb (880th )
se Gerdy (1551st ) 8.47
cz josty* (43rd ) 25.00
pl kappa (482nd ) 17.47
de longdonggameboy (2556th ) 0.69
si noxfox (344th ) 11.40
us OS (405th ) 14.64
de (162nd ) 20.50
nl Player16 (560th ) 32.12
de Schubi (1367th ) 8.37
ru VICTUS (1317th ) 5.32

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (878th ) 1 2
de /\\/ (1226th ) 5 3 3 3
at 432 (779th ) 17 2 1 3
ru A. (774th ) 1
gb Bird (2203rd ) 5
us Bueno (652nd ) 1
pl creep (25th ) Yes 21 16 9 12 14 5 2 1
ee Elmo (145th ) 23 12 6 18 11 2 3
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 8 1 1 1
se Gerdy (1551st ) 2
cz josty* (43rd ) 22 15 7 10 15 1
pl kappa (482nd ) 15 2 1 1
de longdonggameboy (2556th )
si noxfox (344th ) 19 7 2 4 7 1
us OS (405th ) 13 3 3 1 1
de (162nd ) 27 5 6 6 8 2
nl Player16 (560th ) 13 8 3 6 7 1 1
de Schubi (1367th ) 3 1
ru VICTUS (1317th ) 3 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
fr -=]UM[=-The_Shadow (878th ) 10 0
de /\\/ (1226th ) 24 0
at 432 (779th ) 21 6
ru A. (774th ) 0 0
gb Bird (2203rd ) 0 0
us Bueno (652nd ) 0 0
pl creep (25th ) 21 16
ee Elmo (145th ) 1 3
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 8 1
se Gerdy (1551st ) 1 0
cz josty* (43rd ) 49 11
pl kappa (482nd ) 4 0
de longdonggameboy (2556th ) 0 0
si noxfox (344th ) 42 4
us OS (405th ) 12 4
de (162nd ) 32 9
nl Player16 (560th ) 40 8
de Schubi (1367th ) 2 1
ru VICTUS (1317th ) 20 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format