Match Stats
5 2
Match Date Thu, Jan 2 2025 at 8:25 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: xesa, Sonny

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Ooper (29th ) 871 36 2 35 1 13 3 32 10
us uranus (663rd ) 207 9 3 10 3 2 6 6
be 3ff! (1064th ) 181 5 5 9 5 1 8 7
de wpxc (1647th ) 176 1 1 7 1 7 8
nl El_Pudiente (1499th ) 156 3 3 6 7 4 9
pl kargul (1159th ) 82 1 1 7 6
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 73 8 1 9 1 3 3
it AaAAaAaaa (931st ) 33 2 2 2 1
ru Lucifer (118th ) 31 1 1 1
es bartolillo666 (2395th )
Totals 5 1810 65 14 73 1 39 1 6 69 50
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
cl ANTIWOKE_Beers (1032nd ) 391 13 1 17 2
gb shmoo (575th ) 297 24 4 28 1 2 15 16
pt Kurogane (175th ) 231 5 2 7 10 1 4 2
pl Ev][L (1056th ) 180 7 1 8 1 2 1 5 9
se Broder_Tuhk (1521st ) 167 3 3 6 5 7
ru x4.`unreal (8th ) 106 1 1 1 2 1
gb Warner (537th ) 76 1
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (853rd ) 36 3 1 1
at 432 (779th ) 4 1 1
nl T-SM (1431st ) 2
Totals 2 1490 40 8 47 2 38 3 1 49 38

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Ooper (29th )20:09871397399143273.3533.8400:09
us uranus (663rd )14:25207858690148.5910.5500:10
be 3ff! (1064th )20:091817984170532.437.9600:07
de wpxc (1647th )20:091767779141235.596.1700:09
nl El_Pudiente (1499th )20:091568587140237.999.1900:09
pl kargul (1159th )06:488224246925.819.2100:06
ma Enraged_Newb (880th )06:4873262944321.484.7800:10
it AaAAaAaaa (931st )01:313318181064.2931.5800:10
ru Lucifer (118th )01:16311010662.5023.8100:14
es bartolillo666 (2395th )03:33-113122.942.8200:07
Totals5 (1810)80081784417040.5013.9900:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
cl ANTIWOKE_Beers (1032nd )20:0939120620617154.6419.3900:07
gb shmoo (575th )20:0929710910918237.468.5100:07
pt Kurogane (175th )09:0923111511665163.7416.2900:09
pl Ev][L (1056th )20:091808487103345.086.1300:12
se Broder_Tuhk (1521st )13:111679910193251.5315.8000:09
ru x4.`unreal (8th )04:10106626330167.0233.8700:09
gb Warner (537th )08:0976262928337.864.7900:20
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (853rd )04:0836212230141.515.6100:09
at 432 (779th )00:494235133.334.7600:10
nl T-SM (1431st )00:34211325.0000:12
Totals2 (1490)72573771012045.7211.5100:10

Kills Match Up
gb Ooper (29th ) 2103410  17  61168723304565721
us uranus (663rd ) 111043 5  1111311105255  
be 3ff! (1064th ) 67555 2  381191114 12  
de wpxc (1647th )  3424 5  312651211 212 
nl El_Pudiente (1499th )  11412 6  4191329101421 
pl kargul (1159th )       1   56325 11  
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 7253543        3    
it AaAAaAaaa (931st )           1632 113 1
ru Lucifer (118th )           121221   1
es bartolillo666 (2395th )   1      2          
cl ANTIWOKE_Beers (1032nd ) 611630333510  35   6 43   
gb shmoo (575th ) 24121511229   2   8 51   
pt Kurogane (175th ) 131420221919 212  1  22   
pl Ev][L (1056th ) 1351324188     4 3 11   
se Broder_Tuhk (1521st ) 13111422211113 3    22    
ru x4.`unreal (8th ) 23 234632 66771129  
gb Warner (537th )  421111  23813 23   
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (853rd ) 327243 1         1  
at 432 (779th )   11         1    1 
nl T-SM (1431st )        1            

Weapons Summary
be 3ff! (1064th ) 10 74
at 432 (779th ) 3
it AaAAaAaaa (931st ) 18
cl ANTIWOKE_Beers (1032nd ) 2 204
es bartolillo666 (2395th ) 1
se Broder_Tuhk (1521st ) 101
nl El_Pudiente (1499th ) 4 83
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 1 27
pl Ev][L (1056th ) 6 80 1
pl kargul (1159th ) 1 23
pt Kurogane (175th ) 116
ru Lucifer (118th ) 10
gb Ooper (29th ) 2 397
gb shmoo (575th ) 5 104
nl T-SM (1431st ) 1
us uranus (663rd ) 4 82
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (853rd ) 1 20 1
gb Warner (537th ) 1
de wpxc (1647th ) 2 77
ru x4.`unreal (8th ) 63
be 3ff! (1064th ) 791
at 432 (779th ) 21
it AaAAaAaaa (931st ) 57
cl ANTIWOKE_Beers (1032nd ) 1047
es bartolillo666 (2395th ) 71
se Broder_Tuhk (1521st ) 633
nl El_Pudiente (1499th ) 914
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 271
pl Ev][L (1056th ) 1077
pl kargul (1159th ) 152
pt Kurogane (175th ) 485
ru Lucifer (118th ) 42
gb Ooper (29th ) 1123
gb shmoo (575th ) 834
nl T-SM (1431st ) 26
us uranus (663rd ) 616
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (853rd ) 196
gb Warner (537th ) 16
de wpxc (1647th ) 1280
ru x4.`unreal (8th ) 186
be 3ff! (1064th ) 63
at 432 (779th ) 1
it AaAAaAaaa (931st ) 18
cl ANTIWOKE_Beers (1032nd ) 203
es bartolillo666 (2395th ) 2
se Broder_Tuhk (1521st ) 100
nl El_Pudiente (1499th ) 84
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 28
pl Ev][L (1056th ) 66
pl kargul (1159th ) 14
pt Kurogane (175th ) 79
ru Lucifer (118th ) 10
gb Ooper (29th ) 380
gb shmoo (575th ) 71
nl T-SM (1431st )
us uranus (663rd ) 65
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (853rd ) 11
gb Warner (537th )
de wpxc (1647th ) 79
ru x4.`unreal (8th ) 63
be 3ff! (1064th ) 79531
at 432 (779th ) 1500
it AaAAaAaaa (931st ) 27000
cl ANTIWOKE_Beers (1032nd ) 300461
es bartolillo666 (2395th ) 1539
se Broder_Tuhk (1521st ) 151500
nl El_Pudiente (1499th ) 113687
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 41266
pl Ev][L (1056th ) 75128
pl kargul (1159th ) 17132
pt Kurogane (175th ) 114996
ru Lucifer (118th ) 15000
gb Ooper (29th ) 560917
gb shmoo (575th ) 90270
nl T-SM (1431st )
us uranus (663rd ) 89510
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (853rd ) 13731
gb Warner (537th )
de wpxc (1647th ) 100689
ru x4.`unreal (8th ) 94500
be 3ff! (1064th ) 7.96
at 432 (779th ) 4.76
it AaAAaAaaa (931st ) 31.58
cl ANTIWOKE_Beers (1032nd ) 19.39
es bartolillo666 (2395th ) 2.82
se Broder_Tuhk (1521st ) 15.80
nl El_Pudiente (1499th ) 9.19
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 10.33
pl Ev][L (1056th ) 6.13
pl kargul (1159th ) 9.21
pt Kurogane (175th ) 16.29
ru Lucifer (118th ) 23.81
gb Ooper (29th ) 33.84
gb shmoo (575th ) 8.51
nl T-SM (1431st )
us uranus (663rd ) 10.55
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (853rd ) 5.61
gb Warner (537th )
de wpxc (1647th ) 6.17
ru x4.`unreal (8th ) 33.87

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
be 3ff! (1064th ) 5 1 3 1
at 432 (779th )
it AaAAaAaaa (931st ) 2 1 2 1
cl ANTIWOKE_Beers (1032nd ) 24 15 6 2 9
es bartolillo666 (2395th )
se Broder_Tuhk (1521st ) 13 4 1 1 5
nl El_Pudiente (1499th ) 9 2 1 2 2
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 6
pl Ev][L (1056th ) 9 3 1
pl kargul (1159th ) 1
pt Kurogane (175th ) 10 5 2 4 4 3
ru Lucifer (118th ) 3 1 1
gb Ooper (29th ) Yes 26 26 16 23 27 5
gb shmoo (575th ) 13 1 1 3
nl T-SM (1431st )
us uranus (663rd ) 11 3 2 4
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (853rd ) 4 1 1
gb Warner (537th ) 3 2 2
de wpxc (1647th ) 13 1 3
ru x4.`unreal (8th ) 8 5 2 3 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
be 3ff! (1064th ) 22 3
at 432 (779th ) 2 1
it AaAAaAaaa (931st ) 0 0
cl ANTIWOKE_Beers (1032nd ) 3 0
es bartolillo666 (2395th ) 0 0
se Broder_Tuhk (1521st ) 0 0
nl El_Pudiente (1499th ) 3 2
ma Enraged_Newb (880th ) 1 0
pl Ev][L (1056th ) 21 4
pl kargul (1159th ) 10 0
pt Kurogane (175th ) 36 15
ru Lucifer (118th ) 0 0
gb Ooper (29th ) 19 9
gb shmoo (575th ) 40 3
nl T-SM (1431st ) 1 1
us uranus (663rd ) 20 3
br Virgem_fdp_de_40_ano (853rd ) 10 0
gb Warner (537th ) 17 0
de wpxc (1647th ) 0 0
ru x4.`unreal (8th ) 0 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format